Showing posts with label CFML. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CFML. Show all posts

Saturday 9 April 2022

CFML: revisit import aliasing


I'm writing this here cos it's getting a bit long for a comment on the CFML Slack channel, and perhaps it might get a different set of eyes on it here anyhow.

I wanna revisit the discussion about import aliasing in CFML. ie this:

import as VendorDate
import org.project.lib.Date as LibDate

vendorDate = new VendorDate(now())
LibDate = new LibDate(now())

This has not been implemented in CFML because - I suspect - the various devs working on the CFML engines are primarily Java devs, and Java does not support this for (IMO) pretty bogus reasons (see the answer to Change Name of Import in Java, or import two classes with the same name, its commments and link within for the "reasoning").

However it's pretty common around the place in other languages, especially ones that occupy overlapping space as CFML, eg:

(It's important to consider that both Groovy and Kotlin are JVM languages with the remit of making Java easier, similar - in a way? - to CFML).

I've got by without this mostly, but just had a real world situation where the absence of it is a pain in the butt:

import logbox.system.logging.config.LogBoxConfig
import logbox.system.logging.LogBox
import services.logging.Config

// ...

config = new Config()
logboxConfig = new LogBoxConfig(config)

logbox = new LogBox(logboxConfig)

This is from a CFC, I've just elided the not relevant bits. Now whilst there are only 10 lines of code between where Config is imported and I use it, I still just went "what config is this? Oh right, my one". Bear in mind the CFC itself is nothing to do with logging, it's an IoC factory method. In context, "Config" suggests it's something to do with the IoC factory (this is the basis of my next article… the one I was working on when this situation presented itself). The code is just not as clear as it could be.

I know I can do this:

import services.logging.*


config = new logging.Config()

But there's cross-over in the "logging" concept here with LogBox's logging any my own logging. Also it's a bit of shit work around because to me a * import indicates there's a bunch of stuff from that package being used, whereas there isn't; I'm just using that one class here. So def a work-around, not how one would naturally solve this.

Then I figured actually there was legit call to use import logbox.system.logging.* as I'm using multiple things from there, but that then conflicts with import services.logging.*

What would be good to do here would be:
import services.logging.Config as LoggingConfig

// ...

config = new LoggingConfig()

That is the clearest representation of what's going on, I think.

Anyway, just wondering what other CFMLers think. Maybe Java's right? Maybe all the other languages including the ones trying to improve on Java are... ;-)



Tuesday 3 August 2021

CFML: static methods and properties



In Lucee 5.0 (so: ages ago) and ColdFusion 2021 (so: you know… just now), support for static properties and methods was added to CFML. This isn't a feature that you'd use very often, but it's essential to at least know about it. And it's bloody handy, and makes your code clearer sometimes. I had reason to be googling for docs / examples today, and what's out there ain't great so I thought I'd write my own "probably still not great" effort.

OK so that's the bar set suitably low. Let's get on with it.


What are static properties and methods. I'm going to start from the other end of things. What are general properties and methods? They're properties and methods of an object; you know, one of those things one gets as the result of calling new MyComponent() (or from a createObject call if yer old skool). An object is a set of properties and methods that maintain a current state: values specific to that object.

son = new Person("Zachary")
dad = new Person("Adam")

We have two instances of the Person CFC: one for Zachary and one for me. The behaviour - ie: methods - of these Person objects is defined in Person.cfc, but when one calls an object method on a given object, it acts on the state of that specific object. So if one was to call son.getName(), one would get "Zachary"; if one was to call dad.getName(), one would get "Adam". The implementation of getName is the same for both son and dad - as defined by Person - but their implementation acts on the values associated with the object ("Zachary" and "Adam" respectively). You know all this stuff already, but it's just to contextualise things.

So what these object-based properties and methods are to an object; static properties and methods are to the class (the CFC itself). To get that, one has to have clear in one's mind that objects - instances of a class - are not the same thing as the class. Also it's important to understand that a CFC is not simply a file of source code: it still gets loaded into memory before any objects are made, and it is still a data structure in its own right, and it too can have its own properties, and methods to act on them.

We saw above examples of calling methods on an object. We can also call methods on the class itself, without needing an object. EG:

dog = Animal::createFromSpecies("canis familiaris")

Here we have an Animal class - and that is a reference to Animal.cfc, not an object created from Animal.cfc - and it has a factory method which we use to return a Dog object. Internally to createFromSpecies there might be some sort of look-up table that saying "if they ask for a 'canis familiaris', return a new Dog object"; the implementation detail doesn't matter (and I'll get to that), the important bit is that we are calling the method directly on the Animal class, not on an object. We an also reference static properties - properties that relate to the class - via the same :: syntax. I'll show a decent example of that shortly.


