Sunday 11 July 2021

Another thought on controllers and where the buck should stop


I just wrote an article on what a controller ought to limit itself to: "What logic should be in a controller? (and a wee bit of testing commentary)". But then I read an old question from Mingo on the article that inspired that, and I have some thoughts on that too.

In most of my code examples around controller methods, I have this sort of method signature:

function handleGet(rawArgs)

What I mean by "raw args" is "all the stuff from an HTTP request, including: query string parameters and arguments (URL scope if yer a CFMLer), request body keys and values (form scope), general request metadata (CGI scope), cookies, and headers. Kind of like how Symfony would do it in the PHP world.

In CFML land things are seldom (never?) this organised. One seems to get a hotchpotch of things possibly put into a request context or something, or possibly - as in CFWheels - actually nothing(!!!) gets passed into the controller method; you just need to know the magical place to go look for them. And by "them" I mean a struct that has the form and URL scope munged into it. Ugh. Anyhow, there's all these elements of an HTTP request and the application lifecycle (application, session, request scopes) available to yer CFML code somehow.

And the controller is the only place one should ever access those. Your business logic should never be tightly-coupled the notion of "this stuff came from a specific sort of HTTP request", or from a specific stage in the application's lifecycle. Or even be aware of the ideas of HTTP requests and the like.

Your model tier should just get "values". Ideally by the time you are applying any actual application logic to them, the values will have been modelled into their own objects, not simply a bunch of primitive values.

I guess one could consider a controller to be similar in role to a repository class, just the other way around. A repository encapsulates the mapping between [for example] storage records - which it fetches - and collections of objects - which it returns - to the business-logic tier. A controller is slightly skinnier than that, it takes the values needed from that selection of HTTP request components (URL scope, form scope, what-have-you), and just passes them as independent values - distinct from how they arrived - to the model. I guess it's not a direct parallel because the controller doesn't do the "mapping" part that is intrinsic to a repository; it just removes the context from the values it receives, and leaves it up to the model tier to know what to do with them. But anyhow, there's a clear separation of concerns here, and the separation is that only the controller should ever deal with these things: CGI scope, the value returned from GetHttpRequestData(), form scope, URL scope, cookie scope, application scope, session scope, request scope.

