Showing posts with label Unit Testing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unit Testing. Show all posts

Thursday 9 March 2017

PHPUnit: setMethods and how I've been writing too much code

Seems our technical architect is becoming my PHP muse. Good on ya, Pete.

Anyway, he just sent out what I thought was a controversial email in which he said (paraphrase) "we're calling setMethods way too often: in general we don't need to call it". To contextualise, I mean this:

$dependency = $this

    ->willReturn('MOCKED RESULT');

See here I'm explicitly saying "mock out the someMethod method". Pete's contention is that that's generally unnecessary, cos getMockBuilder mocks 'em all by default anyhow. This goes against my understanding of how it works, and I've written bloody thousands of unit tests with PHPUnit so it surprised me I was getting it wrong. I kinda believed him cos he said he tested it, but I didn't believe him so much as to not go test it myself.

So I knocked out a quick service and dependency for it:

namespace me\adamcameron\myApp;

class MyService

    private $myDecorator;

    public function __construct(MyDecorator $myDecorator)
        $this->myDecorator = $myDecorator;

    public function decorateMessage($message)
        $message = $this->myDecorator->addPrefix($message);
        $message = $this->myDecorator->addSuffix($message);
        return $message;


namespace me\adamcameron\myApp;

class MyDecorator

    public function addPrefix($message)
        return "(ACTUAL PREFIX) $message";

    public function addSuffix($message)
        return "$message (ACTUAL SUFFIX)";


Nothing surprising there: the service takes that decorator as a constructor arg, and then when calling decorateMessage the decorator's methods are called.

In our tests of decorateMessage, we don't want to use the real decorator methods, we want to use mocks.

First I have a test the way I'd normally mock things: explicitly calling setMethods with the method names:

public function testWithExplicitMock()
    $decorator = $this
        ->setMethods(['addPrefix', 'addSuffix'])

  ->willReturn('(MOCKED PREFIX)');

  ->willReturn('(MOCKED SUFFIX)');

 $service = new MyService($decorator);

 $result = $service->decorateMessage('TEST MESSAGE');

        '(MOCKED SUFFIX)',

And this mocks out the method correctly. This is my baseline.

Secondly, I still call setMethods, but I give it an empty array:

public function testWithImplicitMock()
    $decorator = $this

  ->willReturn('(MOCKED PREFIX)');

  ->willReturn('(MOCKED SUFFIX)');

 $service = new MyService($decorator);

 $result = $service->decorateMessage('TEST MESSAGE');

        '(MOCKED SUFFIX)',

This also mocks out the method correctly. Passing an empty array mocks out all the methods in the mocked class.

Next I try passing null to setMethods:

public function testWithNull()
    $decorator = $this

        ->willReturn('(MOCKED PREFIX)');

        ->willReturn('(MOCKED SUFFIX)');

    $service = new MyService($decorator);

    $result = $service->decorateMessage('TEST MESSAGE');


This creates the mocked object, but the methods are not mocked. So the result here is using the actual methods.

In the last example I mock one of the methods (addPrefix), but not the other (addSuffix):

public function testWithOneExplicitMock()
    $decorator = $this

        ->willReturn('(MOCKED PREFIX)');

    $service = new MyService($decorator);

    $result = $service->decorateMessage('TEST MESSAGE');


Here we see the important bit: when one explicitly mocks one or a subset of methods, then the other methods are not mocked. Which is kinda obvious now I say it, but I guess we had been thinking one needed to call setMethods to be able to then mock the behaviour of the method. And, TBH, I don't think we thought through what was happening to the methods we were not mocking. I think we started calling setMethods all the time because we were slavishly following the PHPUnit docs, which always call it too, which is a less than ideal precedent to "recommend".

Generally speaking, one should want to mock all methods of a dependency, and it should really be the exception when explicitly not wanting to mock a method: ie, to leave it actually callable.

The win here is that we can now de-clutter our tests a bit. We really seldom need to call setMethods, and we sure want to make it clear when we do want to only mock some of a dependency's methods. So this will make our code cleaner and clearer, and easier to code review and maintain. Win!

Cheers Pete!



Tuesday 7 February 2017

TDD: still testing too much

A while back I wrote this article - Maintaining untested code, and mocking too much when backfilling test (with JavaScript & Jasmine) - wherein my colleague pulled me up for testing too much when I'm doing my TDD. I'm working with PHP this time, and I've just been pulled up on it again. For much the same reason. It created an interesting thought exercise... well interetsing ish... so I'll write it up here.

Firstly, I cannot use the actual code I am working with due to the usual over-baked "commercial sensitivity" considerations, so this is simply an analogy, but it captures the gist of what I was doing.

We have an adapter that handles HTTP calls. It's basically a generic wrapper that masks the API differences between Guzzle 5 and Guzzle 6, both of which we are still using, but we want a unified adapter to work with both. It's very generic, and basically has methods for GET, POST, PUT etc, and doesn't encompass any of our business logic.

Business reality is that we use this mostly to transmit JSONified objects, so we're adding a layer in front of it to take the raw text responses and rehydrate them. I'm writing the GET method.

When I start designing my solution, I know that the happy path will return me a Response object that has JSON as its content. I just need to deserialise the JSON and return it. This is easy enough:

public function testGetAsObject() {
    $expectedResult = ['result' => 'valid JSON'];
    $expectedContent = json_encode($expectedResult);

    $adapter = $this->mockAdapterWithResponse(200, $expectedContent);

    $client = new HttpClient($adapter);
    $result = $client->getWithJson($this->uri);

    $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);

mockAdapterWithResponse just does this:

private function mockAdapterWithResponse($statusCode, $content){
    $response = $this->getMockBuilder(Response::class)
        ->setMethods(['getStatusCode', 'getContent'])


    $adapter = $this->getMockBuilder(Adapter::class)
    return $adapter;

(there are other tests that already needed this). All it's doing is enabling us to set what the content for the call to the HttpClient will return, because we don't care how the client goes about doing this; we just care what we do with the content afterwards.

So back to my test code:

public function testGetAsObject() {
    $expectedResult = ['result' => 'valid JSON'];
    $expectedContent = json_encode($expectedResult);

    $adapter = $this->mockAdapterWithResponse(200, $expectedContent);

    $client = new HttpClient($adapter);
    $result = $client->getWithJson($this->uri);

    $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);

All I'm doing here is mocking the adapter to return a predetermined result, and I then test that what comes back from my function is the deserialisation of that value. That's it. I then implement some code to make that test pass:

public function getAsObject($uri, $params = [], $headers = []) {
    $response = $this->get($uri, $params, $headers);

    $object = json_decode($response->getContent(), true);

    return $object;

And that's green: all good.

I've already done too much in my test, but have not noticed (and not put it in for code review, so no-one's pointed it out).

The next requirement for this method is that if the content coming back from the adapter isn't JSON, then just throw an exception instead of trying to deserialise it. Again, pretty easy to TDD that:

/** @expectedException \Exception */
public function testGetAsObjectThrowsExceptionOnNonJsonContent() {
    $content = 'NOT_VALID_JSON';

    $adapter = $this->mockAdapterWithResponse(200, $content);

    $client = new HttpClient($adapter);

Note there's not even any explicit assertions in there: the @expectedException annotation takes care of it.