Here's a completely contrived class that shows static syntax:

// Behaviour.cfc
component {

    static {
        static.defaultMyVarValue = "set in static constructor"
        static.myVar = static.defaultMyVarValue

    static.myVar = "set in pseudo-constructor"

    public static function resetMyVar() {
        static.myVar = static.defaultMyVarValue

There's a coupla relevant bits here.

The static constructor. This is to the class what the init method is to an object. When the class is first loaded, that static constructor is executed. It can only reference other static elements of the class. Obviously it can not access object properties or object methods, because when the static constructor is executed, it's executed on the class itself: there are no objects in play. the syntax of this looks a bit weird, and I don't know why this was picked instead of having:

public static function staticInit() {
    static.defaultMyVarValue = "set in static constructor"
    static.myVar = static.defaultMyVarValue

That's more clear I think, and doesn't require any new syntax. Oh well.

Note that when the class is first initialised the pseudo-constructor part of the CFC is not executed. That is only executed when a new object is created from the class.

A static method can only act on other static elements of the class, same as the static constructor, and for the same reason.

I demonstrate the behaviour of this code in its tests:

import testbox.system.BaseSpec
import cfmlInDocker.miscellaneous.static.Behaviour

component extends=BaseSpec {

    function run() {

        describe("Tests for Behaviour class", () => {
            beforeEach(() => {

            it("resets the test variable when resetMyVar is called", () => {
                behaviour = new Behaviour()
                expect(behaviour.myVar).toBe("set in pseudo-constructor")
                expect(Behaviour::myVar).toBe("set in pseudo-constructor")
                expect(behaviour.myVar).toBe("set in static constructor")
                expect(Behaviour::myVar).toBe("set in static constructor")

            it("doesn't use the pseudo-constructor for static values using class reference", () => {
                expect(Behaviour::myVar).toBe("set in static constructor")

            it("does use the pseudo-constructor for static values using object reference", () => {
                behaviour = new Behaviour()
                expect(behaviour.myVar).toBe("set in pseudo-constructor")

I need that resetMyVar method there just to make the testing easier. One thing to consider with static properties is that they belong to the class, and that class persists for the life of the JVM, so I want to make the initial state of the class for my tests the same each time. It's important to fully understand that when one sets a static property on a class, that property value will be there for all usages of that class property for the life of the JVM. So it persists across requests, sessions and even the lifetime of the application itself.



That Behaviour.cfc example was rubbish. It gives one no sense of why on might want to use static properties or methods. Here's a real world usage of static properties. I have a very cut down implementation of a Response class; like one might have in an MVC framework to return the value from a controller that represents what needs to be sent back to the client agent.

// Response.cfc
component {

    static {
        static.HTTP_OK = 200
        static.HTTP_NOT_FOUND = 404

    public function init(required string content, numeric status=Response::HTTP_OK) {
        this.content = arguments.content
        this.status = arguments.status

    public static function createFromStruct(required struct values) {
        return new Response(values.content, values.status)

Here we are using static properties to expose some labelled values that calling code can use to create their response objects. One of its tests demonstrates this:

it("creates a 404 response", () => {
    testContent = "/bogus/path was not found"
    response = new Response(testContent, Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND)


Why not just use the literal 404 here? Well for common HTTP status codes like 200 and 404, I think they have ubiquity we could probably get away with. But what about a FORBIDDEN response. What status code is that? 403? Or is it 401? I can never remember, can you? So what wouldn't this be more clear, in the code:

return new Response("nuh-uh, sunshine", Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN)

I think that's fair enough. But OK, why are they static? Why not just use this.HTTP_FORBIDDEN? Simply to show intended usage. Do HTTP status codes vary from object to object? Would one Response object have a HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY of 502, but another one having a HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY value of 702? No. These properties are not part of an object's state, which is what's implied by using the this scope (or variables scope). They are specific to the Response class; to the concept of what it is to be a Response.


