Thursday 6 May 2021

Lucee: what now for goodness sake


I'm just writing this here because it's too long to put in a message in the CFML/Lucee Slack channel, and so I can get some eyes on it.

Consider this code (test.cfm):

<cfset relativeFilePath = "../getCanonicalPathIssue/targetfile.cfm">
Relative file path: [#relativeFilePath#]<br>
Does relative path exist: [#fileExists(relativeFilePath)#]<br>

<cfset expandedPath = expandPath(relativeFilePath)>
Expanded file path: [#expandedPath#]<br>
Does expanded path exist: [#fileExists(expandedPath)#]<br>

<cfset canonicalPathFromRelativeFilePath = getCanonicalPath(relativeFilePath)>
Canonical path from relative path: [#canonicalPathFromRelativeFilePath#]<br>
Does canonical pathh from relative path exist: [#fileExists(canonicalPathFromRelativeFilePath)#]<br>

<cfset canonicalPathFromExpandedPath = getCanonicalPath(expandedPath)>
Canonical path from expanded path: [#canonicalPathFromExpandedPath#]<br>
Does canonical path from expanded path exist: [#fileExists(canonicalPathFromExpandedPath)#]<br>

<cfset directory = getDirectoryFromPath(canonicalPathFromRelativeFilePath)>
Directory: #directory#<br>
Directory contents and do they exist:<br>
#directoryList(directory).reduce((buffer="", filePath) => buffer & "#filePath#: #fileExists(filePath)#<br>")#

And this is its output:

Relative file path: [../getCanonicalPathIssue/targetfile.cfm]
Does relative path exist: [false]

Expanded file path: [/var/www/public/nonWheelsTests/getCanonicalPathIssue/targetfile.cfm]
Does expanded path exist: [true]

Canonical path from relative path: [/var/www/public/nonWheelsTests/getCanonicalPathIssue/targetFile.cfm]
Does canonical path from relative path exist: [false]

Canonical path from expanded path: [/var/www/public/nonWheelsTests/getCanonicalPathIssue/targetfile.cfm]
Does canonical path from expanded path exist: [true]

Directory: /var/www/public/nonWheelsTests/getCanonicalPathIssue/
Directory contents and do they exist:
/var/www/public/nonWheelsTests/getCanonicalPathIssue/test.cfm: true
/var/www/public/nonWheelsTests/getCanonicalPathIssue/targetfile.cfm: true

Basically I've got a second file (targetfile.cfm) in the same directory as I'm running this code from (test.cfm), and I'm giving Lucee a (valid) relative path to it, and asking some questions. Everything goes OK until I get to the result of getCanonicalPath(relativeFilePath): it's upper-cased part of the file name!??! Also note that expandPath(relativeFilePath) gets it right. And that getCanonicalPath(expandedPath) also gets it right.

The last bit of the code just shows what's def in the directory concerned.

I actually know what's causing the problem. A coupla hours ago I renamed the file from targetFile.cfm to targetfile.cfm. note the change in capitalisation, and how the old version matches the bad value getCanonicalPath is coming up with. So Lucee is caching that for some reason. I also found where to uncache it, but am buggered if I know why this setting caches file paths:

That's supposed to be about how often the contents of the file are checked; nothing about file paths. But if I set it to "Always (Bad)", then the problem goes away. It's clearly this lesser used definition of "bad", that means "actually works".

So that's an hour or so of my life I'll never get back. Thanks.

For shits and giggles I decided to run this on ColdFusion:

I'd give ColdFusion a pass here for choking on a relative path if not for two things:

  • it's specifically documented as dealing with them: "Absolute or relative path of a directory or to a file."
  • The path is a valid relative path. There's no trickery with the casing going on here, or caching or anything like that. The relative path I'm providing is the path to that file, relative to where the path is being used.

Oh well. I suppose I'll check with ppl to see if there's a reason why this behaviour on each platform, isn't wrong in the way I claim it is… and then raise some bugs. I'll cross ref once I've done that, but it'll be tomorrow now.