This test fails at present: no exception is thrown thanks to PHP's stupid-arse behaviour if json_decode is given non-JSON: it just returns null. Bravo, PHP. But that's what we want... we've designed our code and have tests to prove the design, now we need to implement the code:

public function getAsObject($uri, $params = [], $headers = []) {
    $response = $this->get($uri, $params, $headers);

    $object = json_decode($response->getContent(), true);
    if (is_null($object)) {
        throw new \Exception('Unable to decode JSON result');
    return $object;

The tests are green, so all good.

But what have I done wrong? Nothing major, but once again I'm testing too much. Actually my tests are fine. It's my helper method that's "wrong":

private function mockAdapterWithResponse($statusCode, $content){
    $response = $this->getMockBuilder(Response::class)
        ->setMethods(['getStatusCode', 'getContent'])


    $adapter = $this->getMockBuilder(Adapter::class)
    return $adapter;

Why am I testing that those methods are called once? It is completely irrelevant to what I'm testing how many times they're called.

What got into my head is I was being too dogmatic when I was writing my code, and I also cheated a bit with the TDD. Instead of designing the test variation first, and then implemented the code to pass the test, I was doing both at the same time. And it shows from my test implementation. Basically I didn't design my solution first, I designed it as I went, so - whilst tricking myself into thinking I was doing TDD - I was asking myself "right, what does my code need to do? It needs to call get on the adapter. OK, so I'll test I call it. What next... I need to get the content from the response. Right: I'll make sure that getContent gets called". All very stolid and admirable, but: wrong. All this is doing is testing my code (almost line by line!). TDD is not about testing my code; it's about testing my design. And it's the design and behaviour of the API of the method I'm testing. As I've said before, it'd be excellent it TDD was retconned to mean "Test Driven Design", not "Test Driven Development". The former is closer to the intent of the exercise.

I don't need to test those methods are called once: there's no logic in my function that will vary how many times they might be called, so they will be called once. We can trust PHP to do what we tell it to do by giving it source code.

The logic flaw here was demonstrated by my code reviewer observed: if you think you need to check how many times that functionality is called, why are you also not concerned with how many times json_decode is called too? It's an important part of your functionality which definitely needs to be called. Ha... yeah "duh", I thought. This drove home I was testing too much.

Another thing is that I was getting too distracted by what my implementation was whilst writing my test. The requirements of that function are:

  • make a request, the response of which might be JSON:
  • if it is: return the deserialised content;
  • if it's not: raise an exception.

That first step is implementation detail from the POV of testing. What we're testing with TDD is the outcome of the function call. Which is: an object, or an exception. We're also only supposed to be testing the logic in the function the test is actually calling. I emphasise "logic" there because we're not testing the code. TDD is not about that. We're testing the logic. This is why we have two test variations: one wherein the logic to throw the exception is not true, so we get our object back; another when that if condition is true, so we get the exception.

We only need to test logic branching code (conditionals and loops, basically).

We do not need to prove every single statement is executed.

I was reminded a rule of thumb to apply when considering whether to use expects or not. Basically it boils down to if you have test variations which might result in a dependency being called a different amount of times, and that variation is germane to the result, then verify the call count.

Another good point made by my other colleague Brian was that when mocking stuff... only mock the bare minimum to get the test passing. Then stop. And that's probably the right place to leave it be.

An example of this might be if we had this logic in our method:

public function getAsObject($uri, $params = [], $headers = []) {
    $response = $this->get($uri, $params, $headers);

    $object = json_decode($response->getContent(), true);
    if (is_null($object)) {
        $this->logger("Bung content returned: $object");
        throw new \Exception('Unable to decode JSON result');
    return $object;

Logging is an optional outcome of that method call, so we might want to test that the logger definitely gets called once in that second test. We could also be belt-and-braces about it and test it's not called at all in the happy-path test.

Or let's say the code was a caching proxy and one is testing the uncached and cached variations:

function get($id){
    if ($this->cache->exists($id)){
        return $this->cache->get($id);
    return $this->dao->get($id);

In the uncached variation, the data is not found in the cache, so we want to make sure that the DAO is called to get the data from the DB. In the cached variation, we want to make sure the DAO isn't called. Even here, in the first example we're not really testing the DAO call was made specifically; we're testing the logic around the cache check didn't trigger the early return. We're testing the if statement, not the DAO call.

Bottom line, I think that if I find myself starting to do a call count on a mocked method, I need to stop to think about whether I will have cases where the expected call count will be different, and only then ought I even be bothering if the call-count variation is important to the outcome of the function call. If I'm only checking for one call count value... I'm doing it wrong.

And now rather than talking about my day job... I should actually be doing it...



Monday 9 January 2017

Testing: Too much detail, Cameron?

Just really quickly here. Here's a question I posted on the Testing sub-channel of the #CFML Slack channel:

Question: I have a function which is basically a cron job which gets stuff from one data repository, monkeys with it, then sends the monkeying back to a different repository.

I log stuff along the way, for example:
  • "process started"
  • "got n records"
  • "need to update m records"
  • "job done"

Currently I am actively testing that "got n records" reflects the right value for n (where n in the context of the test is a test value coming back from a mock), and similarly with "need to update m records".

On one hand I think "well that's an important partial 'result' from the process, so - yes - test for it".

On the other hand I go "hmmm... is it? Or is that implementation detail?"


That's it, really. Not an answer to anything today; just a question for you. What do you think?


Tuesday 1 November 2016

PHP: what exactly are we testing?

"the rumours of this blog's demise... [etc]". Yeah. I'm still here. More about that in a separate article.

Here's a completely fictitious scenario which bears absolutely no relation to a code review discussion I had at work today. I don't even know why I mention work. This, after all, has nothing to do with my day job. Or my colleagues. I'm just making it all up.

Here's some code I just made up for the sake of discussion:


namespace me\adamcameron\someApp\service;

use \me\adamcameron\someApp\exception;

class SomeService {

    public function getTheThingFromTheWebService($id){
        // bunch of stuff elided
        try {
            $result = $this->connector->getThing($id);
            // bunch of stuff elided
            return $finalResult;
        } catch (exception\NotFoundException $e) {
            // bunch of stuff elided
            throw new exception\ServiceException("The Thing with ID $id could not be retrieved");

Basically we're calling a web service, and the connector we use wraps up all the HTTP bumpf, and with stuff like 404 responses it throws a NotFoundException up to the service tier so that the service doesn't need to concern itself with the fact the connector is dealing with a REST web service. It could just as easily be connecting straight to a DB and the SELECT statement returned zero rows: that's still a NotFoundException situation. That's cool. We're all-good with this approach to things. For reasons that are outwith this discussion (TBH, I'm slightly contriving the situation in the code above, but maintaining the correct context) we don't want to let the NotFoundException bubble any further, we want to throw a different exception (one that other upstream code is waiting to catch), and provide a human-friendly message with said exception.

But for testing, I need to actually make sure that the Service handles this exception properly, and the two elements of this are that it chucks its own exception, and it includes that human-friendly message when it does.

So I've tested both of those.

