Showing posts with label JUnit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JUnit. Show all posts

Friday 14 October 2022

Kotlin / JUnit5: making a test conditional based on a custom condition


I sat down to continue my "next" blog article, which will be about delegated properties in Kotlin (will cross link here once it's done), and as a first step I ran my tests to remind myself where I got to.

To my dismay I saw a bunch of failing tests. This in itself is OK as I am half-way through doing something, but the tsts that were failing were the ones for a different article: "Kotlin / TDD: writing the tests for a small web service". I slapped my forehead on this because obviously they would fail because I don't have that web service running ATM. And that's legit, so I needed to be able to conditionalise (is that a word? Is now I guess) those tests based on whether the web service is up.

I have previously looked at conditionalising tests in both Kotest ("Kotlin / Gradle / Kotest random exploration"), and then JUnit ("Kotlin: looking at JUnit instead of Kotest"), but in the case of the JUnit ones, they were all "canned" conditions, eg: @EnabledOnOs(OS.LINUX). In this case, I need to base the conditionality on my own logic.

Some quick googling landed me on the ever-helpful Baeldung site, with JUnit 5 Conditional Test Execution with Annotations › 6.2. Conditions. That said, I didn't find that article very helpful, and their examples were writing JS (yes: JS in a Java test; using Nashorn) in a string which seemed like a shit way of doing things to me, and I "knew" there must be a better way. I looked directly at the JUnit5 docs and found what I wanted: JUnit 5 User Guide › 2.8.6. Custom Conditions, their example was this:

void enabled() {
    // ...

void disabled() {
    // ...

boolean customCondition() {
    return true;

I can work with that. I set about writing an isUp function to call on my tests. I did TDD the behaviour of Ktor's HttpClient when getting no response from the server, along these lines:

fun `it throws an exception if the web service can't be reached`() {
    shouldThrow<ConnectException> {
        runBlocking {
            HttpClient().use { client ->
    }.message shouldStartWith "Connection refused"

But this did not make the cut for my final code as it was a bit tricky to test the function that I use to conditionally enable the tests based on its own response (if you see what I mean: it's a bit self-referential). So only partial TDD on this I guess. Oops.

The final version of the isUp function was this:

fun isUp(): Boolean {
    return try {
        runBlocking {
            HttpClient().use { client ->
    } catch (e: ConnectException) {

I still love how a try/catch is an expression in Kotlin, so I can return it.

I had to horse around a bit when it came to actually using it in the annotation though. Unlike the examples in the docs, I did not want to make just a test method conditional, I wanted the whole class to be conditional, eg:

@DisplayName("Tests of WebService class")
internal class WebServiceTest {

That's fine. But I had the function inside WebServiceTest, and the annotation could not find it:

Failed to evaluate condition [org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.EnabledIfCondition]: Cannot invoke non-static method [public final boolean junit.practical.WebServiceTest.isUp()] on a null target.

I don't really know what "on a null target" means here, but clearly I could not use a object method here. I thought it might be OK if I hauled the function out of the class and had it at the top level, but then it lost access to webServiceBaseUrl and I didn't want to repeat the URL in two places, so… noticed the error said non-static method, and so decided to sling the thing into a companion object (see "Kotlin: there's no such thing as static, apparently") of WebServiceTest:

internal class WebServiceTest {

    private val webserviceUrl = webServiceBaseUrl + "numbers/"

    data class SerializableNumber(val id: Int, val en: String, val mi: String)

    companion object {
        const val webServiceBaseUrl = "http://localhost:8080/"
        fun isUp(): Boolean {
            return try {
                runBlocking {
                    HttpClient().use { client ->
            } catch (e: ConnectException) {
	// …

And that worked fine. Note the @JvmStatic there. Just having the companion object works fine for Kotlin code, but I guess something to do with how the JUnit code is run requires that annotation to make the method seem static from Java's perspective too.

When I have the web service running:

And when it's off:

Compared to before:


Time for a break, and then I'll get back to that delegated properties article. The code for this is on GitHub @ WebServiceTest.kt.



Wednesday 5 October 2022

Data-driven tests in JUnit and Kotest (and starting with TestBox & PHPUnit)


One thing I did not look at in any of my examinations of Kotest, and then JUnit5 was how to have data-driven tests in each platform. I'm going to start with how I'd've historically approached this task in a coupla frameworks I've used in the past.


