Showing posts with label Tomcat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tomcat. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Installing and Configuring Apache 2.2, Tomcat 6.0, and Open BlueDragon on Windows 2003 Server

This is one of the articles I referred to yesterday in my "ColdFusion 9 on Windows 8" article. It was no longer online, and I was only able to find it by searching the Internet Archive. I thought it was a shame to have such useful information consigned to - basically - the rubbish heap, so I asked Matt Woodward if I could reproduce it. He's said I can, so here it is. Thanks to Matt for letting me re-post it here.

Note: the images are missing, and I can't guarantee all the links work. The content of the article is unchanged, however I have removed all the styling, and re-applied different mark-up in places. Just so the page doesn't break.

ColdFusion 9 on Windows 8

I'm about to pop down to NZ for a coupla weeks to see me folks and make sure they're all still in working order and the like. And drink beer with my NZ-based mates. As part of this, I've retired my old Netbook, and have bought myself a new cheapish laptop (or an "ultrabook" as apparently they are being fashioned, these days) as its replacement. The reason I had the netbook is that the battery life was excellent, which was very handy on long-haul flights, plus it was a handy size for using on aircraft and when lurking in airport terminals. Which I do frequently enough for that to be a consideration. Anyway, this new thing has Windows 8 on it, and I spent Fri eveing and Saturday morning setting it up. Which went fine until I needed to install ColdFusion 9.