Because I'm a well-behaved, team-playing dev, I TDD my code as I go, and having just added that exception-handling, I need to test itbeing about to add that exception-handling code, I need to write my tests first. So, anyway, whether I wrote the test before or after I wrote the code is neither here nor there. I came up with this test case:


namespace me\adamcameron\someApp\test\service;

use \namespace me\adamcameron\someApp\service\SomeService;

/** @coversDefaultClass \me\adamcameron\someApp\service\SomeService */
class SomeServiceTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

    public function setup() {
        $this->testService = new SomeService($this->mockedConnector);

        @covers ::getTheThingFromTheWebService
        @expectedException \me\adamcameron\someApp\exception\ServiceException
        @expectedExceptionMessage The Thing with ID 1 could not be retrieved
    public function testGetTheThingsFromTheWebServiceWillThrowServiceExceptionWhenIdNotFound() {
        $testId = 1;

    private function setMockedConnector(){
        $this->mockedConnector = $this->getMockBuilder('\me\adamcameron\connector\MyConnector')


I've left a bunch of contextual and mocking code in there so you can better see what's going one. But the key parts of this test are the annotations regarding the exception.

(we're using an older version of PHPUnit, so we need to do this via annotations, not expectations, unfortunately. But anyway).

This went into code review, and I got some feedback (this is a paraphrase. Of, obviously, a completely fictitious conversation. Remember this is not really work code I'm discussing here):

  • Not too sure about the merits of testing the whole message string here. For the purposes of testing, we don't care about text, we just care about the $id being correct. Perhaps use @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp instead, with like "/.*1.*/" as the pattern.
  • not sure 1 is a great ID to mock, TBH

Well I can't fault the latter bit. If one is gonna be actually checking for values, then use values that are really unlikely to accidentally occur as side-effects of something else going on. Basically 0 and 1 are dumb test values. There's always gonna be a risk they'll end up bubbling up via an accident rather than on purpose. I usually use random prime numbers (often taken from this list of the first 1000 primes). They're just not likely to coincidentally show up somewhere else in one's results at random.

But the first bit is interesting. My first reaction was "well what's the important bit here? The number or the error message?" We wanna check the error message cos given that suggested regex pattern the exception could simply return 1, which is not help to anyone. And yet that'd pass the test. Surely the important thing is the guidance: "The Thing with ID [whatever] could not be retrieved".

But that's woolly thinking on my part. I'm not doing tests for the benefit of humans here. And no code is every gonna rely on the specifics of that message. TDD tests (and unit tests in general) are about testing logic, not "results". And they don't give a shit about the Human Interface. We've got QA for that.

There's no need to test PHP here. If we have this code:

throw new exception\ServiceException("The Thing with ID $id could not be retrieved");

We don't need to test:
  • that PHP knows what a string is
  • that PHP knows how to interpolate a variable
  • that one can pass a string to an Exception in PHP
  • etc
That's testing an external system (and showing no small amount of hubris whilst we do so!), and is outwith the remit of TDD or unit testing in general. If we can't trust PHP to know what a string is: we're in trouble.

What we do need to test is this:

public function getTheThingFromTheWebService($id){
    // bunch of stuff elided
    try {
        $result = $this->connector->getThing($id);
        // bunch of stuff elided
        return $finalResult;
    } catch (exception\NotFoundException $e) {
        // bunch of stuff elided
        throw new exception\ServiceException("The Thing with ID $id could not be retrieved"); 

  • The ID comes in...
  • ... it's used...
  • ... and when the call that uses it fails...
  • ... we use it in the exceptional scenario.

The logic here is that it's the same ID that's passed to the function is the one reported in the exception message. Not what the exception message is: that's PHP's job.

So in reality here... we just need to test the ID is referenced in the exception. TBH, I'd not even usually bother doing that. It's just we're pushing to have more useful exception messages at the moment, so we're trying out "enforcing" this behaviour. I think it's a worthwhile exercise at least whilst the devs are getting used to it. Once it's part of our standard practice, I reckon we can stop worrying about what's in the error message.

But in the interim I'm gonna fix me test and see if I can pass this code review...



Monday 19 September 2016

Another Friday puzzle; and the importance of tests that try to break code

There was another Friday Puzzle on the CFML Slack channel this week. The question was:

The maximum sum subarray problem consists in finding the maximum sum of a contiguous subsequence in an array or list of integers:

maxSequence([-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4])
// should be 6: [4, -1, 2, 1]

Apparently the word "contiguous" is something that will flummox some people (judging by the discussion on the Slack channel). In this sense a contiguous sub-sequence is one that is made from adjacent array elements. So you can see they highlighted sub-sequence is a subset of adjacent array elements.

Eyeballing the example series here reveals the tricky bit one needs to watch for... negative values. Take a sub-sequence of 3,4. That has a sum of 7. Now if the next number is negative: 3,4,-1 (sum 6), the sum of this longer sub-sequence is less than that of the preceding shorter one, so the shorter subsequence is still the "winner". However if the next number (or numbers) sum to greater than the negative number, eg; 3,4,-1,2 (sum 8) then we've got the highest sum again. And of course there could be more negative numbers followed by positive numbers with a higher sum repeatedly.


I did not thoroughly read the requirement here, so got some of this wrong. See "TIL: Cameron is bloody wrong again".

A couple of the bods on the Slack channel quickly came up with solutions. Here they are, respectively: Isaiah's and John's. I'll only repeat one of them here because both used pretty much the same algorithm, just one used procedural code, and the other a more functional approach (in that they used higher-order functions). But they've both got the same logic error in them, because the approach is flawed. Let's have a look at John's one:

numeric function maxSequence(required array arr){
    var currentSum = 0;
    return arr.reduce(function(maxSum, number){
        currentSum = max(currentSum+number, 0);
        return max(currentSum, maxSum);
    }, 0);

WriteDump(maxSequence([-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4]));

WriteDump(maxSequence([-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4, 3]));

WriteDump(maxSequence([-2, -3, -1, -5]));

WriteDump(maxSequence([1, 4, 2, 1, 4, 3]));

This is nice and simple, and it took me a while to get what he's doing here. But we're keeping a running sum of the sequence outside the callback, and the callback itself returns the greater of the running sum or the whatever has previously been the maximum sum. So taking the first series there, we get the following iterations:


Superficially this seems OK, except for one thing: it considers the minimum possible sum to be 0. Which is not correct. In a sequence with only negative numbers... the maximum sum will be the highest negative number: in [-1,-2,-3] the highest sum there is -1, but sums less than zero are ignored by this algorithm, so it incorrectly returns 0. Equally for an empty sequence, the answer is null or undefined, so this algorithm will fail there too, as it returns 0 for this too (as it defaults to a maximum sum of zero, whereas we don't know there'll be a sum when we start the process. So I guess that's two slightly different logic errors there.

I'll come back to John's solution in a bit, but first here's my solution. It's not as elegant as John's, and I'm not entirely happy with it, but it does work.

Here's the code (I've opted to do mine in ES2015 rather than CFML):

let sumLongestContiguousSubsequence = function (array) {
    let subSequences =,i,a)=>a.slice(i));

    return subSequences.reduce(function(max, subsequence){
        let runningSum = subsequence[0];
        let maximumSubSequenceSum = subsequence.reduce(function(max, element){
            return (runningSum += element) > max ? runningSum : max;
        return Math.max(max||maximumSubSequenceSum, maximumSubSequenceSum);
    }, null);

My conceit is that one cannot make assumptions about any earlier maximums, so I don't default the answer to anything.

Also I don't default the running sum to anything, I just take its starting point as the first element of the sequence I'm checking.

