Showing posts with label Lucee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lucee. Show all posts

Saturday 30 January 2016

CFML (or probably LuceeLang) and what constitutes "The Truth"

This all stems from a Jira ticket for Lucee: "Redefining truthy and falsey values (LDEV-449)". The way the ticket is worded means it's not convenient to copy and paste a chunk of its detail to explain the gist of it, so I'll reiterate.

At the moment CFML relies on type coercion rules determine which values are valid to be used where boolean values are expected. Obviously at the base of things boolean values are true or false. But because CFML is loosely and dynamically typed, one doesn't need to simply use actual booleans in boolean expressions. The following value for other types will also coerce to boolean when called for:

TypeValueCoerces to
String"true" (as opposed to true, which is a keyword, and fundamentally boolean already)true

There are other coercions that will feed into these, for example strings with numeric values - eg: "42" (as opposed to just 42) - will happily coerce into a numeric, then from there to a boolean.

What this ticket is about is extending this to have a notion of "truthy" and "falsy" for other values and other data types. This notion stems from Groovy (and perhaps other languages) which is pretty liberal with what it will consider truthy or falsy. These terms "truthy" and "falsy" denote the values are not actually boolean, but will pass / fail a boolean check.

Here's a quick demo, which is fairly self-explanatory:

print "populated string: "
println " " ? "truthy" : "falsy" 

print "empty string: "
println "" ? "truthy" : "falsy" 
println "============="

print "non-zero: "
println (-1 ? "truthy" : "falsy") 

print "zero: "
println 0 ? "truthy" : "falsy" 
println "============="

print "populated collection: "
println([null] ? "truthy" : "falsy") 

print "empty collection: "
println([] ? "truthy" : "falsy") 
println "============="

print "populated map: "
println([key:""] ? "truthy" : "falsy") 

print "empty map: "
println([:] ? "truthy" : "falsy")
println "============="

class Test{
    String value
        this.value = value
    boolean asBoolean(){
        return (value == "truthy")

print "truthy object: "
println new Test("truthy") ? "truthy" : "falsy" 

print "falsy object: "
println new Test("anything else") ? "truthy" : "falsy" 
println "============="

And the output:

>groovy truthy.groovy
populated string: truthy
empty string: falsy
non-zero: truthy
zero: falsy
populated collection: truthy
empty collection: falsy
populated map: truthy
empty map: falsy
truthy object: truthy
falsy object: falsy


So all the common data types, and indeed custom data types have a sense of truthiness (and, by inversion: falsiness).

This is the gist of the ticket. Basically... checking for emptiness in an object (irrespective of what the definition of "empty" is), is a very very common requirement, and this truthiness concept just gives the ability to abbreviate that via some synatactic sugar and an agreed-on method of identifying what it is to be empty, and fielding that as a boolean: empty is "falsy", and not-empty is "truthy".

I think it's a good idea.

There's been some kick-back on it by people who don't seem to understand the concept of "syntactic sugar" and simply "don't get" the ticket. I'll leave it to you to read their comments and form your own opinion.

Now, as for implementation, I think there is a critical step here, as suggested by that Groovy code. LAS need to implement this as an interface, for both Java and LuceeLang. See how the demo class I have there implements an asBoolean() method:

boolean asBoolean(){
    return (value == "truthy")

Any class that implements that method can then have its objects used in boolean expressions. Basically they need to implement something like a BooleanBehaviour interface. Obviously my class there doesn't implement any interfaces, but I have not got far enough into Groovy to know whether interface implementation is just fulfilled by behaviour, rather than by contract (like it is in CFML).

I think it's essential for Lucee's implemention of this to follow an approach like this. Not just to bung some behaviour in to allow its current types to magically behave like booleans, but implement it in a formal fashion. And also expose the same interface to both Lucee users' .lucee code, but Java code too.

The current ticket seems to be asking for this for Lucee's CFML implementation, but I think this is a mistake because some of the CFML's implementation's automatic coercion to boolean conflicts with the "truthy" approach. Most notably a string "0" in CFML is false, because it will be converted to a numeric, and 0 is false. But using sensible "truthy" behaviour for strings... "" is false, and any other string is true. It makes little sense (and violates POLA,  IMO) to have "" and "0" as false, and [any other string] be true. It would just make CFML look like it "didn't quite get it" when it implemented this feature.