That Response.cfc has a static method createFromStruct which I was going to use as an example here:

it("returns a Response object with expected values", () => {
    testValues = {
        content = "couldn't find that",
        status = Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND
    response = Response::createFromStruct(testValues)


But it occurred to me after I wrote it that in CFML one would not use this strategy: one would simply use response = new Response(argumentCollection=testValues). So I have a request class instead:

// Request.cfc
component {

    public function init(url, form) {
        this.url = arguments.url
        this.form = arguments.form

    public static Request function createFromScopes() {
        return new Request(url, form)

This is the other end of the analogy I started with an MVC controller. This is a trimmed down implementation of a Request object that one would pass to one's controller method; encapsulating all the elements of the request that was made. Here I'm only using URL and form values, but a real implementation would also include cookies, headers, CGI values etc too. All controller methods deal in the currency of "requests", so makes sense to pass a Request object into them.

Here we have a basic constructor that takes each property individually. As a rule of thumb, my default constructor always just takes individual values for each property an object might have. And the constructor implementation just assigns those values to the properties, and that's it. Any "special" way of constructing an object (like the previous example where's there's not discrete values, but one struct containing everything), I use a separate method. In this case we have a separate "factory" method that instead of taking values, just "knows" that most of the time our request will comprise the actual URL scope, and the actual form scope. So it takes those accordingly.

That's all fairly obvious, but why is it static? Well, if it wasn't static, we'd need to start with already having an object. And to create the object, we need to give the constructor some values, and that… would defeat the purpose of having the factory method, plus would also push implementation detail of the Request back into the calling code, which is not where that code belongs. We could adjust the constructor to have all the parameters optional, and then chain a call to an object method, eg:

request = new Request().populateFromScopes() 

But I don't think that's semantically as good as having the factory method. But it's still fine, that said.

My rationale for using static methods that way is that sometimes creating the object is harder than just calling its constructor, so wrap it all up in a factory method. Now static methods aren't only for factories like that. Sometimes one might need to implement some behaviour on static properties, and to do that, it generally makes sense to use a static method. One could use an object method, but then one needs to ask "is it the job of this object to be acting on properties belonging to its class?" The answer could very well be "no". So implement the code in the most appropriate way: a static method. But, again, there could be legit situations where it is the job of an object method to act upon static properties. Code in object methods can refer to static properties as much as they need to. Just consider who should be doing the work, and design one's implementation accordingly.

A note on syntax

I could not think of a better place to put this, further up.

I've shown how to call static methods and access static properties via the class, it's: TheClassName::theStaticMethodName() (or TheClassName::theStaticPropertyName). However sometimes you have an object though, and legit need to access static elements of it. In this situation use the dot operator like you usually would when accessing an object's behaviour: someObject.theStaticMethodName() (or someObject.theStaticPropertyName). As per above though, always give thought to whether you ought to be calling the method/property via the object or via the class though. It doesn't matter, but it'll make your code and your intent clearer if you use the most appropriate syntax in the given situation.


Bottom line it's pretty simple. Just as an object can have state and behaviour; so can the class the object came from. Simple as that. That's all static properties and methods are.




Oh. There are official docs of sorts:

Monday 12 July 2021

Factories, static methods, Law of Demeter and never letting Sean see my code


I'm absolutely kidding about one of those things, btw.

Right so yesterday I wrote a coupla articles about what code should and should not go into a controller:

Within that first one, I provided some sample code to demonstrate my point. Part of it was the usage of a factory class to provide some necessary wiring for my model class, which I then had as a dependency of my controller:

// UserContentFactory.cfc
component {

    function init(
        ValidationService validationService,
        UserFactory userFactory,
        UserContentService contentService,
        TwitterService twitterService,
        FacebookService facebookService
    ) {
        variables.validationService = arguments.validationService
        variables.userFactory = arguments.userFactory
        variables.contentService = arguments.contentService
        variables.twitterService = arguments.twitterService
        variables.facebookService = arguments.facebookService

    function getUserContent() {
        userContent = new UserContent()
        return userContent
// UserContent.cfc
component accessors=true invokeImplicitAccessor=true {

    property publishedContent;
    property twitterContent;
    property facebookContent;