The general approach here is slightly more ham-fisted than John's approach.
  • I figure I need to scan each separate sub-sequence of the main sequence, starting each sub-sequence from each subsequent value in the main sequence. EG: if I have a sequence of [1,2,3,4], then subSequences will be [[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4] [3,4],[4]].
  • For each of those I do much the same thing as John: just run a cumulative sum, and remember whatever the highest value for that was.
  • So that'll bring me back to an array of maximums (in my [1,2,3,4] example, this'd be [10,9,7,4].
  • And as I reduce that lot, I simply return whichever is the higher of the previous ones and the current one.

I also wrote actual tests here. And this is where my approach differs from John's (or Isaiah's for that matter). When I test things I don't try to demonstrate to myself it works, I try to break the thing.

Here are my tests:

"use strict";

let assert = require("chai").assert;

let sumLongestContiguousSubsequence = require("./sumLongestContiguousSubsequence.js");

describe("Test of puzzle requirement", function(){
    it("returns the highest contiguous subseries sum for baseline requirement", function(){
        let sequence = [-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4];
        let expectation = 4 + -1 + 2 + 1; // 6
        let result = sumLongestContiguousSubsequence(sequence);
        assert.equal(expectation, result);

describe("Tests of other puzzle submission sequences", function(){
    it("returns the highest contiguous subseries sum for variation 1", function(){
        let sequence = [-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4, 3];
        let expectation = 4 + -1 + 2 + 1 + -5 + 4 + 3; // 8
        let result = sumLongestContiguousSubsequence(sequence);
        assert.equal(expectation, result);
    it("returns the highest contiguous subseries sum for variation 2", function(){
        let sequence = [-2, -1, -3, -5];
        let expectation = -1;
        let result = sumLongestContiguousSubsequence(sequence);
        assert.equal(expectation, result);
    it("returns the highest contiguous subseries sum for variation 3", function(){
        let sequence = [1, 4, 2, 1, 4, 3];
        let expectation = 1 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 3; // 15
        let result = sumLongestContiguousSubsequence(sequence);
        assert.equal(expectation, result);

describe("Test edge cases", function(){
    it("returns the highest contiguous subseries sum with an empty array", function(){
        let sequence = [];
        let expectation = null;
        let result = sumLongestContiguousSubsequence(sequence);
        assert.equal(expectation, result);
    it("returns the highest contiguous subseries sum with just zero", function(){
        let sequence = [0];
        let expectation = 0;
        let result = sumLongestContiguousSubsequence(sequence);
        assert.equal(expectation, result);
    it("returns the highest contiguous subseries sum with just -1", function(){
        let sequence = [-1];
        let expectation = -1;
        let result = sumLongestContiguousSubsequence(sequence);
        assert.equal(expectation, result);
    it("returns the highest contiguous subseries sum with just 1", function(){
        let sequence = [1];
        let expectation = 1;
        let result = sumLongestContiguousSubsequence(sequence);
        assert.equal(expectation, result);

describe("Better described tests", function(){
    it("returns the highest contiguous subseries sum when the sequence has negative values", function(){
        let sequence = [1,2,3,-11];
        let expectation = 1 + 2 + 3; // 6
        let result = sumLongestContiguousSubsequence(sequence);
        assert.equal(expectation, result);
    it("returns the highest contiguous subseries sum when the sequence has negative values followed by a greater positive value", function(){
        let sequence = [1,2,3,-4,5];
        let expectation = 1 + 2 + 3 + -4 + 5; // 7
        let result = sumLongestContiguousSubsequence(sequence);
        assert.equal(expectation, result);
    it("returns the highest contiguous subseries sum when the sequence has negative values followed by a subseries positive values that are net greater than the negative one", function(){
        let sequence = [2,4,6,-8,3,7];
        let expectation = 2 + 4 + 6 + -8 + 3 + 7; // 14
        let result = sumLongestContiguousSubsequence(sequence);
        assert.equal(expectation, result);
    it("returns the highest contiguous subseries sum when the sequence has repeated negative values followed by a subseries positive values that are net greater than the negative one", function(){
        let sequence = [12,14,16,-8,3,7,-12,5,9];
        let expectation = 12 + 14 + 16 + -8 + 3 +7 + -12 + 5 + 9; // 46
        let result = sumLongestContiguousSubsequence(sequence);
        assert.equal(expectation, result);

These are fairly deliberate in what they test, but don't try to do anything clever (so there's a lot of repeated code). I make a point of testing edge cases like empty sequences, and sequences with only one element, and all negative values and all positive values etc. My philosophy with testing is that I'm not trying to demonstrate the code works, I'm trying to demonstrate it doesn't break. This amounts to the same thing, but it starts from a slightly different mindset. Testing is one situation where "glass half empty" rather than "glass half full" is the better way to look at things.

So this version of the solution works, but I'm not happy about it. For one thing, I don't think one can look at it and go "right, it's clear what's going on there". I looked for refactoring opportunities, but am not seeing any. Maybe subSequences could have a better name? I looked at extracting the callbacks into named function expressions, but that didn't look any clearer to me either.

let sumLongestContiguousSubsequence = function (array) {
    let runningSum;
    let getCurrentMaxSum = function(max, element){
        return (runningSum += element) > max ? runningSum : max;
    let findSumOfLongestSub = function(max, subsequence){
        runningSum = subsequence[0];
        let maximumSubSequenceSum = subsequence.reduce(getCurrentMaxSum);
        return Math.max(max||maximumSubSequenceSum, maximumSubSequenceSum);

    let subSequencesSlicedAtEachIndex =,i,a)=>a.slice(i));

    return subSequencesSlicedAtEachIndex.reduce(findSumOfLongestSub, null);

What do you think: is that clearer? I guess it's a bit better, innit? It's straying away from "elegance in simplicity" though.

Ha, just for a laugh I took the code clarity in the opposite direction. How about this mess:

let f=a=>,i,a)=>a.slice(i)).reduce((m1,s)=>{
    let t=s[0],m2=s.reduce((m,v)=>(t+=v)>m?t:m)
    return Math.max(m1||m2,m2)

It's the same logic as my original version.

The other issue that Sean and Ryan are likely to pull me up on is that one of my reductions relies on side-effects spilling out into the intermediary calling code:

let sumLongestContiguousSubsequence = function (array) {
    let subSequences =,i,a)=>a.slice(i));

    return subSequences.reduce(function(max, subsequence){
        let runningSum = subsequence[0];
        let maximumSubSequenceSum = subsequence.reduce(function(max, element){
            return (runningSum += element) > max ? runningSum : max;
        return Math.max(max||maximumSubSequenceSum, maximumSubSequenceSum);
    }, null);

This didn't actually bother me until I did the PHP version of this, where the side-effects are more glaring:

$sumLongestContiguousSubsequence = function ($array) {
    $subSequences = array_map(function($i) use ($array) {
        return array_slice($array, $i);
    }, array_keys($array));

    return array_reduce($subSequences, function($max, $subSequence){
        $runningSum = 0;
        $maximumSubSequenceSum = array_reduce($subSequence, function($max, $element) use (&$runningSum){
            return ($runningSum += $element) > $max ? $runningSum : $max;
        }, $subSequence[0]);
        return max($max?:$maximumSubSequenceSum, $maximumSubSequenceSum);
    }, null);

PHP sux a bit because it doesn't do closure implicitly, one needs to tell it what to enclose, which is clumsy IMO. But it's also a bit of an orange flag. This orange flag becomes a red flag when I need to actually use a reference here, cos I'm changing the original value, not simply using it.