Also note that Brad's narrative mentions toBoolean(), whereas Groovy's handling is asBoolean(). This might seem like a semantic difference, but I think it requires closer examination. Groovy has both toBoolean() and asBoolean(); and it looks like C# does too. Best LAS get this one right. At least understand the differences (which I don't, I have to say), before deciding how to approach.

Sorry this article isn't so interesting. I started to percolate away at it during the week and reckon I got enough content for an article, but never really achieved any real nuance to it. Still: for something that started as a Jira comment I guess it's all right.

Back to me Guinness...


Sunday 24 January 2016

Lucee 5: Platform modularity in CFML

I had a long (and often protracted) conversation with Denny - who seems to do some work on the Lucee project, but I really don't quite get where he fits into things - and later in the piece Geoff, who we all know as Daemon's representative on the LAS "board", currently holding the role of President. The topic was "WTF is OSGi, what does it mean to Lucee, why the hell is causing such delays in Lucee 5's release and why do I - as a CFML developer - care?". It wasn't a formal topic, but it just happened to be what we were yapping about.

It was a very frustrating conversation at times because Denny - nice bloke that he is - doesn't seem to be able to empathise with other people: everything he says is always positioned from his own perspective, and he struggles to "get" that other people have different perspectives which are not the same as his. So the conversation always crept back to how it would benefit him, or someone identical to him. Irrelevant.

Geoff came along later in the piece and made a lot more sense.

Sean came in at the very end and had his own commentary to make, most of which was over night for my perspective so I've just caught up with it now.

The challenge here is it's easy to "get" what OSGi is all about... and as one researches I think even more questions about it - especially in the context of Lucee - arise, but... yeah... bottom line it compartmentalises packages so they can have different dependencies, which has been a bit of a blight in the Java world in the past. OSGi is one of the ways to work around that. I am taking a very high level position on this cos I ain't a Java dev, don't want to be one, and dependency management is all a bit yawn-inducing. It's an important consideration, sure, but not terribly interesting. But we all get it, yeah? Say Lucee's using one module that requires SomeDependency v1.0.0; for my code, I need to use SomeDependency v1.2.0 because it introduces a new feature I want to leverage. This is currently a bit of a challenge given the way the JVM loads its libraries: one can have version v1.0.0 of SomeDependency, or v1.2.0, but not both. And what if something in 1.2.0 happens to break something Lucee needs? Splat. There are ways around all this, but they're not streamlined. Oh... and the way OSGi manages modules means they can be (un)loaded on the fly. Yep... lovely... impacts almost no-one in the course of their day-to-day work.

Lucee 5 is being rewritten to follow / implement the OSGi specification, which will solve all this. Lovely. It's not - on the face of it - hugely exciting for most CFML developers. Most CFML developers don't use Java modules, and even ones like me who do occasionally... this version clash situation has simply never been much of a problem. Obviously it'll be more of a problem for people who do this stuff more often, but that is not most Lucee users. So I've always been asking "why do I care about this in the context of Lucee? Who's the target audience? How big is the target audience? Is it really worth all these bloody delays with Lucee 5 to accommodate a very niche audience?" Up until last night I never got a satisfactory explanation, and it really just seemed like something Micha decided to do because Micha felt like doing it. Or maybe an self-indulgence so that it can be claimed Lucee is OSGi compliant, even if it's mostly an unhelpful exercise to almost all users of Lucee. None of the messaging from LAS justified the effort to me. They don't need to justify themselves to me, sure, but I'm part of the community, and I'm sure I'm not the only person wondering.

And then Geoff explained it: modularisation of the platform.

You know how for years we've been asking Adobe to modularise ColdFusion? Obviously the same applies to Lucee, except in a smaller way. ColdFusion's got a huge footprint, most of which one doesn't need most of the time, so why should one need to install it? Lucee's footprint is much smaller, but the same still applies.