    function init(publishedContent, twitterContent, facebookContent) {
        variables.publishedContent = arguments.publishedContent
        variables.twitterContent = arguments.twitterContent
        variables.facebookContent = arguments.facebookContent
    function setValidationService(ValidationService validationService) {
        variables.validationService = arguments.validationService
    function setUserFactory(UserFactory userFactory) {
        variables.userFactory = arguments.userFactory
    function setContentService(UserContentService contentService) {
        variables.contentService = arguments.contentService
    function setTwitterService(TwitterService twitterService) {
        variables.twitterService = arguments.twitterService
    function setFacebookService(FacebookService facebookService) {
        variables.facebookService = arguments.facebookService
    function loadContentByFilters(required struct filters) {
        validFilters = validationService.validate(filters, getValidationRules()) // @throws ValidationException
        user = userFactory.getById( // @throws UserNotFoundException
        publishedContent = contentService.getUserContent(validFilters)
        twitterContent = twitterService.getUserContent(validFilters)
        facebookContent = facebookService.getUserContent(validFilters)
    private function getValidationRules() { 
    	// ... elided to save space
// UserContentController.cfc
component {

    function init(ViewService viewService, UserContentFactory userContentFactory) {
        variables.viewService = arguments.viewService
        variables.userContentFactory = arguments.userContentFactory

    function getContent(rawArgs) {
        try {
            userContent = userContentFactory.getUserContent().loadContentByFilters(rawArgs)
            renderedResponse = viewService.renderView("userContentView", userContent)
            return new HtmlResponse(renderedResponse)
        } catch (ValidationException, e) {
            return new ClientErrorResponse(400, e)
        } catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
            return new ClientErrorResponse(404, e)

(Note that all of this is untested basically "pseudo"-code. I've never run it, it's just a theoretic approach to the issue. By all means let me know if there's anything syntactically or logically wrong with it, but it's not code intended to be run)

loadContentByFilters relied on five external services to do its stuff, and I didn't want to pass those services to UserContent as constructor arguments because then they'd get mungled up with the data values I wanted the UserContent model's constructor to focus on, so I was using setter injection to configure UserContent with those, and have that factory class and method to deal with all that in the background (via whatever dependency injection / IOC container framework I would be using). By the time the controller received the factory it'd been configured, and it had been able to configure a UserContent object, so all the controller needed to do was to call it.

All simple enough.

Sean popped a comment against the article, I responded, and he came back to me again. At which point I decided I'd write this article instead of replying again:


Since you're being so hardcore about drawing lines between the MVC parts of your code, I'm going to call this into question:


There's an argument often made that you shouldn't have method chaining like this since it couples the caller to the structure of the chained method calls on another object. The argument goes that you should instead have something like:




Yeah. I actually started with that! But then I didn't think it was the business of the factory to go as far as the actual data loading. But… I was not entirely convinced either way, to be completely honest.

I'm also completely down with the Law of Demeter when it comes to chaining methods like that. I did think about that at the time too.

The conclusion I drew was that the factory was just a "convenience extraction", or a utility or something that is completely "in the service" of UserContent. It serves absolutely no purpose other than a mechanism (I misspelled that as "MEHchanism" at first, perhaps fittingly) to wire-together the dependencies that loadContentByFilters needs to do its job. I did not want the controller to have to know how to do that.

The second draft of the actual code had two separate statements:

userContent = userContentFactory.getUserContent()

Which is functionally the same, and has the same Law of Demeter considerations you raised, but maybe the thinking is clearer: useContent = userContentFactory.getUserContent() is just an analogy of useContent = new UserContent(). I just slapped it into one statement because that was more convenient (ahem) for the point I was trying to make.

A simpler scenario would be if I wanted to be able to create a UserContent object via a struct that contained name/value pairs matching the constructor params it needs, I'd simply have a (probably static) method on the UserContent class which was createFromStruct which would internally grab the bits and pieces out of the struct and return a new UserContent object, passing those values to its constructor. No need for any separate factory cos there's no external dependencies to have to deal with somehow.

I knew that bit of the code would cause consternation from some quarters... and was hoping one of the quarters would be your own ;-).


I find it interesting that you might subsume a factory for createFromStruct() as a static method but not for loadByFilters()…?

Now that is a very good point.

Truth be told, I simply didn't think of it at the time I was writing the blog article, but I did recall having done this in the past by the time I was writing the reply to Sean's question.

But let me back up a bit. Law of Demeter. In summary it means it's OK to call methods on a dependency, but it gets decreasingly OK to call method on objects that the methods of the dependency return, and so on. This is poor form:

function myMethod() {
    return someDependency.someMethod().someMethodOfAnotherObject().wowWeAreNowALongWayAwayFromTheDependency()

This is because not only is your implementation tightly coupled to its dependency - but we kinda need to live with that - it's also tightly coupled to the objects that implement someMethodOfAnotherObject and wowWeAreNowALongWayAwayFromTheDependency. You should not need to do all that. SomeDependency should take care of it for you. It should not be exposing its inner workings like that.

