Sunday 16 May 2021

CFWheels: running TestBox instead of RocketUnit


CFWheels ships with its own inbuilt (albeit third-party) testing framework. I discuss its merits in an earlier article: "Testing: A Horror Story". You can probably work out my opinion of the inbuilt testing framework - RocketUnit - from the title. That's really all you need to know to contextualise why I am now going to get TestBox working in a CFWheels context. One would expect that this would simply be a matter of installing TestBox and then using the CFWheels API to call methods on its classes to… um… use it. Not so fast there chief.

The CFWheels application has been implemented via a few opaque (to me) architectural decisions, which means it's not straight-forward to run the code outside the context of an application solely designed to respond to HTTP request in an MVC fashion. You've read along already perhaps with my experiences of hacking it about to even be installed in a sensible place ("Short version: getting CFWheels working outside the context of a web-browsable directory"). Code-wise, CFWheels is not an object-oriented application, instead being a more procedural affair, relying on include to share files full of functions. Lack of OO design means it's difficult to interact with in an isolated fashion that one might expect: leveraging/relying on encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and various other programming techniques familiar to modern CFML. There's no API really, there's just a bunch of independent functions that are simultaneously disconnected from each other, but at the same time strongly-coupled: using a function homed in one .cfm file might require a function homed in another .cfm file, and one just has to know that. All functions are public (given they're not in CFCs, this is can't be helped), but not all of them are designed to be used outside of the CFWheels app (they're prefixed with $). Also the functions might not necessarily keep their variables encapsulated within their own scope; and also fairly frequently rely on other functions having done the same: exposing data into the calling context for it to be there for another funtion to use. There's no CFCs to instantiate, one just needs to include one or more of these .cfm files full of functions. This makes for a fairly fragile and confusing coding experience, IMO.

I'm not going to be daunted by this. I'm also not going to let this architectural approach bleed into my own code: I'm not writing procedural code when I'm using an OO language in 2021. Somehow I'm gonna wrap it up in an adapter component that my tests can leverage to test my code.


My first task is to work out how to execute the code for a route programmatically. I could simply make an external HTTP request to to the route and inspect its response, but this approach won't help me with lower level testing (like calling model functionality, in the next step). So I'm going to work out how I can write code along these lines: myResponseObject = cfwheelsAdapter.someMethod(), so I can then poke and prod the response object to see if it's done the expected thing.

Looking through the CFWheels docs ("Testing Your Application"), I find this test example:

function testRedirectAndFlashStatus() {
  // define the controller, action and user params we are testing
  local.params = {

  // process the create action of the controller
  result = processRequest(params=local.params, method="post", returnAs="struct");
  // make sure that the expected redirect happened
  assert("result.status eq 302");
  assert("result.flash.success eq 'Hugh was created'");
  assert("result.redirect eq '/users/show/1'");

OK so I don't use a route, I just call the controller. That's cool, although I'd rather be doing this by providing a route, a method, and the various params the controller needs - query params, body content, headers, etc - and make like a request, but I might look into that later. For now the object of the exercise is to be able to call the CFWheels code and check the response. And the function I want to call is this processRequest. This is an example of what I was saying before: it's not a method of a controller object or anything, it's just a headless function. And looking at that code I have no idea where it's implemented or how it came to be available to call in my test method. CFWheels just assumes any code you write will already be in the right context for this to work. I'm going to create my adapter object and include whatever file that processRequest function is in.

Well. Actually first I'm gonna create a test for this operation (/test/functional/WheelsRequestRunnerTest.cfc):

component extends=testbox.system.BaseSpec {

    function run() {
        describe("Test WheelsRequestRunner functionality", () => {
            it("can execute a request and receive the expected response", () => {
                runner = new test.WheelsRequestRunner()

                result = runner.processRequest(
                    params = {
                        controller = "testRoute",
                        action = "httpStatusOkTest"
                    method = "get",
                    returnAs = "struct"


This is kinda eating its own dogfood. My test of the runner class is that it can be used to test a controller. The controller in question simply renders a view (indeed: there's no controller, it's just the view in this case), and the view does nothing other than emit [200-OK].

