Saturday 18 October 2014


I watched a good amount of bickering between two fellas who should know better last night:

(click through and read the "conversation" if you want to. I'll not reproduce it here as it's a bit embarrassing for the participants, I think).

Also, I "published" some misinformation of my own about CommandBox a day or so ago (as a comment on Cutter's blog:  "What's Wrong With ColdFusion - 2014 Edition"). So I figured I owed to Brad and Luis to actually have a look at CommandBox (which I do like the sound of, see "Ortus does what Adobe / Railo ought to have done...").

I set a task for myself: locate CommandBox, download and install it, run a preexisting file, and effect the same code via its REPL.


Couldn't be easier: it's the first match on Google for "commandbox" (no surprise I guess).


The download option is front and centre (well: top and right), and gives options for various installs, clearly labelled:

I opted for the all-inclusive Windows 64-bit JRE one. It's 80MB or so, and downloaded quickly.


It's just an unzip. I unzipped it into my C:\bin dir, and put C:\bin\commandbox on my path (I am guessing/expecting that's all I need to do to run it from anywhere).

Test File

I opened a command prompt and navigated to my C:\temp dir, and (manually) created this test file:

// gdayWorld.cfm
msg = "G'day World"


Here's a reproduction of my CLI session (including me being a dick a coupla times):

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\Users\adam.cameron>cd \temp

C:\temp>cat > gdayWorld.cfm
'cat' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

C:\temp>notepad gdayWorld.cfm

C:\temp>box exec gdayWorld.cfm
Configuring CommandBox home: C:\Users\adam.cameron\.CommandBox (change with -Com
Library path: C:\Users\adam.cameron\.CommandBox\lib
Initializing libraries -- this will only happen once, and takes a few seconds...

Libraries initialized
ERROR: Command "exec gdayWorld.cfm" cannot be resolved.  Please type "help" for

A coupla things:

  • seems I don't have whatever extension one needs to run things like cat on a Windows box. This all works on my machine at work, and just assumed it was part of the Windows shell these days. Oops.
  • I misremembered what Brad had said y/day was the command to execute a CFM file from the command prompt: it's not exec. This is just me not RTFMing.
  • The installation time was more like a few minutes (maybe two?), not a few seconds.

So I ask for help:

C:\temp>box help

* CommandBox Help

Here is a list of commands in this namespace:


Here is a list of nested namespaces:


To get further help on any of the items above, type "help command name".

OK, so it's execute, not just exec:

C:\temp>box execute gdayWorld.cfm

G'day World

Perfect: it worked. Nice. Note: as it's gotta start up a Railo instance each time I run something, this takes about 7-8sec to execute. This is pretty slow, but not CommandBox's fault, I think.


OK, that's good, but I want a REPL too.


  _____                                          _ ____
 / ____|                                        | |  _ \
| |     ___  _ __ ___  _ __ ___   __ _ _ __   __| | |_) | _____  __
| |    / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` |  _ < / _ \ \/ /
| |___| (_) | | | | | | | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | |_) | (_) >  <
 \_____\___/|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|____/ \___/_/\_\ v1.0.0+00168

Welcome to CommandBox!
Type "help" for help, or "help [command]" to be more specific.
CommandBox:temp> help

* CommandBox Help

Here is a list of commands in this namespace:


Here is a list of nested namespaces:


To get further help on any of the items above, type "help command name".

Nice one. Very polished. So to get the REPL, I type REPL:

CommandBox:temp> repl
Enter any valid CFML code in the following prompt in order to evaluate it and print out any results (if any)
Type 'quit' or 'q' to exit!
CFSCRIPT-REPL: msg  = "G'day world"
=> "G'day world"
CFSCRIPT-REPL: <cfoutput>#msg#</cfoutput>


Syntax Error, Invalid Construct

CFSCRIPT-REPL: echo(msg)
=> G'day world

It worked! Note that it takes CFScript rather than tags, but that is perfect. We'd not be running view code in a REPL, so there's no point supporting tags.

Obviously there's a bunch of other stuff that CommandBox does - package management via ForgeBox integration, application installers (one can install PresideCMS and set up a Preside website from within CommandBox, for example), but I have other things to do today, and I really just wanted to do the proof of concept.

Concept proven.
