Sunday 30 March 2014

Railo: it already supports separating parameters from the SQL string

This is a very quick  update to my previous article: "Query.cfc / queryExecute() have a good feature cfquery lacks". Railo already supports this (although it's apparently undocumented?).

Whilst raising the ticket for ColdFusion, I found an already-raised (and resolved) ticket in the Railo bugbase: RAILO-2203.

Micha has added a comment to the bottom of it: "added as hidden feature", but it is there and it does work:

<cfset params = [
<cfquery name="numbersViaPositionalParams" params="#params#">
    SELECT  en AS english, mi AS maori
    FROM    colours
    WHERE   id BETWEEN ? AND ?

<cfset params = {
<cfquery name="numbersViaNamedParams" params="#params#">
    SELECT  en AS english, mi AS maori
    FROM    colours
    WHERE   id BETWEEN :low AND :high

Cool! Go Railo!

I shall update the ticket I raised with Adobe to encourage them to follow Railo's lead here.