The WheelsRequestRunner class is gonna encapsulate any CFWheels files I need to include to make stuff work (and contain an variables-scope bleeding the include files leak). First up I need to expose this processRequest function, and before I do that, I need to find where CFWheels implements it. The only way to do this is just doing a find in the codebase for function processRequest. It turns out it's in /wheels/global/misc.cfm. Not a hugely helpful filename that, and I wonder why a very controller-specific function is in a file called global/misc: it'd be nice if a controller function was in a file called controller.cfm or something. Anyway, I sling misc.cfm into my runner class:

component {
    include template="/wheels/global/misc.cfm"

When I run my test now, I get an error:

No matching function [$ARGS] found

I track-down $args (not an excellent fuction name: what is "$args" supposed to do?) in /wheels/global/internal.cfm, so I include that too.

component {
    include template="/wheels/global/misc.cfm"
    include template="/wheels/global/internal.cfm"

At this point my WheelsRequestRunner is exposing 72 public methods, when in reality I only need one of those. Less than ideal.

But we're not done: we have a second error:

No matching function [$GET] found

I found $get in /wheels/global/util.cfm. I wonder what the perceived difference is between global/misc, and global/util? All three components of those file paths are just meaningless and generic filler terms. But anyway… I'll include this too, and get another error, suggesting probably a fourth file I'm going to need to include:

No matching function [$DOUBLECHECKEDLOCK] found

I found $doubleCheckedLock in /wheels/global/cfml.cfm. I'll include this too, and…


It works!

Note: WheelsRequestRunner has needed to expose 99 functions, spread across four disparate files, to avail itself of the one function it needed to call:

component {
    include template="/wheels/global/misc.cfm"
    include template="/wheels/global/internal.cfm"
    include template="/wheels/global/util.cfm"
    include template="/wheels/global/cfml.cfm"

I just want to do another controller test as well: an unhappy-path one:

it("can test a 400 response", () => {
        result = runner.processRequest(
            name = "testRoute",
            params = {
                controller = "testRoute",
                action = "badRequest"
            method = "get",
            returnAs = "struct"

    } finally {
        header statuscode=200;

This worked too without any more adjustment to WheelsRequestRunner. I've needed to put that try/finally around the test code because of the way CFWheels handles responses. It doesn't create a response object or anything like that that I could set my response status code in, the CFWheels approach is just that if I want to change the response status, I just change it … directly changing the header of the current request (in this case the request being made by the test runner). This is less than ideal. I'm currently using CFML's inbuilt header statement to do this, later when I work out how to do dependency injection with CFWheels I'll write my own wrapper to do this, and mock it out for the test. I do need to actively address this in my test though, because returning a 400 also means the test run reports as a failure because it doesn't complete with a 200-OK. Easily fixed, but I really oughtn't have to do this sort of thing.

For now, I'm satisfied I can test basic controllers. I want to move on to test a basic model, because I expect I'll need to do some more reconfiguration to make that work.


I've created a dead-simple model class:

component extends=models.Model {

    function init()
        property(name="name", label="Name")
        property(name="email", label="Email address")
        property(name="password", label="Password")

I'm just going to check that I can create an instance of one of these, and the property values get used:

it("can test a model", () => {
    properties = {name="TEST_NAME", email="TEST_EMAIL", password="TEST_PASSWORD"}

    model = runner.model("SomeModel")
    testModel =

When I run this, I get another instance of CFWheels not being able to find something:

invalid component definition, can't find component [...src.models.SomeModel]