That's interesting-ish in itself, but it has a very compelling knock-on effect. If everything is a module, then enhancements and bugfixes become a lot easier to deal with. One can mess around within the scope of the module's codebase, and provided one doesn't do anything daft, it won't impact the outside world (it needs to maintain its touchpoints to the outside world, obviously: its API). This means the testing and footprint for work on a given module is much smaller. And it makes the job just... easier. And whre things are easier, things progress faster, and more smoothly.

It will also mean that organisations that like to stay up to date and can implement changes expediently can do so. And it means that organisations which need to move more slowly with such things can probably round out their checks and balances a lot faster. It's less bureaucratic overhead to say "we're updating Lucee's PDF module" than it is to say "we're updating our Lucee installation". This in turn means that there doesn't need to be as much hesitation on the part of LAS if they do want to make breaking changes to modules... organisations who aren't ready for the breaking changes don't need to implement them. This means there can be a more dynamic attitude to moving things forward, as the "no person left behind" idea isn't so entrenched in whatever work is done. This goes back to Adobe's glacial approach to doing anything: the whole system is implemented and released as one huge blob, and everything has backwards compatibility issues, and even the smallest backwards compat challenge in one distant corner of the ColdFusion system will prevent the rest of it moving forward at a pace appropriate to 2016.


Another good example where this sort of thing pays off is detailed in Mary Jo's comment below: she needed to run an up-to-date version of Solr cos CF's one is so woefully out of date, but it wasn't really doable on CF due to its monolithic approach to packaging, and dependency spaghetti. This sort of thing will be much easier with Lucee 5 (not that they'd be so slack at keeping their libs up to date anyhow, but you know what I mean).

This is bloody great news for Lucee. I'm quite sure why they're not messaging it this way. Here's what they say about the OSGI work on their website (this is the page promoting it):


Lucee 5 is completely OSGi based, OSGi is the defacto standard in most Java enterprise environments, to manage bundles (jar libraries) used by the environment.

This means all libraries used are managed by Lucee itself as OSGi bundles, but this does not end with 3rd party libraries. Lucee handles it's own core as an OSGi bundle, Lucee archives (.lar files) and even our Java based extensions are all OSGi based.

So Lucee 5 is an OSGi engine that manages all libraries used.

What is the benefit?

OSGi is a framework used in most major enterprise environments, it is well tested and stable.

OSGi allows for the running of different versions of the same library at the same time. Lucee for example is not using internally the latest version of the HSQLDB data source, but this does not stop you from using whichever version of this data source you like. OSGi allows you to use whichever version of a library you like, independent of what version of the same library Lucee itself is using or any other applications in the same environment.

We can update every library Lucee is using at any time without issue and without the need to restart the JVM. This means that Lucee patches can include updated libraries, making Lucee a lot more flexible than it was in the past.

Can I benefit from OSGi somehow?

Yes you can, Lucee 5.0 also comes with some new build in functions to use OSGi features directly.

Today you use createObject('java',"my.class.Path") to create Java Objects, but with the power of OSGi under the hood we can do more!

Lucee 5 introduces the function javaProxy() to load Java objects, this functions interface is optimized to OSGi, so you can do something like this:

dtf=javaProxy("org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat", "org-joda-time", "2.1.0");

The function syntax is:
javaProxy(string className [, string bundleName, string bundleVersion]);

Only the class name is required all other arguments are optional. Lucee will also download the bundles from the update provider automatically if they are not available locally.

The Lucee update provider already provides a wide range of bundles in various versions and this will be added to continuously overtime.

You can therefore load a certain class in a specific version, even, for example, if the Lucee core is using the same class with a different version.

OSGi is the biggest change in the Lucee 5.0 release that brings Lucee to a completely new level. Whilst it maybe not a dazzling new feature, it is a necessary one for an engine to be used in the enterprise segment.

Zzzzzzzzz. Oh sorry, you got to the end of that did you? Well done. I mean one can perhaps infer the bigger picture there if one takes the time, but - even as a reasonable adept technical person - I read that, my eyes glaze over, and I'm going "so the f*** what?". Sorry, but I am.