This is so easy to do in CFML I have not bothered to find out if TestBox has a native / idiomatic way of doing this.

describe("some tests", () => {

    numbers = {
        "one" = "tahi",
        "two" = "rua",
        "three" = "toru",
        "four" = "wha"

    testCases = [
        {input="one", expected="tahi"},
        {input="two", expected="rua"},
        {input="three", expected="toru"},
        {input="four", expected="wha"}

    testCases.each((testCase) => {
        it("should return #testCase.expected# when passed #testCase.input#", () => {

I loop over an array of cases, calling it with each variant.


PHPUnit has a slightly clunkier approach, but gets there:

class DataProviderTest extends TestCase

    public function setUp() : void
        $this->numbers = [
            "one" => "tahi",
            "two" => "rua",
            "three" => "toru",
            "four" => "wha"

    /** @dataProvider provideCasesForNumberMapperTests */
    public function testNumberMapper($input, $expected)
        $this->assertEquals($this->numbers[$input], $expected);

    public function provideCasesForNumberMapperTests()
        return [
            ["input" => "one", "expected" => "tahi"],
            ["input" => "two", "expected" => "rua"],
            ["input" => "three", "expected" => "toru"],
            ["input" => "four", "expected" => "wha"]

Same principle, except the iteration over the test cases specified in the data provider is handled internally by PHPUnit.

As an aside, I am pretty pleased with a small addition to the test output that PHPUnt has at the moment:

adam@DESKTOP-QV1A45U:/mnt/c/temp/phpunit_test$ vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUnit 9.5.25 #StandWithUkraine

....                                                                4 / 4 (100%)

Time: 00:00.100, Memory: 6.00 MB

OK (4 tests, 4 assertions)

Kotest (Data Driven Testing)

Kotest is better than PHPUnit, but isn't as straight-forward as TestBox:

class DataDrivenTest : DescribeSpec({
    describe("Data-driven tests") {
        val numbers = mapOf(
            Pair("one", "tahi"),
            Pair("two", "rua"),
            Pair("three", "toru"),
            Pair("four", "wha")

        data class TestCase(val input: String, val expected: String)
            TestCase("one", "tahi"),
            TestCase("two", "rua"),
            TestCase("three", "toru"),
            TestCase("four", "wha")
        ) { (input, expected) -> numbers[input] shouldBe expected }

It's pretty compact though. Here we need to add that data class (I have not looked at the difference between a "data class" and a "class that just has properties" yet: I had better). The iteration over the test data is intrinsic to the withData function, which takes a lambda that receives the test data unpacked as separate values, and is the actual test.

When these are run, they show as individual cases in the runner output (ie: within IntelliJ):

And in the HTML test report:

That's pretty clear.

JUnit (JUnit 5 User Guide › 2.18. Dynamic Tests)

This is pretty easy too (I was expecting some clunky Java-esque monster here, but no):

class DataDrivenTest {

    private val numbers = mapOf(
        Pair("one", "tahi"),
        Pair("two", "rua"),
        Pair("three", "toru"),
        Pair("four", "wha")

    fun `Data-driven tests`() = listOf(
        "one" to "tahi",
        "two" to "rua",
        "three" to "toru",
        "four" to "wha"
    ).map { (input, expected) ->
        DynamicTest.dynamicTest("numbers[$input] should be $expected") {
            numbers[input] shouldBe expected

This is pretty similar to TestBox really. One needs that @TestFactory annotation to identify the function as - pretty much - a data provider, then one maps that as dynamicTest calls, which take a label and the lambda for the test (both of which have the data availed to them).

The test output is a bit clearer in this case, as we get to specify the specific test case label.

In IntelliJ:

And HTML test report:

All in all I'm pretty happy with both approaches here - Kotest's and JUnit's. I have to say I think I prefer the JUnit approach in this case. There's not much in it, that said.

The code from this article is at /src/test/kotlin/kotest/system/kotest/DataDrivenTest.kt and /src/test/kotlin/junit/system/junit/DataDrivenTest.kt. I have to concede I did not bother to save the CFML or PHP code. Ooops.



Sunday 25 September 2022

Kotlin: looking at JUnit instead of Kotest


In the rest of my Kotlin articles thusfar I've been using Kotest for my testing. I went that direction instead of JUnit as the mindset behind xUnit style tests always seems to steer one towards writing tests of the code, rather than writing test cases for features. I think the RSpec-style better helps one focus on features when describing what the test case implementation will be when one starts with a descriptive statement rather than a method name. Plus the test output is a lot more user-friendly seeing the test case descriptions rather than test method names. Another area that RSpec-style beats xUnit hands-down when it comes to code organisation, given one can categorise one's tests within a test file via nested describe blocks. Lastly I think the "expectation" style of testing values - eg: expect(actual).toBe(expected) or actual shouldBe expected - is easier to read and more logical than assertEquals(expected, actual). That assertEquals approach is how Yoda would write an expectation, not a human.

