Wednesday 10 October 2012

Why? Just... why?

G'day again.
I'm double-posting today as I spotted this whilst writing up the example code for the previous article.

Thanks to the Maori days of the week having a macron over some of the As, I need to give the ColdFusion compiler a bit of a nudge to explain to it to treat the source code file as UTF-8, not the default of [whatever it is]. It's a bit sh!t that one still needs to do this in the 21st Century, given even NotePad.exe can determine the encoding scheme of a file without being explicitly told, but such is the ways of ColdFusion (view for this bug please: 3342141!).

Anyway, I need that <cfprocessingdirective> tag in there. Breaking my nice script-only code. Suck:

<cfprocessingdirective pageEncoding= "UTF-8">
    daysOfTheWeek = queryNew(
        "Integer,Varchar,Varchar" ,
        // etc

But wait! On the weekend I was reading up the docs for how something else was implemented for CFScript compatibility, and I came across this:

Specifying page encoding

You can specify the character encoding of a component by specifying a pageencoding processing directive at the top of the component body. You can specify the pageencoding directive only for components. The following code snippet shows how to use the directive:

// this is a component

// this is a component 
*@hint "this is a hint for component" 
component displayname="My Component" { 
    pageencoding "Cp1252" ; 
    // The rest of the component definition goes here. 

So when looking at this I spotted the yellow bit, but I only just now spotted the orange bit.

The orange bit is what's causing me to shake my head in disbelief.

I was knocking out my example code for this morning's example, and had this:

    pageEncoding "UTF-8";
    daysOfTheWeek = queryNew(
        "Integer,Varchar,Varchar" ,
        // etc

And this breaks.  And now I have seen the orange warning, I understand why.

But steady on here.   I choose my words very carefully with my reaction to this.  Here are the words I've chosen:


Why on Earth would they implement the pageEncoding directive only for CFCs?  What was the thinking there?  So, what, we've now got special statements that only work within a CFC?  That's lunacy.  And surely it's actually more work to make it only work in a CFC than it is to have it just work?

So... yeah.  I've raised 3344090 to get this sorted out.

That really bites.
