Showing posts with label NetBeans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NetBeans. Show all posts

Tuesday 16 April 2013

PHP: I've done some basic tutorials

First of all I am very hungover today, and looking at the screen hurts so I am not going to vouch for the quality of this article. Or, indeed, whether it'll even see the light of day.

Straight after doing my PHP install & "Hello World" exercise the other day, I went to the Codeacademy site and worked through their PHP exercises. They were all pretty easy, but were a good reintroduction to PHP. I distilled a coupla things along the way, which I'll observe here. Just a note: this will be of no interest to anyone who already knows PHP, as it's really superficial stuff. I don't know enough about PHP yet to be interesting about it.