This is more just a list of stuff for Rakshith's attention than anything relevatory. There's a few small tweaks to the bug tracker which would be useful.
- Add ColdFusion 9.0.2 to the product version (3691114).
- Add "Final" to the releases of CFB 2.0.1. Currently it has only Alpha / Beta. Remove Alpha / Beta (3328631).
- Make the product version multi-select (and not required) (3115854).
- Update the versions listed for 10.0. Get rid of everything that's there except "final" (3691115).
- Default "App Language" and "OS Language" to English (3691117).
- Update the "Platform" select to have current versions of OSes. Put "All" at the top. Add an "other / not listed" option (3120326).
- Remember what I said last time for the "Language" and "Platforms" section (3691118).
- Why are these settings so disparate between ColdFusion versions? (3691120)
- There's no point in having "Version" / "Build" / "Platform" dropdowns for "New Features", I think? (3691121)
- Change the search to have one text input which will search all fields, including comments and votes. Change the "Find Bug/Feature ID" search to use this search too (3691122).
- Add filters to the search results grid columns (3314405).
- Add an option to "watch" an issue (3691123).
- Votes should not require comments. And not "[...] between 25 and 4000 characters" (3691124).
- Take the 4000 char limit off the text fields. I guess one should attach code / stack traces etc, but I don't think they're search indexed, so unless they are, putting them inline is the best thing to do (3140424).
- Change the emails that go out from simply saying "there was a change" to having details of what the change was (3691125).
Here's some more, already in the bug tracker:--