However JUnit is the baseline testing framework for Java (and by extension Kotlin) so I'm gonna have a look at it to see how it shapes up. I've got some confirmation bias going on with my opinions here, I freely admit this. But I should sideline those when making the call as to which testing framework we should use for my day job.

First test / config

I'm following along "Test code using JUnit in JVM – tutorial", although my target here is to re-implement the Kotest tests I have so far in JUnit. But I figure there's be some config stuff I'll need to do upfront, and the tutorial will guide me through that.

There's a dependency and a task to add in my build.gradle.kts file, but I already have those in place via my Kotest installation:

// ...
dependencies {

tasks.withType<Test>().configureEach {

(I've just noticed that Kotest uses the JUnit5 test runner already).

There's some JUnit support baked-in to IntelliJ (of course there is), so to create a test, apparently all I need to do is to select a method › right-click › Generate › Test… and IntelliJ will sort it out for me:

Apparently I have to install that JUnit5 library… I wonder how that differs from the dependency I have in the build file already? Let's press it and find out…

… it's also added these two dependencies now:

dependencies {

Looks like that's just JUnit5 internal housekeeping. Okey doke.

OK, I've renamed the suggested test class from MainKtTest to MainTest, and told it to go in the junit package in my app (so in src/test/kotlin/junit/MainTest.kt). Letting this run lands me with this skeleton:

package junit

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*

internal class MainTest {

    fun main() {

It got the name of the test method wrong, but that's an easy fix (ie: it should be testMain) I sling a failing test into that to make sure the runner does it's thing properly:

fun testMain() {
org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: expected: <true> but was: <false>
	at app//
	at app//org.junit.jupiter.api.AssertTrue.assertTrue(
	at app//org.junit.jupiter.api.AssertTrue.assertTrue(
	at app//org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue(
	at app//junit.MainTest.testMain(MainTest.kt:11)  

All good. I wonder if I can right-click the top level of the test dir and run all tests: Kotest and JUnit ones:

 Test Results
         Tests of Main class
             outputs G'day World & its args
             works OK with no args

Cool! Yes it will.

OK, now to re-implement those two tests I need on main:

package junit

import com.github.stefanbirkner.systemlambda.SystemLambda
import main
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName

@DisplayName("Tests of Main class")
internal class MainTest {

    val EOL = System.lineSeparator()

    @DisplayName("it outputs G'day World & its args")
    fun testMainOutputsCorrectly() {
        val testArgs = arrayOf("some arg", "some other arg")
        val output = SystemLambda.tapSystemOut {
        assertEquals("G'day World!${EOL}Program arguments: some arg, some other arg", output.trim())

    fun `works OK with no args`() {
        val testArgs = arrayOf<String>()
        val output = SystemLambda.tapSystemOut {
        assertEquals("G'day World!${EOL}Program arguments:", output.trim())

I'm pleased with this, and a couple of my confirmation-bias-based concerns have been mitigated already:

When I run these tests, the output is pretty much on-point for what I want to see:

 Test Results
     Tests of Main class
         it outputs G'day World & its args
         it works OK with no args()

Second challenge solved: hierarchical tests

In my intro, one of the challenges I predicted xUnit tests would have compared to RSpec style ones is the lack of hierarchical organisation in xUnit tests. I have become used to this sort of thing (implementation code elided for brevity):

class SystemTest : DescribeSpec({
    describe("Tests of kotest installation") {
        it("should return the size of a string") {
            // …
        it("should test for the prefix of a string") {
            // …
    describe("tests of system-lambda") {
        it("checks system-lambda is working OK") {
            // …

Here I have two distinct sets of tests in the one test class. This aids code organisation, as well as making the output easier to deal with:

 Test Results
         Tests of kotest installation
             should return the size of a string
             should test for the prefix of a string
         tests of system-lambda
             checks system-lambda is working OK

Last time I checked xUnit, this wasn't a thing. But I'm pleased to discover it is a thing with JUnit5:

class SystemTest {

    @DisplayName("Tests of JUnit installation")
    inner class JUnitInstallationTest {
        fun `the length of the string should be 5`() {
            assertEquals(5, "hello".length)

        fun `the string should start with "wor"`() {

    @DisplayName("Tests of system-lambda")
    inner class SystemLambdaTest {
        fun `system-lambda should be able to capture stdout`() {
            val testString = "string to capture"
            val output = SystemLambda.tapSystemOut {
            assertEquals(testString, output)
 Test Results
         Tests of JUnit installation
             the length of the string should be 5()
             the string should start with "wor"()
         Tests of system-lambda
             system-lambda should be able to capture stdout()

This is all down to that @nested annotation, and nesting classes.