That guilt-tripped me into revising my JS version so as to not need the side effects:

let sumLongestContiguousSubsequence = function (array) {
    let subSequences =,i,a)=>a.slice(i));

    return subSequences.reduce(function(max, subsequence){
        let maximumSubSequence = subsequence.reduce(function(working, element){
            working.runningSum += element;
            working.max = working.max || working.runningSum;
            working.max = working.runningSum > working.max ? working.runningSum : working.max
            return {max:working.max, runningSum:working.runningSum};
        }, {runningSum:0});
        return Math.max(max||maximumSubSequence.max, maximumSubSequence.max);
    }, null);

Now I'm carrying both the runningSum and the max value through the first argument in the reduction, by using an object rather than just the simple value. It's a small change but gets rid of the smell. To be completely honest though... I prefer my original version. I realise it's frowned-upon to bleed side-effects (which I then leverage), but this refactoring seems like an exercise in pedantic/dogmatic busy-work, and makes the code slightly less clear in the process. I dunno.

Oh, for completeness I did a CFML conversion too:

sumLongestContiguousSubsequence = function (array) {
    var subSequences =,i,a) => a.slice(i));
    return subSequences.reduce(function(maxSum, subSequence){
        var runningSum = 0;
        var maximumSubSequenceSum = subSequence.reduce(
            (maxSum, element) => (runningSum += element) > maxSum ? runningSum : maxSum,
        return max(maxSum ?: maximumSubSequenceSum, maximumSubSequenceSum);
    }, null);

Note that this solution only works on Lucee, not ColdFusion, for three reasons:
  • ColdFusion does not have arrow functions;
  • ColdFusion has a bug in its parser which breaks on this expression (see 4190163);
  • Lucee has a null keyword whereas ColdFusion does not.

The Lucee version is OK though. Same as the JS version for the most part: just 1-based arrays, not 0-based; and Lucee has the ?: operator whereas JS uses ||.

That's about all I can think to say about this. I might see if I can mess with John's approach to make it work for those two edge-cases it fails on. I much prefer his way compared to my way... but only provided it can be made to work! I'd also be keen to see treatments of this puzzle in other languages, or better/different solutions for JS, PHP or CFML.



Saturday 27 August 2016

Friday puzzle: my PHP answer

So as per my previous article - "Friday code puzzle" - here's my answer to the current puzzle.

I knocked the first version of this out over a beer whilst waiting for my flight to Galway, last night. Then scrapped that as being crap, and rewrote whilst in transit. And then... erm... back-filled my unit tests y/day evening. I feel guilty about not doing proper TDD,  but... so be it. It's got test coverage now.

Just on TDD for a second. It was wrong of me not to do the testing first, and whilst I was just about to manufacture an excuse as to why not ("I didn't have PHPUnit installed on this machine", "I couldn't be arsed making a whole project out of it", "um [something about being offline on the flight]"), it was all bullshit laziness. I had to write tests to prove that my function would work outside of the immediate quiz requirements: the easiest way to do this is with unit tests and clear expectations etc. These tests were of limited benefit to me, given I already had the code written, and had already been through the trial-and-error process of getting the thing working correctly.  The thing is, in a professional environment the tests aren't for you necessarily. They're for the next person who comes along to maintain your code. Or to troubleshoot your code when an edge-case crops up. It should not be down to the next person to write the tests for your code. That's lazy-arse, ego-centric shit. Do your job properly. I have encountered a coupla devs recently who think they're too good for tests, and refuse to do them properly. I don't want to work with people like that as they're all "me me me me".

But anyway... some code.

Well first a recap. Here's the "official" description from Jesse. But in summary:

We have this data set:


This reflects hierarchical data (I would not represent a hierarchy that way, but that's a different story for another time), and we want to convert it to a hierarchical representation, eg:

     nodeText : "File"
    ,children : [
         nodeText : "New"
        ,children : [
           { nodeText: "File" }
          ,{ nodeText: "Folder" }
     nodeText : "Edit"
    ,children : [
       {nodeText: "Copy"}
      ,{nodeText: "Cut"}
      ,{nodeText: "Paste"}
     nodeText : "Help"
    ,children : [
      { nodeText: "About" }

There are a few "rules of engagement" at that link I mentioned, but that's the gist of it.

I decided I had better write some PHP code for a change, so knocked something together hastily. Initially I thought I might need to write some recursive monster to generate the hierarchy, but instead realised I did not need to do that, I just needed to track each "parent" node as I encountered it, and then append children to it as appropriate. Note that the data is sorted, so each record could be a parent of a subsequent node, and it will never be the case one will encounter a node before already having processed its parent. So all I needed to do is iterate over the data from top to bottom. Once. Nothing more tricky than that. Then by the time I had finished, the first parent would represent the entire tree. That was easy enough but then I had to convert it to JSON. Note the above representation is not JSON, but it's close enough, so that's what I decided to run with. As it turns out this was pretty easy to achieve in PHP as it has the ability to provide a custom serialiser for a class, and given I'd used a mix of associative and indexed arrays to build the data structure, it was simply a matter of returning the first parent node's children. Done.

Enough chatter, here's the code...


I have updated this from the first version I posted. This is slightly simpler, and also works even if the data is not pre-sorted. Thanks to Mingo for encouraging me to look into this.


namespace puzzle;

class Tree implements \JsonSerializable {

    private $parents = [];

    function __construct() {
        $tree = [
            "children" => []
        $this->parents[0] = $tree;

    static function loadFromCsv($filePath) {
        $dataFile = fopen($filePath, "r");

        $tree = new Tree();
        while(list($id, $parent, $nodeText) = fgetcsv($dataFile)) {
            $tree->addNode($nodeText, $id, $parent);

        return $tree;

    private function addNode($nodeText, $id, $parent) {
        $parent = $parent === "" ? 0 : $parent;

        $this->parents[$id]["nodeText"] = $nodeText;
        $this->parents[$parent]["children"][] = &$this->parents[$id];

    function jsonSerialize() {
        return $this->parents[0]["children"];

The only other thing to note here is that the requirements indicated the data "should be in the form of an RDBMS resultset", but I could not be arsed horsing around with DB data for this, so I'm just reading a CSV file instead.

I also wrote the tests, as I said:


namespace test\puzzle;

use puzzle\Tree;

/** @coversDefaultClass \puzzle\Tree */
class TreeTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

    private $testDir;

    function setup() {
        $this->testDir = realpath(__DIR__ . "/testfiles");

     * @covers ::loadFromCsv
     * @covers ::__construct
     * @covers ::addNode
     * @covers ::jsonSerialize
     * @dataProvider provideCasesForLoadFromCsvTests
    function testLoadFromCsv($baseFile){
        $files = $this->getFilesFromBase($baseFile);

        $result = Tree::loadFromCsv($files["src"]);
        $resultAsJson = json_encode($result);
        $resultAsArray = json_decode($resultAsJson);

        $expectedJson = file_get_contents($files["expectation"]);
        $expectedAsArray = json_decode($expectedJson);

        $this->assertEquals($expectedAsArray, $resultAsArray);

    private function getFilesFromBase($base){
        return [
            "src" => sprintf("%s/%s/data.csv", $this->testDir, $base),
            "expectation" => sprintf("%s/%s/expected.json", $this->testDir, $base)

    function provideCasesForLoadFromCsvTests(){
        return [
            "puzzle requirements" => ["testSet" => "puzzle"],
            "one element" => ["testSet" => "one"],
            "deep" => ["testSet" => "deep"],
            "flat" => ["testSet" => "flat"],
            "not ordered" =&gt ["testSet" =&gt "notOrdered"]

There's no real surprise of discussion point there, beside highlighting the test cases I decided upon:

  • the puzzle requirements;
  • a single element;
  • a deep structure;
  • a flat structure.

