Showing posts with label Andy Allan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andy Allan. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 December 2014

For Andy Allan

I have no idea why I'm doing this, but here you go Andy: a blog article.


Thursday 30 October 2014

Just for Andy Allan

More times that you probably thought when you said that, I wager.


Friday 24 January 2014

Promoting Andy's Blog: "Version Control"

Make sure you read this blog post from Andy Allan: "Version Control". Especially if you don't use source control. If you know anyone who doesn't use source control: send it to them.



Saturday 8 June 2013

Scotch on the Rocks: recap

I didn't do a daily update of SotR like I did at cf.Objective(), instead sending Twitter updates in "real time" as things occurred to me. So if you want to know my general thoughts of the sessions I attended, have a look through my Twitter history. I was a bit haphazard as to whether I had space to include a #sotr13 tag, but they should be easy to spot amongst the rugby / cricket / environmentalism (Rob Glover, I'm looking at you ;-) chatter. In summary of those later three: NZ lost the cricket (although won the series), won the rugby, and I withdrew (mostly in despair) from the environmentalism discussion.

What thoughts was I left with for Scotch on the Rocks? In no particular order: