Tuesday 7 February 2017

TDD: still testing too much

A while back I wrote this article - Maintaining untested code, and mocking too much when backfilling test (with JavaScript & Jasmine) - wherein my colleague pulled me up for testing too much when I'm doing my TDD. I'm working with PHP this time, and I've just been pulled up on it again. For much the same reason. It created an interesting thought exercise... well interetsing ish... so I'll write it up here.

Firstly, I cannot use the actual code I am working with due to the usual over-baked "commercial sensitivity" considerations, so this is simply an analogy, but it captures the gist of what I was doing.

We have an adapter that handles HTTP calls. It's basically a generic wrapper that masks the API differences between Guzzle 5 and Guzzle 6, both of which we are still using, but we want a unified adapter to work with both. It's very generic, and basically has methods for GET, POST, PUT etc, and doesn't encompass any of our business logic.

Business reality is that we use this mostly to transmit JSONified objects, so we're adding a layer in front of it to take the raw text responses and rehydrate them. I'm writing the GET method.

When I start designing my solution, I know that the happy path will return me a Response object that has JSON as its content. I just need to deserialise the JSON and return it. This is easy enough:

public function testGetAsObject() {
    $expectedResult = ['result' => 'valid JSON'];
    $expectedContent = json_encode($expectedResult);

    $adapter = $this->mockAdapterWithResponse(200, $expectedContent);

    $client = new HttpClient($adapter);
    $result = $client->getWithJson($this->uri);

    $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);

mockAdapterWithResponse just does this:

private function mockAdapterWithResponse($statusCode, $content){
    $response = $this->getMockBuilder(Response::class)
        ->setMethods(['getStatusCode', 'getContent'])


    $adapter = $this->getMockBuilder(Adapter::class)
    return $adapter;

(there are other tests that already needed this). All it's doing is enabling us to set what the content for the call to the HttpClient will return, because we don't care how the client goes about doing this; we just care what we do with the content afterwards.

So back to my test code:

public function testGetAsObject() {
    $expectedResult = ['result' => 'valid JSON'];
    $expectedContent = json_encode($expectedResult);

    $adapter = $this->mockAdapterWithResponse(200, $expectedContent);

    $client = new HttpClient($adapter);
    $result = $client->getWithJson($this->uri);

    $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);

All I'm doing here is mocking the adapter to return a predetermined result, and I then test that what comes back from my function is the deserialisation of that value. That's it. I then implement some code to make that test pass:

public function getAsObject($uri, $params = [], $headers = []) {
    $response = $this->get($uri, $params, $headers);

    $object = json_decode($response->getContent(), true);

    return $object;

And that's green: all good.

I've already done too much in my test, but have not noticed (and not put it in for code review, so no-one's pointed it out).

The next requirement for this method is that if the content coming back from the adapter isn't JSON, then just throw an exception instead of trying to deserialise it. Again, pretty easy to TDD that:

/** @expectedException \Exception */
public function testGetAsObjectThrowsExceptionOnNonJsonContent() {
    $content = 'NOT_VALID_JSON';

    $adapter = $this->mockAdapterWithResponse(200, $content);

    $client = new HttpClient($adapter);

Note there's not even any explicit assertions in there: the @expectedException annotation takes care of it.

This test fails at present: no exception is thrown thanks to PHP's stupid-arse behaviour if json_decode is given non-JSON: it just returns null. Bravo, PHP. But that's what we want... we've designed our code and have tests to prove the design, now we need to implement the code:

public function getAsObject($uri, $params = [], $headers = []) {
    $response = $this->get($uri, $params, $headers);

    $object = json_decode($response->getContent(), true);
    if (is_null($object)) {
        throw new \Exception('Unable to decode JSON result');
    return $object;

The tests are green, so all good.