I think those covered all the bases for a Friday Puzzle. An example of the data and expectation are thus (this is the "deep" example):


    "nodeText": "Tahi",
    "children": [
        "nodeText": "Rua",
        "children": [
            "nodeText": "Toru",
            "children": [
                "nodeText": "Wha",
                "children": [
                    "nodeText": "Rima",
                    "children": [
                        "nodeText": "Ono",
                        "children": [
                            "nodeText": "Whitu",
                            "children": [
                                "nodeText": "Waru",
                                "children": [
                                    "nodeText": "Iwa",
                                    "children": [
                                        "nodeText": "Tekau"

All the rest are on GitHub.

I ran the code coverage report on the tests, and they're all green:

So that's that: surprisingly simple once I got into my head how to approach it.

Give it a blast. Reminder: the puzzle details are in this gist.



Wednesday 11 May 2016

JavaScript TDD: getting Mocha tests running on Bamboo

We've finally having a chance to move forward with our JavaScript TDD / testing. You might have recalled that I'd lamented in the past we'd wanted to take this sort of thing more seriously with our JS, but it was taking an age to get it moving. Well now it's been placed in the hands of the devs, so it's... moving.

This came to us on Friday, and we had a wee faff around with it then, but didn't make a huge amount of progress. On the weekend I decided to get a proof of concept working, which I did on Saturday. It was kind of a bit of a mission, and I didn't write down what I did so I replicated it again on my other laptop this morning, and took some notes. Which I'll now pad out into an article.

We'd been looking at Jasmine for our JavaScript TDD, but this was based solely on that being the one JS testing framework I was aware of. Jasmine works really well, and superficially I like the approach it has (I say "superficially" cos that's the full extent of my exposure to it). However when I went to see how to get Bamboo running Jasmine tests, all I could really find was chatter about Mocha. I had a quick look at Mocha and it seemed much the same as Jasmine, and looked pretty good, so decided to shift my attention onto using that instead. It seems like Bamboo was kinda pushing me in that direction anyhow.

Installing Mocha is done via NPM:

C:\temp>npm install -g mocha
npm WARN deprecated jade@0.26.3: Jade has been renamed to pug, please install the latest version of pug instead of jade
npm WARN deprecated graceful-fs@2.0.3: graceful-fs v3.0.0 and before will fail on node releases >= v7.0. Please update to graceful-fs@^4.0.0 as soon as possible. Use 'npm ls graceful-fs' to find it in the tree.
C:\Users\adam.cameron\AppData\Roaming\npm\mocha -> C:\Users\adam.cameron\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mocha\bin\mocha
C:\Users\adam.cameron\AppData\Roaming\npm\_mocha -> C:\Users\adam.cameron\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mocha\bin\_mocha
mocha@2.4.5 C:\Users\adam.cameron\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mocha
├── escape-string-regexp@1.0.2
├── commander@2.3.0
├── diff@1.4.0
├── growl@1.8.1
├── supports-color@1.2.0
├── debug@2.2.0 (ms@0.7.1)
├── mkdirp@0.5.1 (minimist@0.0.8)
├── jade@0.26.3 (commander@0.6.1, mkdirp@0.3.0)
└── glob@3.2.3 (inherits@2.0.1, graceful-fs@2.0.3, minimatch@0.2.14)

(don't worry about the deprecation warnings, everything still works... this is all just part of a trademark dispute).

And similarly install Chai and bamboo-mocha-reporter.

Another thing I needed to do is to make sure I had my NODE_PATH environment variable set. I was kinda expecting the Node install to do this, but it didn't. For me that needs to point to C:\Users\adam.cameron\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules

So a basic Mocha test looks like this:

var assert = require('chai').assert;

describe('MyClass tests', function() {
    var MyClass = require("../myApp/MyClass");
    describe('Baseline', function () {
        it('should exist and be usable', function () {
            var myObj = new MyClass();
            assert.instanceOf(myObj, MyClass, "myObj should be an instance of MyClass");

This is a tweaking of the sample they had on their website's "getting started" section:

var assert = require('chai').assert;
describe('Array', function() {
  describe('#indexOf()', function () {
    it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function () {
      assert.equal(-1, [1,2,3].indexOf(5));
      assert.equal(-1, [1,2,3].indexOf(0));

Note that the instructions there don't actually implicitly mention the dependency on Chai here, which is a bit crap of them. They seem to kinda assume one knows this. This is not a safe assumption to make.

Another thing that is "interesting" about Mocha is that it doesn't come with any assertion capabilities at all, so one needs to install Chai (or some other assertions lib) for it to be of much use. I guess this is symptomatic of this mania Node apps have for making everything a "dependency" even if it's really more of a necessity. Equally I discovered that Mocha has no mocking framework either (which almost makes the name of the thing a misrepresentation! ;-), so I think I'll be using Sinon for that. But later.

But anyhow, one one installs all that crap, one can run a test.

I've created a basic GitHub repo, JavaScriptTesting, which has a basic class and a basic test of it:

var Person = function(firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

Person.prototype.getFullName = function(){
    return this.firstName + " " +this.lastName;

module.exports = Person;

var assert = require('chai').assert;

describe('Person tests', function() {
    var Person = require("../myApp/Person");
    describe('Baseline', function () {
        it('should exist and be usable', function () {
            var person = new Person();
            assert.instanceOf(person, Person);
    describe('Method tests', function () {
        describe('getFullName tests', function () {
            it('should return a full name', function () {
                var person = new Person("FIRST_NAME", "LAST_NAME");
                var fullName = person.getFullName();
                assert.equal("FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME", fullName);

And I can now run these from the command prompt:


  Person tests
      V should exist and be usable
    Method tests
      getFullName tests
        V should return a full name

  2 passing (47ms)


Cool. So I know the tests work.

Now I go about getting it all to work on Bamboo. I'd not installed this before so I followed the instructions. One pitfall I fell foul of the first time is the requirements state:

Servlet container requirements
You will need a servlet container that supports the Servlet 2.4 specification. Most modern containers should comply with this.

This is from "Bamboo installation guide". So I messed around getting Tomcat installed (which granted is not much messing around), only to find out that's bullshit. Bamboo installs its own instance of Tomcat, and does that out of the box as part of the installer. Oh well: this is not much of a hardship.

I knew Bamboo will be needing to write stuff to disk and do other stuff that the local system account perhaps did not have permissions to do, so I created a specific account for Bamboo (I called it "bamboo" with a password of "bamboo" ;-), and gave that user full access permissions to the Bamboo home directory.

Oh... during install I let Bamboo create its "home" (/working) directory in the default location which - in hindsight was daft both on my part, and on part of the Bamboo installer, cos it created it in my own user account's user directory. That makes no sense for a server-oriented application. So I changed this to be c:\bamboo.tmp (I'll be blowing all this away on this machine once I've done with this article). So it was that dir I gave the Bamboo user full control permissions to.

After that I dropped down to a command prompt (running as administrator) and ran c:\apps\atlassian\bamboo\InstallAsService.bat to install the Windows service, then I edited that to login with the new bamboo account and started it.

