Wednesday 9 June 2021

Repro for code that breaks in ColdFusion but works in Lucee


In the last article (CFML: messing around with mixins (part 2)) I used some code that worked in Lucee, but didn't work in ColdFusion. It was not my code's fault, it's ColdFusion's fault for not being able to parse it. I didn't think I could be arsed looking at it this evening, but someone's asked me about it already so I had a look. I can reproduce the issue, and work around it.

Here's the code wot works on Lucee but breaks on ColdFusion (on

obj = {
    myMethod = function () {return arguments}
methodName = "myMethod"
useProxy = true

callMe = useProxy
    ? () => obj[methodName](argumentCollection=arguments)
    : obj[methodName]

result = callMe("someArg")

This errors with: Invalid CFML construct found on line 10 at column 8. on line 10

It's pointing to the arrow function shorthand, but if I change it back to a normal function expression using the function keyword, it still errors.

It's also not the dynamic method call either. In the past that would have caused problems on ColdFusion, but they've fixed it at some point.

It's also not the lack of semi-colons ;-)

This adjustment works (on

obj = {
    myMethod = function () {return arguments}
methodName = "myMethod"
useProxy = true

proxy = () => obj[methodName](argumentCollection=arguments)
callMe = useProxy
    ? proxy
    : obj[methodName]

result = callMe("someArg")

It seems like ColdFusion really didn't like that arrow function / function expression in the ?: expression.

I'd say this is definitely a bug, and will point this repro case to Adobe for them to… do whatever they like with it.