BTW, this does not apply to objects that implement a fluent interface. This is fine:

function myMethod() {
    return obj.someMethod().someOtherMethodOfObj().andAnotherMethodOfObj()

All those methods are part of the API exposed by obj.

So that's what Sean pulled me up on:

userContent = userContentFactory.getUserContent().loadContentByFilters(rawArgs)

That's a bit of a LoD violation, and worth pointing out. I did reason through this (before Sean raised it, as I said), and I'm fine with it.

But Sean's nudging of me back towards static methods solves this.

We could implement UserContent like this:

// UserContent.cfc
component accessors=true invokeImplicitAccessor=true {

    property publishedContent;
    property twitterContent;
    property facebookContent;

    function init(publishedContent, twitterContent, facebookContent) {
        variables.publishedContent = arguments.publishedContent
        variables.twitterContent = arguments.twitterContent
        variables.facebookContent = arguments.facebookContent
    static function setValidationService(ValidationService validationService) {
         static.validationService = arguments.validationService
     // etc, all the methods to set the services are static methods, setting a static property
    static function loadContentByFilters(required struct filters) {
        validFilters = validationService.validate(filters, getValidationRules()) // @throws ValidationException
        user = userFactory.getById( // @throws UserNotFoundException
        return new UserContent(
    // irrelevant stuff snipped
  • One sets the dependency services via static methods;
  • loadContentByFilters is also a static method which does its stuff, and returns a new instance of itself with the data values set.
  • Not shown here is that when the IoC framework creates the dependency container, it runs the factory method then, to set the services into the UserContent class (NB: "class", not "object") once.

Now in the controller we have a coupla options:

userContent = UserContent::loadContentByFilters(rawArgs)

No need to pass the class in as a constructor argument or anything (just as well: one cannot pass classes around as arguments), on just calls the method on the class.

Inlining static method calls like this is not so good for testing, that said, as it kinda bypasses dependency injection just like having new UserContent() in there, so this is less than ideal.

However there's nothing to stop us passing in an uninintialised instance of UserContent into the controller as a dependency. The IoC handling of this would be along the lines of:

container.set("UserContent", (container) => createObject("UserContent")) //NB: *not* using `new`, cos that calls the constructor
container.set("UserContentController", (container) => new UserContentController(container.get("ViewService"), container.get("UserContent")))

Then we use the dot operator instead of the :: operator to call the static loadContentByFilters via the object reference to the class: userContent

userContent = userContent.loadContentByFilters(rawArgs)

Better yet, perhaps, would be to just make the constructor arguments optional, and just use new UserContent() ;-)

Note: only ColdFusion 2021 has static support, and only Lucee 5.3.8 and above allows using the dot operator to call a static method on an object.

No doubt Sean will find other points of order from all this, but that's great cos it gives me (/us) an opportunity to think about stuff some more.

Right now I'm thinking about another beer, so I'm gonna do that.

Tomorrow I need to have a prod of CFML's handling of static stuff. I've already spotted something that looks like a bug in ColdFusion (quelle frickin surprise), but I need to check some stuff first, and I CBA doing it now. Because beer.



Thursday 1 July 2021

One last one! CFML higher-order functions compared to tag-based code: reduceRight


I forgot one!

I've already discussed map, reduce, filter, sort, some, every and each, operations; but recently reduceRight was added to CFML (well: at least in ColdFusion it was; it's not in Lucee yet) as well.

I have to start my day job in 16min, so this will be quick.

reduceRight is the same as reduce, except it starts from the end of the collection, not the beginning:

colours = ["Whero","Karaka","Kowhai","Kakariki","Kikorangi","Poropango","Papura"]

coloursAsList = colours.reduce((all="", colour) => all.listAppend(colour))
coloursAsReversedList = colours.reduceRight((all="", colour) => all.listAppend(colour))

writeOutput("coloursAsList: #coloursAsList#<br>coloursAsReversedList: #coloursAsReversedList#<br>")
coloursAsList: Whero,Karaka,Kowhai,Kakariki,Kikorangi,Poropango,Papura
coloursAsReversedList: Papura,Poropango,Kikorangi,Kakariki,Kowhai,Karaka,Whero

Yes yes Mingo; one would not use reduce to convert an array of strings to a list. That is beside the point. But thanks for letting me know Lucee (but not ColdFusion) has an Array.reverse method, which would be a better way to reverse the list order here: colours.reverse().toList().

And the tags version, just a reversed counting loop does the trick here:

<cfset coloursAsReversedList = "">
<cfloop index="i" from="#arrayLen(colours)#" to="1" step="-1">
    <cfset coloursAsReversedList = listAppend(coloursAsReversedList, colours[i])>

That's it. four minutes to get to work. Fortunately that's just a matter of switching desktops…



CFML higher-order functions compared to tag-based code: some, every and each functions


I'm gonna try to round out this short series today: there's not much to say about the some, every and each methods in the context of comparing their functionality to old-school tag-based code. As a reminder, I've already covered map, reduce, filter and sort operations.


some iterates over the collection, calling a callback on each element, and will exit as soon as the callback returns true for an element. An example might be checking if at least some class members passed (or failed) their test:

examResults = [
    {person="Alex", mark=75},
    {person="Billie", mark=52},
    {person="Charlie", mark=41},
    {person="Daryl", mark=29},
    {person="Evan", mark=53}

somePassed = examResults.some((result) => result.mark >= 50)

writeOutput("Some of the class passed the test? #somePassed#<br><hr>")

someFailed = examResults.some((result) => {
    writeOutput("Called for #result.person#, #result.mark#<br>")
    return result.mark < 50

In the second example there I show a difference between this iteration function and the others we've encountered so far. All the others always iterate through the entire collection, however some and every do not. They exit as soon as they can answer the question. So as soon as some gets a true it exits; as soon as every gets a false it exits. The output of this is:

Some of the class passed the test? true

Called for Alex, 75
Called for Billie, 52
Called for Charlie, 41

In this case it only got as far as the first false result from the callback (because, sadly, Charlie did not make the cut)

The tag-based version of this would be:

<cfset somePassed = false>
<cfloop array="#examResults#" item="result">
    <cfif result.mark GTE 50>
        <cfset somePassed = true>
<cfoutput>Some of the class passed the test? #somePassed#<br><hr></cfoutput>

<cfset someFailed = false>
<cfloop array="#examResults#" item="result">
    <cfoutput>Called for #result.person#, #result.mark#<br></cfoutput>
    <cfif result.mark LT 50>
        <cfset someFailed = true>

Again with the boilerplate code (ref from previous articles).

BTW, don't get carried away with these higher-order functions if there's another built-in function to do the job. Recently I checked if something was in an array by doing this:

colours = ["Whero","Karaka","Kowhai","Kakariki","Kikorangi","Poropango","Papura"]

containsGreen = colours.some((colour) => colour == "Kakariki")
writeOutput("It contains green: #containsGreen#<br>")

My boss gently pointed out I could just do this:

containsGreen = !!colours.find("Kakariki")

Use the simpler option where possible ;-)


every is the opposite of some: it exits as soon as the callback returns false. Our example here would be to check if everyone passed the exam:

everyonePassed = examResults.every((result) => {
    writeOutput("Called for #result.person#, #result.mark#<br>")
    return result.mark >= 50
writeOutput("Everyone passed the test? #everyonePassed#<br><hr>")
Called for Alex, 75
Called for Billie, 52
Called for Charlie, 41
Everyone passed the test? false

The tag-based equivalent is the usual "mostly boilerplate" thing:

<cfset everyonePassed = true>
<cfloop array="#examResults#" item="result">
    <cfoutput>Called for #result.person#, #result.mark#<br></cfoutput>
    <cfset personPassed =  result.mark GTE 50>
    <cfif NOT personPassed>
        <cfset everyonePassed = false>
<cfoutput>Everyone passed the test? #everyonePassed#<br><hr></cfoutput>


Sometimes it's not a data transformation that one needs when iterating over a collection. If none of the other options do the trick, there's the generic each method:

examResults.each((result) => {
    writeOutput("Name: #result.person#, mark: #result.mark#<br>")

As a general rule never start solving an iteration task with each. Consider if one of the other more situation-specific methods are a better fit. It's seldom that each is the right answer.

And the tag equivalent is pretty much the same, because - really - all the tag version does is "each"; it's down to the inner code block to distinguish between the various iteration possibilities:

<cfloop array="#examResults#" item="result">
    <cfoutput>Name: #result.person#, mark: #result.mark#<br></cfoutput>

OK that's it. Tag-based CFML versions of the more situation-descriptive and less boilerplate iteration higher-order functions. If you need anything else about them explained, let me know.



