Wednesday 5 September 2012

Surveys (update)

Just a very quick one.

Hey, as you know I've been gathering some data for a coupla surveys I've been running, as per the side bar over on the right:

 These two are now closed for new submissions, and the links go to the results "analysis" (or me bleating about them, one of the two):

Well I've finally got sufficient results for the older two (the bottom two on that list) to do some analysis on them.  I've got over 60 responses on both of them. Nice one!  I've also just tipped 50 results on the "Modularisation" one too, so I'll report back on that shortly.  First of all I need to teach myself how Zingcharts work, which is on the menu for this weekend (I won't have a chance between now and then).

Anyway: thanks all.  I'll post the results as soon as I can.
