Sunday 14 April 2013

Apropos of nothing: readership stats

Vainly, I track how many unique visitors I get to this blog each day, and chart a weekly average. The readership is really low - since its inception in July last year, the average is just over 100 people a day - but it's steadily climbing.

This year the average has been around the 120-150 mark, but last week spiked to an average of 243. On Monday I had 447 unique visitors according to Google Analytics. My previous highest was 285: that's quite a spike. Obviously that 447 had a big impact on the rest of the week's average: the other days were each just above 200, except for Sunday which is traditionally a very quiet day, with just 80-odd.

Still: it seems I'm getting more traffic, which is good.

I'm not that fussed by the numbers really, what does please me though is that more recently more people have taken the time to comment, and comment at length. And I don't just mean Bruce, who seems to write a novel every time he puts fingers to keyboard ;-)

Thanks for at least landing on the blog, even if you don't actually read it (it still bumps the numbers. Heh). And so much more thanks if you do read it, and more so still if you take time to comment. I reckon almost everything people say is worthwhile to at least some degree, which is really good!