But if one frames it in the context of real world CFML devs/admins, dispense with the buzzwords and start it with "we've listened to the community and Lucee 5's platform is now completely modular [etc]", then you would have kept my interest all along.

I think the issue is that these docs are written by people so far up the Jefferies Tubes of Lucee they have lost sight of the fact they're not the core audience of Lucee. This was where I was struggling with Denny last night, and where I struggle in general with a bunch of the messaging from Lucee. In short, I guess, the technical people shouldn't be writing it or presenting it.

Now Geoff didsay he pointed out all this at the keynote of Dev.Objective(), and - yeah - he's the sort of person to understand how to message these things, but a presentation at Dev.Objective() is no use to most people, because most people weren't there. And to message didn't seem to trickle back out anyhow, so I wonder if it hit home anyway?

I really think this is a potentially excellent feature of Lucee, but not in the way they are currently positioning it. The message should not be about OSGi, it should be about modularity of the Lucee platform, and what immediate benefit it brings to Lucee's CFML community. Not to the few engineers behind the scenes who care about the implementation (we shouldn't need to care about the implementation for one thing), but how it's going to impact my life, as a Lucee CFML developer. It's not that OSGi has anything to do with it. It's that it modularises the platform.

I think there's a better story for LAS to be telling here.

Also in closing: thanks Denny, Geoff and Sean for the interesting discussion last night.

Righto. Time for breakfast and - more importantly - coffee.


Wednesday 23 September 2015

ColdFusion / Lucee: the first two things I do when I find a new CFML site

I just had to email yet another ColdFusion-based website about security holes in their website. Which I found via a Google search result when searching for [something else]. It'll be interesting to see if they do anything about it.

If you run a ColdFusion website, do this:

Or on a Lucee website:

Or on Railo:

If you see anything other than a 404 page, your site is possibly insecure. You must not expose your admin UI to the public.

Then try this:

If you get a CFML error message instead of your web server error page, you are also emitting information about your site you should not be.

Whenever I hear about a CFML website, I check those two things. depressingly often I find them not secure. And note: if you're in the habit of announcing the launch of new CFML-driven websites, make sure you've done this stuff first.

As I have said before: "Don't advertise yourself as a CFML website". Ideally you should not even be exposing URLs which have a .cfm extension, as this is giving away information you should not be giving away. That said, I would not worry too much about that, but definitely do worry about having you CF Administrator exposed.

What you really ought to do whenever you are going to launch a new CFML-driven website is engage Foundeo (disclosure: I have nothing to do with Foundeo, and I am making this recommendation solely because I respect the work they do) to do a security audit for you:  HackMyCF. They'll check all sorts of stuff for you, and make sure you're secure. And you really must do this sort of thing as a matter of course.

Don't leave yourself exposed and become one of those news stories.


Saturday 19 September 2015

The approach to implementing/designing .lucee

I'm reproducing this from a post I made on the Lucee Language Forum. I'm repeating it because... well... I wrote it so I can do with it what I like, plus it'll reach a more diverse audience here, I think. And people should feel free to say what they like in response here, unlike how things will be nannied on the Lucee forum.

The approach to implementing/designing .lucee

Continuing the discussion from "Redux: Rename “component” to “class” in the Lucee dialect":

Dom Watson had said:
Support for using 'class' rather than 'component' seems to be pretty strong, the hiccup here is drawing a more far reaching proposal. Anyone, cough @adam_cameron cough, tenacious enough to flesh out the breadth of what should be changed and wrap it up in a proposal that we could move forward with?

Well here's the thing. I think LAS's entire approach to "planning" and building .lucee is back to front. The approach of starting with CFML, doing a rename, and then bolting stuff on, taking stuff out, changing stuff around is entirely (entirely) the wrong approach. What's been delivered so far is - I'm afraid - a waste of everyone's time: it's just CFML spelt differently. This is of no point or use to anyone, as its basis starts with all the things about CFML which are wrong, out-of-date, only partially realised, etc. With a bunch of stuff that's good, there's no denying that too. But no-one needs a "kinda CFML, kinda not, based on a language designed in the 1990s and shows it". Where's the market for that? Beyond being an outlet for the LAS dev squad's mores to "do their own thing".