There's actually a win specifically for JUnit here too. Using the it syntax with RSpec-style tests, the pedant in me always tries to make a grammatically-correct sentence out of the function call, eg:

it("is a grammatically correct sentence that describes the test case", () => {}))

This often works well. But sometimes it's just daft to wangle a correct-sounding test description starting with "it". As the JUnit descriptions or back-ticked method names have no constraint that the case description "must" start with it, I can actually use better test case labels here. Cool. This is minor, and down to me being a pedant I know. But still: I like it.

One thing to note about that though: I get a warning on the `the string should start with "wor"` test:

w: […]/src/test/kotlin/junit/system/SystemTest.kt: (20, 13): Name contains characters which can cause problems on Windows: "

So I better keep an eye on that. The test did run though (on both Windows and Linux).

Third challenge: conditional tests

Kotest can do this sort of thing:

it ("only runs on linux").config(enabled = SystemUtils.IS_OS_LINUX) {
    SystemUtils.IS_OS_LINUX shouldBe true

That test only runs when the OS is Linux. I needed to do this as I had a test that needed to deal with OS-specific line-endings (Linux: LF; Windows: CRLF). How to do this in JUnit? Excuse me whilst I google etc.…

[five minutes pass]

…OK, it's pretty easy, just use @EnabledOnOs:

@DisplayName("The test is only executed on Linux")
fun testOnLinux() {

On Linux:

On Windows:

Random things

There's a few wee things that don't warrant much discussion, but they're stuff I tested in Kotest so wanna make sure I can do the same thing with JUnit.

fail and assertThrows<AssertionError>

fun `It has a fail method and its exception can be caught and asserted against`() {
    val exception = assertThrows<AssertionError> {
        fail("This is a failure")
    assertEquals("This is a failure", exception.message)

Messages on assertions

These are done with clues in Kotest:

withClue("this is the clue") {
    fail("this is a failure message")

And with the message argument on the assertion with JUnit:

fun `A message can be supplied with the assertion to make failures clearer`() {
    val exception = assertThrows<AssertionError> {
        assertEquals(1, 2, "the two numbers should be equal")
    assertEquals("the two numbers should be equal ==> expected: <1> but was: <2>", exception.message)


I had a brain fart with one of my Kotest tests and was gonna test one thing, but then tested something different. So let's not worry about the Kotest version of this. But what I was wanting to do is to pass a list of inputs to a test and have the test run for each of them. Easy with JUnit:

fun testPrimeFactorsOf210() = listOf(2, 3, 5, 7).map {
    DynamicTest.dynamicTest("Dividing by $it") {
        assertEquals(0, 210 % it)
     Dividing by 2
     Dividing by 3
     Dividing by 5
     Dividing by 7

Grouping multiple assertions with assertAll

This is the equivalent of Kotest's Soft assertions:

describe("Soft assertions") {
    it("can use soft assertions to let multiple assertions fail and report back on all of them") {
        val actual :Int = 15

        try {
            assertSoftly {
                withClue("should be 15.0") {
                actual shouldBe 15
                actual shouldBe 16
        } catch (e :MultiAssertionError) {
            assertSoftly(e.message) {
                shouldContain("1) 15 should be of type kotlin.Number")
                shouldContain("2) should be 15.0")
                shouldContain("expected:<true> but was:<false>")
                shouldContain("3) expected:<16> but was:<15>")

JUnit version:

fun `It can use soft assertions to let multiple assertions fail and report back on all of them`() {
    val actual: Int = 15
    val exception = assertThrows<AssertionError> {
            { assertEquals(Number::class, actual::class) },
            { assertEquals(15.0, actual) },
            { assertEquals(15, actual) }, // this one is OK
            { assertEquals(16, actual) }
    assertTrue(exception.message!!.contains("expected: <class kotlin.Number> but was: <class kotlin.Int>"))
    assertTrue(exception.message!!.contains("expected: <15.0> but was: <15>"))
    assertTrue(exception.message!!.contains("expected: <16> but was: <15>"))

I'm gonna pause things here. I've got other stuff to do this afternoon, plus I'm happy that JUnit5 meets the organisation requirements I expect from a testing framework at this point. I'm not so happy with its native assertions library as they seem pretty limited, and I still think the assertEquals(expected, actual) approach to things is clunky. The next thing I need to look at is options for extending the assertion suite, and I have already seen there's a coupla options. I reckon that will be an article to itself, though.

The code for this lot is up on GitHub @ /src/test/kotlin/junit.