Browsing to http://localhost:8085/ yielded success! (I can't show you a screen shot as I forgot to take one at the time, and I cannot get back to that first screen again now. Just tryst me ;-)

Next Bamboo needs some configuration, so I chose the Express object, which just requires me to enter a login and a password and an email address. Then I was in, and it was time to create a new job to run my tests.

I really have no idea what's going on in Bamboo, but I kinda followed my nose.

I created a "project" called "JavaScript App" which was assigned a short code of "JA". As far as I can tell this is just like in Jira when one creates a new project, and it gets that abbreviation which ends up as the prefix to all tickets. But I dunno. I just agreed with what Bamboo suggested. Next I created a "plan" called "JS TDD CI", and that got an abbrev. of "JTC" (f*** knows if any of this will ever be relevant again, but it's what was going on on the screen as I was thinking "yes, lovely, that's nice").

Then we started to do something that seemed useful: I linked the plan to a repository which is where I point Bamboo to my GitHub repository (that JavaScriptTesting one I mentioned further up). All good.

On the next screen I add the other steps to the plan. It's already added the "Source Code checkout" one for me. So running that much would get the source code checked out.

Next I need to tell Bamboo about Mocha and Chai (and its own mocha-bamboo-reporter), so I add three NPM tasks. Here's the screens for adding the mocha one: the others are all the same:

Having done that, I then add the task to run the tests, which is done via the Mocha Test Runner:

And that's it. I can now run the tests by selecting the run option from the top right of the main plan screen. Stuff whirs into action (and it logs an awful lot of stuff), and eventually:

Now I dart back to my other machine and add a new test to my code:

describe('getAgeInYears tests', function () {
    it('should return the correct age in years', function () {
        var person = new Person("FIRST_NAME", "LAST_NAME", new Date("1970-02-17"));
        var ageInYears = person.getAgeInYears();
        assert.equal(46, ageInYears); // obviously this is a poorly-written test, but it works for a few months yet ;-)

This fails cos I have not added the getAgeInYears method yet, but for the sake of demonstration I'll push it up to GitHub.

Bamboo is polling GitHub every three minutes, so after a bit a test run starts and...

There's my latest changes breaking the build. I've never been so pleased to see a failing test before. Hang on whilst I implement that method...


Now I did have some problems, and I'm not that happy with a coupla things. Firstly I've got all those NPM modules installed globally already, and I have them on my NODE_PATH. But Bamboo refuses to "see" them. It only seems interested in looking in the node_modules dir in its own working directory. I could not work out how to change that.

I did have some success initially with doing an npm link instead of an npm install in my test script, but when I came to test everything today I must have screwed something up as it had stopped working. Using the install approach requires dragging the stuff down off the 'net each time I do a test run, which seems a bit wasteful. I'm sure it's something I'm doing wrong, and when I work it out, I'll update this article accordingly.

Having got this proof of concept running, we are now in the position to give it a go in our actual work environment (which we've done... we've got our first test passing).

I'm pretty pleased about this. I am now in a place with my JavaScript development that I should have been (and wanted to be) about three years ago. But at least I've got there.



Thursday 7 April 2016

Maintaining untested code, and mocking too much when backfilling test (with JavaScript & Jasmine)

Here's another example of me doing something wrong. Well: there's a litany of wrongness in this exercise, and I'll show the whole thing from start to finish. But this all stems from me ballsing something up.


Be warned: there's a lot of code in this one, but the main point is the volume of the code I found necessary to write to test and fix a tiny bug. You don't need to worry too much about the content of the code... the important part is the line number at the bottom of the file.

The background to this is that I was helping a former colleague with some CFML code ("just when I thought I was out..."), and it was whilst reconfiguring stuff, I got hit by a trivial bug... the resolution to which is the basis of this article. I could not use their actual code in the article here due to NDA reasons, but I also didn't want to be discussing CFML either. So I've undertaken to "refactor" the entire thing into JavaScript instead (I don't mean their code; I mean a version of their logic which I will discuss here). The JavaScript code closely resembles the actual code I was looking at, but obviously some of the approaches to doing things needed to change, and I've repurposed some of the elements of it to better suit what I'm discussing. The logic and "code distribution" is about a 95% match to the original case though, I think. Also I'm using Jasmine to do JavaScript testing in this example, and I was using a CFML-based solution for the original code. This is irrelevant to the situation as both work mostly the same way, and produce similar amounts of code for the equivalent testing and mocking tasks.

I will start by saying that the code is a product of its time and their coding policies at that time. I'm happy to say they've since revised their approach to things, and are fine-tuning it as they go. the code base - like all others - is an evolving beast. And indeed to be fair to them: it's a testament to their evolving coding process that I'm able to write this article.


This code comes some a project which is built with an MVC framework: the details of which are irrelevant to this article. They also use a dependency injection container to handle their dependencies.

The code in this article is part of the TranslatorProvider, which creates a TranslationService, and loads it with translations originally stored in some (optionally cached) data repository. The implementation details of these are not relevant here. These translations are for on-screen labels and other text. The bit of code I'm focusing on in this article is the logic to load the translations from storage. They don't quite follow the service / repository model I have presented here, but it's the same beast by different names, and the service / repository model suits me better so that's how I've labelled things here.

My mate's organisation produces numerous small websites, all of which are multi-lingual, and all share this code.

New site

They're in the process of building a new site, which is where I came in. We'd been piggy-backing onto the translation dictionaries for one of the existing sites whilst we were protoyping. the onscreen-labels we need to translate follow the same general theme, so it's workable - during development - to use one site's translations for another site, to a point (some translations don't work, but that's OK). It took a while to prepare the dictionaries for the new site (a different team was doing that), but when they came back from the translator I switched the dictionary bundles over.

I did this, and the whole site broke. Switched the dictionary back to the older one: site worked again. Switch it forward: site broke. OK: there's something wrong with our translations. Oh, I switched the translations on another one of their test sites - one I knew in which all the work was sound (ie: not written by me) - and that site broke, Harrumph. What is it about some translation dictionaries that can break a site?


I dug into the translator code and quickly (well: it took a few hours) found the problem:

var translations;

// ...

for (var key in rawTranslations.primary){
    translations.primary = translations.primary || {};
    translations.primary[key] = rawTranslations.primary[key];

for (var key in rawTranslations.secondary){
    translations.secondary = translations.secondary || {};
    translations.secondary[key] = rawTranslations.secondary[key];

var ttl = config.ttl;

cacheService.put(cacheKeyPrimary, translations.primary, ttl);
cacheService.put(cacheKeySecondary, translations.secondary, ttl);

Can you see it?

What happens if - as it is in our case - one hasn't got any secondary translations? translations.secondary never gets created, so that last line will break.

The fix is simply to initialise that object outside of the loop:

translations = {primary : {}, secondary : {}};


Well except for one thing. No test coverage. This code was written before they had a TDD policy, so it's got no tests at all. Note that this bug never would have happened had they used TDD when developing this code, because the very first test would have been with empty arrays. I made sure to point this out to them, but they rightfully pointed out when it was written and they now do have a full TDD policy. And that comes into play for my fix: I needed to use TDD for implementing my fix.


My policy with maintaining untested code using our new TDD approach is that I will not back-fill all missing tests. I will only implement the minimum testing needed for the case I'm fixing. if I have time I'll make shell tests with a "skip" in them so the missing coverage gets flagged in the test run, but I'll not bother too much other than that.