Anecdotally, Java looked at C++ and identified an OK basis, but with a lot of hoary bits and set out to create a similar language which was a bit more approachable. C# came along later and did the same thing with Java. However they didn't start with the earlier language, open the hood and start pulling things out, chucking more stuff in, then standing back and declaring some sort of Heath-Robinson-esque mishmash to be what they set out to do. No. The designers actually... well... designed the new language. From the ground up. They allowed the good bits of the earlier language to influence their design decisions, but it was a purposeful ground-up design.

What I think you should be doing is going to the drawing board and wiping it clean. Acknowledge there's a body of good work in the internal libraries of the Lucee CFML implementation, but the language that stuff implemented isn't representative of the direction you think a modern "if we had our time again" language might take.

Revisit core concepts like:

  • what sort of language it ought to be? Is the historically-organically-grown weirdo mishmash of procedural and OO really what you want to be perpetuating?
  • would you want to strengthen the approach to OO that it has (discussions like "component" or "class")
  • what about data types? We've been talking about structs a lot recently, but do they have so much place these days in an OO language, if objects are cheap and easy? Possibly not!
  • should arrays start at one or zero (personally I'm undecided, but I err towards 1)
  • lists? No.
  • tags for everything? Or a much smaller subset of tags for using in views?
  • etc

But plan the thing, plan it in a way that yer happy with, then implement it. Don't build the thing on a platform of sand and weird & poor Allaire/Macromedia/Adobe decisions. Make it your own thing.

Or... just don't bother. Do it properly, or not at all.
What do you think? What's .lucee trying to do? Where's its niche? Does it have a niche?

Right... back to watching Japan being very competitive against South Africa...


Wednesday 26 August 2015

CFML: ways to help or be helped with ColdFusion and Lucee

This article has been inspired by "reports of the death of the House of Fusion CFML forums are not greatly exaggerated". I dunno of anyone has been able to reach whoever represented the human manifestation of HoF, or just the continued radio-silence has been inferred as demise.

Russ from CFMLDeveloper has started a new Google Group to fill the void left by HoF disappearing:

And, indeed here they are @!forum/cfmldeveloper:

Dom Watson also quickly reminded people that there's the #CFML Slack channel too:

If I was being uncharitable, I'd observe that Dom's choice of words there might sound a bit dismissive of Russ's efforts, for some reason. But I'd never be uncharitable.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Lucee: uncontrolled language design demonstrated

My attention was drawn to this this morning via Dom congratulating Geoff at doing a good job improving some of Lucee's docs:

And Dom was right: Geoff's been doing a bunch of thankless donkey work, and Lucee's docs are better for it. However when I looked at Geoff's pull request, I noticed something interesting:


Extracts the minute value from a date/time object.

Returns: number
Usage: Minute( date [, timezone ] )

datedatetime/requireddate object
timezonestring/optionalA datetime object is independent of a specific timezone, it is only a offset in milliseconds from 1970-1-1 00.00:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). This means that the timezone only comes into play when you need specific information like hours in a day, minutes in a hour or which day it is since those calculations depend on the timezone. For these calculations, a timezone must be specified in order to translate the date object to something else.[...]

Before we start, I don't know that this is correct. A CFML datetime object extends java.util.Date amongst other things:

public final class lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl
 extends lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTime
 extends java.util.Date
 extends java.lang.Object
 extends  implements lucee.runtime.type.SimpleValue, lucee.runtime.type.Objects

And a java.util.Date is time zone aware.

This can be borne out by just looking at one of them:


And as my PC's time zone is currently set to NZST, I get this:


Thursday 6 August 2015

CFML: code challenge from the CFML Slack channel

I wasn't gonna write anything today, but then Jessica on Slack (to use her full name) posted a code puzzle on the CFML Slack channel, which I caught whilst I was sardined in a train to Ilford en route home. I nutted out a coupla solutions in my head instead of reading my book, and I saw this as a good opportunity (read: "excuse") to pop down to the local once I got home and squared away a coupla things, and key the code in and see if it worked. I was moderately pleased with the results, and I think I've solved it in an interesting way, so am gonna reproduce here.