Wednesday 30 June 2021

CFML higher-order functions compared to tag-based code: sort function


OK so you've probably got the gist of things with these articles, with my previous treatments of comparing "modern" to "old school" with map, reduce, filter operations. On to sorting now.

I think this is going to involve some awful code.

I don't think I need to explain why we might need to sort a collection, or what "sorting" is. It's really easy using higher-order functions. The need to write the sorting algorithm has been removed, and only a function to compare to elements needs to be provided:

months = [
    {id=1, miSequence=8, mi="Kohi-tātea", anglicised="Hānuere", en="January"}, 
    {id=2, miSequence=9, mi="Hui-tanguru", anglicised="Pēpuere", en="February"}, 
    {id=3, miSequence=10, mi="Poutū-te-rangi", anglicised="Maehe", en="March"}, 
    {id=4, miSequence=11, mi="Paenga-whāwhā", anglicised="Āperira", en="April"}, 
    {id=5, miSequence=12, mi="Haratua", anglicised="Mei", en="May"}, 
    {id=6, miSequence=1, mi="Pipiri", anglicised="Hune", en="June"}, 
    {id=7, miSequence=2, mi="Hōngongoi", anglicised="Hūrae", en="July"}, 
    {id=8, miSequence=3, mi="Here-turi-kōkā", anglicised="Akuhata", en="August"}, 
    {id=9, miSequence=4, mi="Mahuru", anglicised="Hepetema", en="September"}, 
    {id=10, miSequence=5, mi="Whiringa-ā-nuku", anglicised="Oketopa", en="October"}, 
    {id=11, miSequence=6, mi="Whiringa-ā-rangi", anglicised="Noema", en="November"}, 
    {id=12, miSequence=7, mi="Hakihea", anglicised="Tihema", en="December"}
monthsInMaoriOrder = duplicate(months).sort((e1, e2) => e1.miSequence - e2.miSequence)


Here I have a list of the months of the year, ordered according to the Gregorian calendar. The Maori calendar has the same ordering, but the year starts around when the Gregorian calendar considers June. So the exercise here is to re-order the array to respect that ordering. The code for the sorting is just the comparator function.

One thing to note here is that despite appearances given we're assigning the return value of the sorting operation to a new variable, the original array is modified when you call sort on it. I think this is less than ideal, but it's the way it works on both ColdFusion and Lucee. If you want you're original array left alone, then duplicate it first like I have here.

If we're going old school procedural: it's a bit of a nightmare. We need to write our own sorting implementation. Well: we grab one from anyhow. But even then, the original leverages a callback function, so I've modified this to be truly procedural and have that embedded in the implementation.

<cffunction name="monthsSortedByMaoriSequence" returntype="array" output="false">
    <cfargument name="arrayToCompare" type="array" required="true">

    <cfset var lesserArray = arrayNew(1)>
    <cfset var greaterArray = arrayNew(1)>
    <cfset var pivotArray = arrayNew(1)>
    <cfset var examine = 2>
    <cfset var comparison = 0>
    <cfset pivotArray[1] = arrayToCompare[1]>

    <cfif  arrayLen(arrayToCompare) LT 2>
        <cfreturn arrayToCompare>

    <cfset arrayDeleteAt(arrayToCompare, 1)>
    <cfloop array="#arrayToCompare#" item="element">
        <cfset comparison = element.miSequence - pivotArray[1].miSequence>

        <cfswitch expression="#sgn(comparison)#">
            <cfcase value="-1">
                <cfset arrayAppend(lesserArray, element)>
            <cfcase value="0">
                <cfset arrayAppend(pivotArray, element)>
            <cfcase value="1">
                <cfset arrayAppend(greaterArray, element)>

    <cfif arrayLen(lesserArray)>
        <cfset lesserArray = monthsSortedByMaoriSequence(lesserArray)>
        <cfset lesserArray = arrayNew(1)>

    <cfif arrayLen(greaterArray)>
        <cfset greaterArray = monthsSortedByMaoriSequence(greaterArray)>
        <cfset greaterArray = arrayNew(1)>

    <cfset arrayAppend(lesserArray, pivotArray, true)>
    <cfset arrayAppend(lesserArray, greaterArray, true)>

    <cfreturn lesserArray>
<cfset sorted = monthsSortedByMaoriSequence(months)>

It's hard to see the bit that the modern implementation needs, but it's buried here.

Note: to an clever clogs who spot the odd shortcoming in that implementation of quicksort: you're missing the point of the article, and also yer talking to the wrong person because I didn't write it. But - yes yes - you're very clever.

