Showing posts with label Symfony the Fast Track. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Symfony the Fast Track. Show all posts

Saturday 25 March 2023

PHP / Symfony: working through "Symfony: The Fast Track", part 1: preparation and pre-requisites (and not actually any Symfony!)


This new PHP app we're shifting in at work is gonna be running Symfony. The other bods on the dev team have been working through "Symfony: The Fast Track", and I figured I pretty much ought to as well. So… here goes. It's a big "book", so am not sure how much of it I'll be able to get through in one go, so this will be a multi-part series. Or just one part if I get bored and move on to something else, as if often my wont on this blog. Hopefully it'll keep me motivated. The stuff I've seen from the other peeps on the team is interesting though, so who knows.


I need PHP and Nginx running so I'll install the config for those first. I've actually already done this, tested it, and tagged it up on GitHub as adamcameron/SymfonyFastTrack. The baseline for this was version 1.0 of my PHP 8 repo. This repo has moved on a bit since it was a bare baseline, but that v1.0 tag was round about right and with a minimum of unnecessary crap, so I started with that: cloned it, and slapped the files in my SymfonyFastTrack repo. I fiddled around with some stuff, but nothing of consequence. Anyhoo, there's an installation set of two Docker containers there: Nginx and PHP. They expose the website on http://localhost:8062/ on yer host machine. All the instructions are in the file for the repo.

The only other thing I've done thusfar is set up a project in IntelliJ to talk to my PHP container so it can run tests and code quality tooling, etc.

There is nothing to do with Symfony in this codebase yet. This is next. When I start reading that book. Which'll be now.

Symfony: The Fast Track

I'm gonna start from the front and work my way to the back.

First coupla sections

There are "Acknowledgements" and "What is it about?" up front. Necessary I suppose, but no real value beyond the author's obligation to write them.

Checking your Work Environment

The interesting things in here is that they say up front I'm gonna need PostgreSQL and Node.js installed. Oh and the Symfony CLI (which I actually have installed in the PHP container already, as it turns out. I forgot about that).

Other than that the requirements for this - to start with - are:

  • An IDE - IntelliJ in my case.
  • A terminal. Well, um, yeah obviously (isn't it?).
  • Git. Yup, done.
  • PHP. The book is written for 8,1, and I have 8.2 installed.
  • Some PHP extensions, some of which I do not have installed yet.
  • Composer. Yup, obviously.
  • Docker.

One good thing the Symfony CLI does is have a check to see if I meet the book's prerequisites:

root:/var/www# symfony book:check-requirements
[OK] Git installed
[OK] PHP installed version 8.2.4 (/usr/local/bin/php)
[KO] PHP extension "xsl" not found, please install it - not found
[OK] PHP extension "tokenizer" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "xml" installed - required
[KO] PHP extension "redis" not found - optional - needed only for chapter 31
[KO] PHP extension "amqp" not found - optional - needed only for chapter 32
[OK] PHP extension "json" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "session" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "curl" installed - optional - needed only for chapter 17 (Panther)
[KO] PHP extension "pdo_pgsql" not found, please install it - required
[OK] PHP extension "mbstring" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "openssl" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "sodium" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "zip" installed - optional - needed only for chapter 17 (Panther)
[KO] PHP extension "gd" not found - optional - needed only for chapter 23 (Imagine)
[OK] PHP extension "ctype" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "intl" installed - required
[OK] Composer installed
[KO] Cannot find Docker, please install it
[KO] Cannot find Docker Compose, please install it
[KO] Cannot find the npm package manager, please install it
You should fix the reported issues before starting reading the book.

It's not seeing Docker as I'm in a shell of a container already. But I'll get all that other stuff installed now.

PHP extensions

That was mostly googling how to install the various extensions that were missing, doing it manually in the running container to test they were working, then adding the steps to docker/php/Dockerfile so they're there when I rebuild the containers. These were the additions to the Dockerfile:

FROM php:8.2.4-fpm

RUN ["apt-get", "update"]
RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "zip", "unzip", "git", "vim"]

COPY php.ini /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini
COPY home/.bash_history /root/.bash_history
COPY home/.bashrc /root/.bashrc

COPY --from=composer:latest /usr/bin/composer /usr/local/bin/composer

RUN pecl install xdebug && docker-php-ext-enable xdebug
COPY conf.d/xdebug.ini /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-xdebug.ini
COPY conf.d/error_reporting.ini /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/error_reporting.ini

RUN apt-get install -y libicu-dev && docker-php-ext-configure intl && docker-php-ext-install intl

RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "libpng-dev", "libpq-dev", "librabbitmq-dev", "libxslt1-dev", "libz-dev", "libzip-dev"]
RUN docker-php-ext-configure bcmath && docker-php-ext-install bcmath
RUN docker-php-ext-configure gd && docker-php-ext-install gd
RUN docker-php-ext-configure opcache && docker-php-ext-install opcache
RUN docker-php-ext-configure pdo_mysql && docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql
RUN docker-php-ext-configure pdo_pgsql && docker-php-ext-install pdo_pgsql
RUN docker-php-ext-configure xsl && docker-php-ext-install xsl
RUN docker-php-ext-configure zip && docker-php-ext-install zip

RUN pear config-set php_ini /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini && pecl install amqp && docker-php-ext-enable amqp
RUN pear config-set php_ini /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini && pecl install redis && docker-php-ext-enable redis

RUN curl -1sLf '' | bash
RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "symfony-cli"]

WORKDIR /var/www

I also enforced as many of them as I could in composer.json, eg:

    "name" : "adamcameron/symfonythefasttrack",
    "description" : "Symfony: The Fast Track",
    "type" : "project",
    "license" : "LGPL-3.0-only",
    "require": {
        "php" : "^8.2",
        "ext-bcmath": "*",
        "ext-ctype": "*",
        "ext-curl": "*",
        "ext-dom": "*",
        "ext-gd": "*",
        "ext-iconv": "*",

Which worked fine for all of them except the amqp: composer validate just went "what the hell is that?" I could not find out why so I omitted that one. It is installed though:

I googled around for what's different about the AMPQ extension compared to the others, and how I might handle it in composer.json, but drew a blank. I thought it might be because it's a PECL extension, not a "normal" one, but then I'd also expect to get the same grief with the redis one, which I didn't. It's no big thing, so I've just moved on.

Symfony is much happier now:

root:/var/www# symfony book:check-requirements
[OK] Git installed
[OK] PHP installed version 8.2.4 (/usr/local/bin/php)
[OK] PHP extension "xsl" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "tokenizer" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "xml" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "redis" installed - optional - needed only for chapter 31
[OK] PHP extension "amqp" installed - optional - needed only for chapter 32
[OK] PHP extension "json" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "session" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "curl" installed - optional - needed only for chapter 17 (Panther)
[OK] PHP extension "pdo_pgsql" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "mbstring" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "openssl" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "sodium" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "zip" installed - optional - needed only for chapter 17 (Panther)
[OK] PHP extension "gd" installed - optional - needed only for chapter 23 (Imagine)
[OK] PHP extension "ctype" installed - required
[OK] PHP extension "intl" installed - required
[OK] Composer installed
[KO] Cannot find Docker, please install it
[KO] Cannot find Docker Compose, please install it
[KO] Cannot find the npm package manager, please install it
You should fix the reported issues before starting reading the book.

The changes to get this far are tagged as 1.1. I'll crack on with adding a Node.js and a PostgreSQL container to the mix now, before I turn the next page. I don't need the PostgreSQL one yet, but I might as well do them both now, whilst I'm dicking around with Docker.


There was not much do doing this. I think. I had an old scratch Node.js repo I created a while back, and I know that works, so I co-opted the bits I wanted from that and that was it really.


FROM node:19-bullseye

RUN ["apt-get", "update"]
RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "vim"]

COPY home/.bashrc /root/.bashrc
COPY home/.bash_history /root/.bash_history
COPY home/.vimrc /root/.vimrc

WORKDIR  /usr/share/nodejs/

Most of that is just puff to make my life easier when I'm ferretting around in the container shell. The only important bit is the FROM bit. Which seems to be the latest Debian-based image.

docker-compose.yml (just the relevant bit):

        context: nodejs
        dockerfile: Dockerfile

    stdin_open: true
    tty: true

        - ..:/usr/share/nodejs/

Nowt interesting there either.


    "name": "symfony-the-fast-track",
    "description": "Symfony: The Fast Track requires Node.js for some reason. So here it is.",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "author": "Adam Cameron",
    "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later",
    "devDependencies": {
        "chai": "^4.3.7",
        "mocha": "^10.2.0"
    "scripts": {
        "test": "mocha tests/nodejs/**/*.js"

And it wouldn't be me if I didn't have a test (NodeTest.js):

let chai = require("chai");
let expect = chai.expect;

describe("Test Node.js", () => {
    it("has the expected version",  () => {

And having rebuild the containers and shelled into the nodejs one, I just did npm install, and my test was runnable:

root:/usr/share/nodejs# npm test

> symfony-the-fast-track@1.0.0 test
> mocha tests/nodejs/**/*.js

  Test Node.js
    ✔ has the expected version

  1 passing (4ms)


I'm content that's doing its job.

One other thing I needed to do was to rearrgange the tests subdirectory hierarchy a bit:

/usr/share/nodejs# tree tests
|-- nodejs
|   `-- integration
|       `-- NodeTest.js
`-- php
    |-- Integration
    |   |-- InstallationTest.php
    |   `-- PhpTest.php
    |-- Unit
    `-- bootstrap.php

5 directories, 4 files

I did not want the PHP tests munged in with the JS tests. Obvs I re-ran the PHP tests after I rehomed them. They were fine.

I've tagged all that as 1.2


Oddly, I have another project with a PostgreSQL container in it. So I'm copying that too.


FROM postgres:15-bullseye

RUN ["apt-get", "update"]
RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "vim"]

COPY postgres/home/.bash_history /root/.bash_history
COPY shared/home/.bashrc /root/.bashrc
COPY shared/home/.vimrc /root/.vimrc

COPY postgres/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/


As with the Node.js one: a bunch of housekeeping there. I'm running a script (1.createAndPopulateTestTable.sql) to install some data at least:

    value VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO test (value)
    ('Test row 1'),
    ('Test row 2')

The docker-compose.yml bit for this one is more interesting:

            context: .
            dockerfile: postgres/Dockerfile

            - shared/envVars.public
            - shared/envVars.private

            - "5432:5432"
            - postgresData:/var/lib/postgresql/data

        stdin_open: true
        tty: true

                    - database.backend


        driver: "bridge"

I need to pass some env vars into the containers now, including a password. I've put that in shared/envVars.private, and have excluded it from source control (docker/shared/.gitignore):


The other env vars don't need securing (docker/shared/envVars.public)


I've also added an explicit network now (not for any specific reason).

You might note I've also changed the build context here. I've done this across the board. This is because all th containers have the same .bashrc and .vimrc requirements, so instead of having image-specific ones (eg: php/home/.bashrc and nginx/home/.bashrc having the same content), I've put them in that shared directory adjacent to the service-specific directories (I'm just showing the PHP and Postgres ones here; the Nginx and Node.js ones are equivalent):

root:/var/www/docker# tree -a
// …
|-- php
|   |-- Dockerfile
|   |-- conf.d
|   |   |-- error_reporting.ini
|   |   `-- xdebug.ini
|   |-- home
|   |   `-- .bash_history
|   `-- php.ini
|-- postgres
|   |-- Dockerfile
|   |-- docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
|   |   `-- 1.createAndPopulateTestTable.sql
|   `-- home
|       `-- .bash_history
`-- shared
    |-- .gitignore
    |-- envVars.private
    |-- envVars.public
    `-- home
        |-- .bashrc
        `-- .vimrc

I've also added a test in the PHP container to make sure it can reach the DB:

namespace adamcameron\symfonythefasttrack\tests\Integration;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use stdClass;

/** @testdox DB tests */
class DbTest extends TestCase

    /** @testdox It can connect to the DB using DBAL */
    public function testDbalConnection()
        $connection = $this->getDbalConnection();
        $result = $connection->executeQuery("SELECT version() AS version");

        $this->assertStringStartsWith("PostgreSQL 15", $result->fetchOne());

    private function getConnectionParameters() : stdClass
        return (object) [
            "host" => "database.backend",
            "port" => "5432",
            "database" => getenv("POSTGRES_DB"),
            "username" => getenv("POSTGRES_USER"),
            "password" => getenv("POSTGRES_PASSWORD")

    private function getDbalConnection() : Connection
        $parameters = $this->getConnectionParameters();
        return DriverManager::getConnection([
            "dbname" => $parameters->database,
            "user" => $parameters->username,
            "password" => $parameters->password,
            "host" => $parameters->host,
            "port" => $parameters->port,
            "driver" => "pdo_pgsql"

It simply checks the major version of the DB. If it can get that: it's connected enough.

I did not do a similar test in the Node.js container as I don't know that it will need to talk to the DB. I am guessing it's only going to be used to do client-side code building and crap like that. If I need this later: I'll do it later.

Once I rebuild the containers, that new test runs:

root:/var/www# composer test
> phpunit tests --display-deprecations
PHPUnit 10.0.18 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 8.2.4 with Xdebug 3.2.1
Configuration: /var/www/phpunit.xml.dist

...                                                                 3 / 3 (100%)

Time: 00:05.572, Memory: 10.00 MB

DB tests
  It can connect to the DB using DBAL

Tests of the whole installation
  Nginx is serving PHP content on the host system

Tests of the PHP installation
  It has the expected PHP version

OK (3 tests, 5 assertions)

Generating code coverage report in HTML format ... done [00:01.721]

And now… I'm sick of doing this for the day! I'm got a busy day tomorrow during the day, but a quiet Sunday evening might be a good time to start doing some actual Symfony stuff.

I've linked to all the files as I mention them, and there's four different tags in play in this article, but the current state of everything is here: 1.3.

I continue in the next part: PHP / Symfony: working through "Symfony: The Fast Track", part 2: creating a controller (eventually).

