Monday 16 September 2013

ColdFusion 10 docs are under Creative Commons licensing

This is just a follow-up to my weekend's article regarding the "archiving" of ColdFusion documentation. At the time I had a query regarding who the CF10 docs are licensed. The CF9 ones are cleared labelled as being under a Creative Commons licence (bottom left of each page), as per this example from the <cfabort> docs page:

Today Frank Jennings from Adobe contacted me, with the following information:

On Twitter:

On my blog:

Guys, I am Frank Jennings from Adobe. All ColdFusion documents are designed to be covered by the CC license that
allows any community member to share with attribution (without resale). This licensing model is not any different for the CF10 documents. I will ensure that we have the CC logo for the CF 10 docs too.

We have started redirecting requests from to, our new doc platform for CF 10 docs. You should ideally go to for scrapping..err..reading the latest CF docs. This is a one-time change and I don't see the scrappers breaking again!
So that's all good news, and thanks to Frank for getting back to me so quick on this.