So in this case all I need to test is that if the secondary object is null, that null gets send to the cache. Simple.

Or is it?

Unclean code

Unfortunately this code was also written before the era of "write Clean Code", so the function itself is doing way too much. It's 50 lines long for a start, which is a red flag, but one can easily see different sections of processing in it too, so it violates the "functions should do one thing" rule. This becomes a problem because even to test my wee fix, I need to make sure the preceding 40-odd lines of code don't break or do the wrong thing before I get to my line of code. And as this code leverages a fair number of dependencies, there's a bunch of mocking work to do before I can even get to what I want to test. Note: the dependencies in the original code were handled differently in that they passed the DI container into this provider, and just plucked out whatever they need when they need it. I cannot bring myself to show code like that (even for a blog article), so I've broken them down into multiple dependencies with specific roles. The logic is the same, and it produces the same amount of code (both sample code and test code).

If the code was Clean and I was just looking at a function that map the source objects(s) into the target objects(s), then my test job would be easy. But no.

Let's look at what stands between me and where I can test the results of my line of code. I've highlighted what needs mocking:

if (!requestService.isTranslatorEnabled()){

var currentLocale = requestService.getLocale();

var cacheKeyPrimary = getCacheKey("primary", currentLocale);
var cacheKeySecondary = getCacheKey("secondary", currentLocale);

var okToGetFromCache = cacheService.isActive()
    && cacheService.exists(cacheKeyPrimary)
    && cacheService.exists(cacheKeySecondary);

var translations = {};
if (okToGetFromCache) {
    translations.primary = cacheService.get(cacheKeyPrimary);
    translations.secondary = cacheService.get(cacheKeySecondary);
    var rawTranslations = {
        primary : translationRepository.loadBundle("primary", currentLocale),
        secondary : translationRepository.loadBundle("secondary", currentLocale)

    for (var key in rawTranslations.primary){
        translations.primary = translations.primary || {};
        translations.primary[key] = rawTranslations.primary[key];

    for (var key in rawTranslations.secondary){
        translations.secondary = translations.secondary || {};
        translations.secondary[key] = rawTranslations.secondary[key];

    var ttl = config.ttl;

    cacheService.put(cacheKeyPrimary, translations.primary, ttl);
    // [...]

  1. requestService.isTranslatorEnabled
  2. requestService.getLocale
  3. cacheService.isActive
  4. translationRepository.loadBundle
  5. config.ttl
  6. cacheService.put
But that's not all. The function has to complete without error. So I also need to mock this lot:

var translationService = translationFactory.getTranslator();
var arrayLoader = translationFactory.getArrayLoader();

translationService.load(arrayLoader.load(translations.primary), 'primary', currentLocale);
translationService.load(arrayLoader.load(translations.secondary), 'secondary', currentLocale);

  1. translationFactory.getTranslator
  2. translationFactory.getArrayLoader
  3. arrayLoader.load
  4. translationService.load

What a nightmare. If this code was written cleanly, I'd simply have to test a method that takes a coupla arguments and returns a value. Simple.

Saturday 2 April 2016

Endorsement: Ciaran McNulty's "Why Your Test Suite Sucks" presentation is really good

I was just gonna put a Twitter message out about this, but anyone with their head screwed on ignores me on Twitter, but might read this nonsense.

Anyway, Ciaran really knows his stuff about TDD, and he gives a good presentation. I fancy myself as reasonably OK with TDD, but this presentation had me go "holy f*** I'm doing that wrong", and "ah, yeah... that's how we work around that challenge we have", and as well ratifies a bunch of stuff I seem to be getting right. Where "right" for the purposes of this is "the way he recommends".

The prezzo is PHP-centric, but really don't let that worry you. The code is easy to follow, and this is more a presentation on technique and approach more than implementation.

I recommend it to anyone who is doing TDD, or who isn't doing TDD and suspects they should. Or isn't doing TDD and doesn't suspect they should (you're wrong, so watch the video!).

Let's see if I can embed this thing...

Thanks Ciaran. I'm gonna be keeping an eye on what you have to say about stuff from now on!



Tuesday 8 March 2016

Unit testing: mocking out final, type-checked dependency

This is a follow-on from my earlier article: "PHPUnit: trap for dumb players regarding mocking". In that article I described how I fell foul of trying to mock a method that had been declared final, and - basically - wasting time from a mix of me not thinking to RTFM, validating my assumptions, and PHPUnit not being as declarative with its feedback as it could be.

Recap of previous article

To recap/augment the situation, I had a Logger class like this:

namespace me\adamcameron\mocking\service;

use me\adamcameron\mocking\exception\NotImplementedException;

class LoggingService {

    public final function logSomething($text){
        throw new NotImplementedException(__FUNCTION__ . " not implemented yet");


And we have a service using that Logger as a dependency:

namespace me\adamcameron\mocking\service;

class MyService {

    private $logger;

    public function __construct(LoggingService $logger){
        $this->logger = $logger;

    public function doesStuff($value){
        $preppedValue = "PREPPED $value";
        $processedValue = $this->doesRiskyStuff($preppedValue);
        return "RESULT OF DOING STUFF ON $processedValue";

    protected function doesRiskyStuff($preppedValue){
        return "$preppedValue (SURVIVED RISKY PROCESS)";


We've established we cannot mock that dependency because I cannot mock that final method.

Final prevents mocking

Our tactic to work around this was to create a different stubbed LoggingService which has the same methods, but not the final restriction:

namespace me\adamcameron\mocking\stub;

use me\adamcameron\mocking\exception\StubMethodCalledException;

class LoggingService {

    public function logSomething($text){
        throw new StubMethodCalledException(__FUNCTION__ . " must be mocked");


And then we use StubMethodCalledException for our mocked dependency:

class MyServiceTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

    // ...

    function setup(){
        $mockedLogger = $this->getMockedLogger();
        $this->myService = $this->getTestMyService($mockedLogger);

    // ...

    function getMockedLogger(){
        $mockedLogger = $this->getMockBuilder('\me\adamcameron\mocking\stub\StubbedLoggingService')


        return $mockedLogger;

    // ...


Type-checking can be unhelpful

And now we run our tests and...

PHPUnit 4.8.23 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.


Time: 764 ms, Memory: 5.00Mb

There was 1 error:

1) me\adamcameron\mocking\test\service\MyServiceTest::testDoesStuff
Argument 1 passed to me\adamcameron\mocking\service\MyService::__construct() must be an instance of me\adamcameron\mocking\service\LoggingService, instance of Mock_StubbedLoggingService_e4bcfaaf given


Tests: 2, Assertions: 0, Errors: 1.



Indeed, here's that constructor:

public function __construct(LoggingService $logger){
    $this->logger = $logger;

Note how it type-checks the $logger argument.

For web application code, I would simply never bother type checking arguments. PHP is a dynamic, run-time compiled language, so type-checking really makes little sense in most situations. In this situation it's one of our API libraries, so it kinda makes sense. Normally I'd go "an API should typecheck as much as possible", but to me that only applies to APIs which will be used as a third-party module. For internal libraries - even shared ones - it's just boilerplate for the sake of it, IMO.

This is important, so I'm gonna make it bold:

That aside, in a situation you know the library is going to be used as a dependency of other code - especially code you know is going to be using TDD and dependency injection - do not type check on an implementation. Use an interface.

If we'd used an interface here, I could still use my stub, just by saying it implements the interface (which it does already!).