But what have I done wrong? Nothing major, but once again I'm testing too much. Actually my tests are fine. It's my helper method that's "wrong":

private function mockAdapterWithResponse($statusCode, $content){
    $response = $this->getMockBuilder(Response::class)
        ->setMethods(['getStatusCode', 'getContent'])


    $adapter = $this->getMockBuilder(Adapter::class)
    return $adapter;

Why am I testing that those methods are called once? It is completely irrelevant to what I'm testing how many times they're called.

What got into my head is I was being too dogmatic when I was writing my code, and I also cheated a bit with the TDD. Instead of designing the test variation first, and then implemented the code to pass the test, I was doing both at the same time. And it shows from my test implementation. Basically I didn't design my solution first, I designed it as I went, so - whilst tricking myself into thinking I was doing TDD - I was asking myself "right, what does my code need to do? It needs to call get on the adapter. OK, so I'll test I call it. What next... I need to get the content from the response. Right: I'll make sure that getContent gets called". All very stolid and admirable, but: wrong. All this is doing is testing my code (almost line by line!). TDD is not about testing my code; it's about testing my design. And it's the design and behaviour of the API of the method I'm testing. As I've said before, it'd be excellent it TDD was retconned to mean "Test Driven Design", not "Test Driven Development". The former is closer to the intent of the exercise.

I don't need to test those methods are called once: there's no logic in my function that will vary how many times they might be called, so they will be called once. We can trust PHP to do what we tell it to do by giving it source code.

The logic flaw here was demonstrated by my code reviewer observed: if you think you need to check how many times that functionality is called, why are you also not concerned with how many times json_decode is called too? It's an important part of your functionality which definitely needs to be called. Ha... yeah "duh", I thought. This drove home I was testing too much.

Another thing is that I was getting too distracted by what my implementation was whilst writing my test. The requirements of that function are:

  • make a request, the response of which might be JSON:
  • if it is: return the deserialised content;
  • if it's not: raise an exception.

That first step is implementation detail from the POV of testing. What we're testing with TDD is the outcome of the function call. Which is: an object, or an exception. We're also only supposed to be testing the logic in the function the test is actually calling. I emphasise "logic" there because we're not testing the code. TDD is not about that. We're testing the logic. This is why we have two test variations: one wherein the logic to throw the exception is not true, so we get our object back; another when that if condition is true, so we get the exception.

We only need to test logic branching code (conditionals and loops, basically).

We do not need to prove every single statement is executed.

I was reminded a rule of thumb to apply when considering whether to use expects or not. Basically it boils down to if you have test variations which might result in a dependency being called a different amount of times, and that variation is germane to the result, then verify the call count.

Another good point made by my other colleague Brian was that when mocking stuff... only mock the bare minimum to get the test passing. Then stop. And that's probably the right place to leave it be.

An example of this might be if we had this logic in our method:

public function getAsObject($uri, $params = [], $headers = []) {
    $response = $this->get($uri, $params, $headers);

    $object = json_decode($response->getContent(), true);
    if (is_null($object)) {
        $this->logger("Bung content returned: $object");
        throw new \Exception('Unable to decode JSON result');
    return $object;

Logging is an optional outcome of that method call, so we might want to test that the logger definitely gets called once in that second test. We could also be belt-and-braces about it and test it's not called at all in the happy-path test.

Or let's say the code was a caching proxy and one is testing the uncached and cached variations:

function get($id){
    if ($this->cache->exists($id)){
        return $this->cache->get($id);
    return $this->dao->get($id);

In the uncached variation, the data is not found in the cache, so we want to make sure that the DAO is called to get the data from the DB. In the cached variation, we want to make sure the DAO isn't called. Even here, in the first example we're not really testing the DAO call was made specifically; we're testing the logic around the cache check didn't trigger the early return. We're testing the if statement, not the DAO call.

Bottom line, I think that if I find myself starting to do a call count on a mocked method, I need to stop to think about whether I will have cases where the expected call count will be different, and only then ought I even be bothering if the call-count variation is important to the outcome of the function call. If I'm only checking for one call count value... I'm doing it wrong.

And now rather than talking about my day job... I should actually be doing it...