Jessica's problem was thus:
so, i am attempting to write a function that lets you set variables specifically in a complex structure [...]
    foo: {
        bar: "hi"
setProperty("", "chicken");
writeDump(cached); // should == = chicken

On the Slack channel there was talk of loops and recursion and that sort of thing, which all sounded fine (other people came up with answers, but I purposely did not look at them lest they influenced my own efforts). The more I work with CFML and its iteration methods (map(), reduce(), etc), the more I think actually having to loop over something seems a bit primitive, and non-descriptive. I looked at this for a few minutes... [furrowed my brow]... and thought "you could reduce that dotted path to a reference to the substruct I reckon". There were a few challenges there - if CFML had proper references it'd be easier - but I got an idea of the code in my head, and it seemed nice and easy.

Whilst waiting to Skype with my boy I wrote my tests:

Lucee: FUD from their own comms channel regarding an urgent security fix

This just presented itself on Twitter:

Initially I couldn't find anything else about it, and other people are asking too.

This is a pretty crap way of announcing a security issue. I'd like to know who is responsible for that Twitter account, as they need a bullet.

What needs to be done is:
  1. Create release notes.
  2. Stick the download on the download site, and via the upgrade channel.
  3. Write a blog article covering the update.
  4. Probably put something on the LAS website too.
  5. Then announce it on the Google Group (they have done this, I note).
  6. Then announce it on Twitter, with links back to one of the above.

Here's the info from the Lucee Google Group:

Security fix and new BER release

There is a new security fix available for Lucee 4.5 on the stable and dev update provider you can install now, as is normal in this type of situation, we will not disclose the issue being addressed so as to protect our current user base, but it is recommended to update as soon as possible.

This security fix is available for our current stable release  ( on the stable release channel and for our BER release ( on the develop release channel.

For a manual installation you can download the core files from here (


So, anyway... comms shortfalls aside... go update your Lucee server.

Oh, and I'll try to find out if it impacts Railo too...



Saturday 11 July 2015

CFML: Are collection iteration methods really significantly slower than looping statements?

I've heard people say a coupla times that one should think twice before using CFML's new collection iteration methods (eg: .each(), .map() etc) should be treated with caution, because they are substantially slower than using looping statements (eg: a for() loop). Now I don't doubt that these iteration methods are doing more work that a loop statement, but I really was skeptical as to whether the difference really matters. I believe on should err towards writing the clearest code first, and worry about performance when it becomes something to worry about. And I not really think that the difference in performance here would be worth worry about, generally. And if there was a significant performance difference: it's more an indication that the language engineers have work to do, rather than simply dismissing a good coding tactic out of hand.

Friday 3 July 2015

Critical Lucee Update (also attn Railo users)

There's a security patch for Lucee released today, and if you're running Lucee 4.5, you really must apply it.


Actually don't do what I say here. LAS have ballsed-up and rolled this critical fix in with a bunch of other fixes, and as a result, I can't confidently say you should automatically apply this fix. The fix they're espousing needs to go through full regression testing on your system, rather than being a quick fix: I know of at least one upgrade that has failed because of this. I'm fucked off about having delivered this message and the having to back out of it, and I am following it up.

Lucee have released a blog article about it: "Lucee Stable Release - Security Update Included", and the executive summary is:

Today Lucee would like to announce the latest 4.5 stable release and point out that this release includes a very important security update, so we are recommending that you update to this release as soon as possible. We are however not releasing details of the security issue at this time for several reasons.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Lucee: Kai raises some very good points re .lucee and LAS's approach to it

[takes a deep breath]. OK, I'm going to try to not be all feisty in at least this article.

Kai Koenig has put a lot of effort into seeking clarification about the .lucee thing, how it should be approach from both LAS's and the community's perspective, and seeking some clarification from LAS as to how they see the development of .lucee as a going concern. The general thrust is one about transparency on the part of LAS, and to encourage them to adopt a more inclusive approach to how they conduct the .lucee side of their work.

It's worth reading if you're interested in .lucee (to any degree), and there's already some feedback from Geoff.