This is a different situation though: this is because - I am betting - because I am running the request from the /test/ directory, not the site's root. I'm going to need to dig around to see how CFWheels concludes that it should be looking for SomeModel in ...src.models.SomeModel. To misquote Captain Oates: "I am just going [into the CFWheels codebase] and may be some time."…

Right so I was close, but it was more my fault than anything. Kinda. Firstly I had a setting slightly wrong in my config/settings.cfm, due to a misunderstanding as to what CFWheels was expecting with some settings. Previously when configuring my CFWheels site to work with the source code "above" the web root, I had to make a coupla settings changes for CFWheels to be able to find my controllers and views, and those settings took file system paths:

set(viewPath = "../src/views")
set(controllerPath = "/app/controllers")

Without thinking I had just assumed that the equivalently-named modelPath would also be a file-system path, and had set it thus:

set(modelPath = "../src/models")

However it's actually a component path reference, so just needs to be this:

set(modelPath = "/models")

And this is used in conjunction with a mapping I had missing in Application.cfc:

component {

    // ...    

    thisDirectory = getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath())
    // ... 
    this.mappings["/models"] = getCanonicalPath("#thisDirectory#models")
    // ... 

If I didn't have both of those, CFWheels was resolving the CFC path to be ...src.models.SomeModel, and even with that fixed, it was looking for the correct path (models.SomeModel) from a base context of the public directory, not the src directory. Once I sorted that out, the test passed.


I wasn't actively going to test this because I've been wittering on enough already in this article, but last week I'd actually already written some tests that checked how the linkTo function worked under different URLRewriting settings, and I've just noticed the one test I had that was working satisfactorily regarding this is currently broken, and it looks to be down to what I've been doing with TestBox recently. Here's the test:

it("uses the URI when URLRewriting is on", () => {
    runner = new test.WheelsRequestRunner()

    result = runner.processRequest(
        params = {
            controller = "testRoute",
            action = "linktotest"
        method = "get",
        returnAs = "struct"


It's pretty simple: it hits an endpoint that returns mark-up with a link generated by linkTo:

<cfoutput>#linkTo(route="testRouteLinkToTestTarget",text="Click Me")#</cfoutput>

This test had been working, but it's erroring with because the URL for the link it's returning is runTests.cfm/testroute/linktotesttarget. it should be just /testRoute/linkToTestTarget. "Coincidentally" the name of the file I'm running the tests from is… runTest.cfm. Hazarding a guess, I am assuming the linkTo is doing some shenanigans with a find and replace expecting the CGI.script_name to be just /index.cfm. The script name shouldn't come into it with a fully re-written URL, given it doesn't figure in it, but… well…. I'll track down the code in question…

… yeah it was as I suspected. In /wheels/global/misc.cfm we have this:

// When URL rewriting is on we remove the rewrite file name (e.g. rewrite.cfm) from the URL so it doesn't show.
// Also get rid of the double "/" that this removal typically causes.
if (arguments.$URLRewriting == "On") {
    local.rv = Replace(local.rv, application.wheels.rewriteFile, "");
    local.rv = Replace(local.rv, "//", "/");

(For future reference, CFWheels Team, if you feel the need to block-out code like that with an explanatory comment, it means a) your function is doing too much (this function is close to 200 lines long!!!); b) the code that's been blocked-out should be in its own function)

So yeah, CFWheels expecting one of two possibilities for the file part of the script name here: index.cfm or rewrite.cfm. My runTests.cfm doesn't cut the mustard. However this is easy enough to solve, I can override the setting in test/Application.cfc:

component extends=cfmlInDocker.Application { = "testApplication"

    // ...

    function onApplicationStart() {

    // ...


I've also given the test app a new name so its application scope settings don't interfere with the application scope for the front of the site.


To get at least controllers and models testable wasn't much effort. I had to do this:

That's not so bad. It was more hassle finding out where the relevant CFWheels functions were, and following the logic to see what I had to override/fix and why, but the end result was all right. I'm just glad I can write decent tests now.

