Showing posts with label Generators. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Generators. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Random PHP (7) bits: improvements to generators

I was gonna have a look at output buffering in PHP today, but my attention has been hijacked by PHP 7. So instead I'm gonna have a look at some enhancements they've made to generators in 7. I'm actually not at work today, so there's a chance I'll be able to write both articles anyhow. We'll see.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

CFML: emulating generators with closure

Half way through my other article this morning ("PHP: Inspired by Duncan: palindromes via generators"), I was thinking how cool generators are, and how it sucks CFML doesn't have them (go vote, btw: RAILO-2942; and for ColdFusion: 3555025).

Then I had a watershed moment.

PHP: Inspired by Duncan: palindromes via generators

My mate Dunc is making a habit of being my muse @ the moment. I guess it's cos we're both learning PHP at the same time, and he's blogging about it as well. This morning he has a new article following his foray into translating his CFML (and Python occasionally) knowledge into PHP: "Project Euler: problem 36 (PHP)".

Friday, 26 September 2014

PHP: another generator example: primes

Duncan has mused me again. He's reworking his Project Euler exercises that he'd previously done in CFML, and is now implementing in PHP. In yesterday's exercise he was looking at prime numbers: "Project Euler: problem 7 (PHP)". I thought there was scope for another exercise in using PHP generators in this for me (see previous: "PHP: generators").

Saturday, 20 September 2014

PHP: generators

Duncan's my muse today. Like me, my mate Duncan has recently moved from our defunct CFML team to the PHP team. And like me, Dunc now needs to learn PHP. He's logging his progress as well, and if this sort of thing interests you (following our progress), then maybe keep an eye on what he's doing too.