Here it is: "The (Missing) Lucee Language spec".

Kai maintains an over-all neutral- to positive-tone, which is an asset. And something I personally struggle to do on these topics. Good work Kai.

He's asked for some input / follow-up from the community in a couple of areas, so it'd be really good if community members could do so.

Me? No, I'm going to leave this thread alone. I think everyone knows my opinion on the points he raises. FWIW, there's nothing I disagree with in what Kai says, and he really has put it forward thoroughly and clearly.

Go have a read.



Saturday 13 June 2015

Lucee (/CFML?): approach Lucee language decisions "properly"

I'm having a PHP day today... testing PHP 7 alpha. This has lead me to be reviewing some of the RFCs (well: just one) for PHP 7 to clarify some behaviour I'm seeing.

For language features, PHP has docs like this: "PHP RFC: Exceptions in the engine".

I'm thinking about this situation particularly in the context of Lucee: Adobe's a waste of time when it comes to community participation in language decisions (eg: <cfclient>, which was roundly and without exception derided by the community when it was floated as an idea,  but still: there it is).

Friday 12 June 2015

CFML/Lucee/Railo: Geoff Bowers does a good job of presenting Lucee's position on things

Kai and Mark (with guest Geoff Bowers) have released a fascinating 2DDU today (depending on which timezone you're in). 'ere 'tis: "Episode 38 - Lucee, the fork and open-source licenses".

If you're interested in the whole Railo v Lucee thing ("Railo speaks at long last", "A message from the majority shareholder of The Railo Company", and all manner of other conversations about the place), or have concerns - I fall into the latter group - Geoff does a very good job of presenting Lucee's situation. It's certainly restored a lot of my confidence in the situation (from Lucee's perspective), which given how cynical I am, represents a pretty good effort on his part.

Nice one.

Anyway, go listen to it.


Wednesday 10 June 2015

CFML: does it have a USP any more?

I initially wrote this on the Lucee Google Group, but it probably better belongs here. There has been discussion about the number of CFML devs (and by extension, Railo/Lucee devs), and what can be done to reach out to more people, and basically what tactics could be employed to turn more developers onto Lucee. Be those converts from the existing CFML base, or enticing new developers.

The whole thread is worth a read, btw. Even if you don't give a rat's arse about Lucee.

This is another one of those "CFML is dead/in decline/in maintenance mode/irrelevant" observations by the way. Feel free to disagree. Obviously it's why I write these things ;-)

Monday 25 May 2015

Some CFML code that doesn't work

I was sitting at Lord's yesterday watching England v NZ (and, um, we'll have no comments about that, thank-you very much), and a sudden thought popped into my head "Adam Presley might've been onto something there... if I leverage that....I wonder if I could get that code down to one statement?"

And that of course will mean nothing to anyone.

Lucee seems to mess up boolean expressions (kinda)

Another bloody stumbling block writing this code (see CFML / Lucee: beware of "optional" semi-colons for the first one). This time Lucee's not getting the result of a OR expression right. Seriously. Well: I guess not as right as I'd like it to.

CFML / Lucee: beware of "optional" semi-colons

Not what I had in mind writing up today, but as often is the way... the easiest way to find bugs in CFML is it try to use it.

Monday 18 May 2015

Lucee CFML: import and application-set mappings (kinda redux)

This is a like a sequel to "Railo bug? Or ColdFusion bug...". That article details how ColdFusion will kind of allow import to use mappings set in Application.cfc, provided an include uses said mapping first. On RailoLucee they stick closer to the docs (that's the ColdFusion docs, not the Lucee docs):

Attribute: taglib
Optionality: required
Description: Tag library URI. The path must be relative to the web root (and start with /), the current page location, or a directory specified in the Administrator ColdFusion mappings page.
My emphasis.

The Lucee docs make no claim about this one way or the other, but that's how Lucee behaves. In short, on Lucee one cannot use Application.cfc mappings with an import statement like that.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

CFML: what manner of object should an Exception be?

Just before I commence a discussion on the Lucee Language Forum, I thought I'd do a code sample and ask what people think.

The question is stated in the subject line: "what manner of object should an Exception be?"