Monday 7 April 2014

Balls I say!

Sorry Rakshith, I know you deleted this message, but it's too amusing for me to not keep for posterity.

 Heidi Striker@heidi_striker
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Enter to win @coldfusion balls in our Striker Golf GPS… #golf #sports - 02 Apr
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 Adam Cameron@dacCfml
@seancorfield @boyzoid "Enter to win @coldfusion balls" Poor old Rakshith. He'll sacrifice *anything* for #ColdFusion - 02 Apr
Rakshith Naresh@rakshithn
@dacCfml Since you seem to be after *mine*, I can sacrifice one to make up for your *none* - for your contribution to#ColdFusion
 02:50 PM - 07 Apr 14

Reply to @rakshithn
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That's hilarious. Thanks for the offer, but things'd be a bit crowded down there if I had an extra. And people would talk.

I'd like to make it very clear that Rakshith simply misread my previous message and thought I was having a go at him (which I was not: I was paying him a compliment!), and at no point did I take offence at this.

I think it's good we can horse around.

And I think we probably owe each other a beer next time we're in the same place at the same time.

Anyway... ballocks to this.