The point is: that's awful. Writing old-school tag-based procedural code one needs to re-implement (and re-test!) the sorting function every time you need one. This is an extreme example and only a lunatic would not use the callback approach even with tag based code:

<cffunction name="comparator">
    <cfargument name="e1">
    <cfargument name="e2">
    <cfreturn e1.miSequence - e2.miSequence>

<cfset sorted = duplicate(months)>
<cfset arraySort(sorted, comparator)>

But still: it's just better to get with the programme (or the decade) and use the modern version for this.



Tuesday 29 June 2021

CFML higher-order functions compared to tag-based code: filter function


This one will be pretty short I think. It's the next effort in going over how these higher-order functions work compared to writing procedural code in CFML tags. I've previous covered map and reduce. There's less intricacy to filter, so I won't have so much to say.

Yesterday I showed an example of how not to remove records from a collection using reduce

numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
evens = numbers.reduce((evens=[], number) => number MOD 2 ? evens : evens.append(number))

This works, but it's not how one ought to do it. It's putting a square peg in a round hole, and it's gonna cause a small amount of FUD when someone comes back to review the code later ("why are they using reduce here? What am I missing?"). So… use the correct tool for the job. The idiomatic way to filter our elements from a collection is with a filter operation. Here's the equivalent operation using filter:

evens = numbers.filter((number) => number MOD 2 == 0)

Filter's callback receive the value of the collection element (and additionally its index/key, as well as the whole collection as additional parameters, if you need to use those too). If the logic in the callback returns true? The element is preserved in the result collection. if it's false? It's filtered out. That's it. The callback logic can be a one-liner like it is here, or as convoluted as it needs to be. As long as it boils down to a true or a false, you'll get your filtered collection. As with the other collection higher-order functions: it does not change the original collection; it returns a new one.

The tag-based equivalent is simple:

<cfset evens = []>
<cfloop array="#numbers#" item="number">
    <cfif number MOD 2 EQ 0>
        <cfset arrayAppend(evens, number)>

Just slightly more verbose, and it's mostly boilerplate.

The concept here is simple, and the object of the exercise for these articles is to just show the difference between using the higher-order functions and using a procedural approach with tags, and that's pretty much it.



Monday 28 June 2021

CFML: function expression syntax


Just super quickly. One of the newer feaures in CFML is that it now supports arrow-function syntax for function expressions. I say "newer". They were apparently added to ColdFusion in 2018, and they're in Lucee: I dunno from what version.

I've been using arrow functions a bit in my code recently, cos they're just less typing for no loss of clarity compared to function expressions using the function operator. in case yer not used to them, these two code snippets are functionally equivalent:

adder = function(operand1, operand2) {
    return operand1 + operand2

adder = (operand1, operand2) => {
    return operand1 + operand2

Arrow functions offer some shortcuts though. If the body of the function is a single expression and it's the returned value, then one doesn't need to specify the block braces, or the return keyword. So the above arrow function could simply be:

adder = (operand1, operand2) => operand1 + operand2

What's more, if the function expression has only parameter, then one doesn't even need to specify the parentheses:

double = operand1 => operand1 * 2

(this is currently broken on Lucee:

There's no tag-based equivalent of either syntax for function expressions. That said, if one does not care about the closure side of things that function expressions utilise (and neither of these examples do), then the two function expressions above are equivalent to these two <cffunction>-based function statement declarations:

<cffunction name="adder">
    <cfargument name="operand1">
    <cfargument name="operand2">
    <cfreturn operand1 + operand2>
<cffunction name="doubLe">
    <cfargument name="operand1">
    <cfreturn operand1 * 2>

In reality though, these are closer to these equivalent statements in CFScript:

function adder(operand1, operand2) {
    return operand1 + operand2

function double(operand1) {
    return operand1 * 2

The difference is that these are statements, not expressions.

OK. That's enough bloody CFML tags for one evening.



CFML higher-order functions compared to tag-based code: reduce function


Here's the next effort in going over how these higher-order functions work compared to writing procedural code in CFML tags. The previous one was "CFML higher-order functions compared to tag-based code: map function". Today I'm looking at the reduce method. As per yesterday, I've discussed this before in ColdFusion 11: .map() and .reduce().

So what does reduce to? It helps if we compare it to map. Remember how I said this yesterday:

A mapping operation takes one collection and remaps the values for each key into a different value. The keys and the overall size and order (if it has a sense of order) of the collection is preserved. Also the original collection is not altered; an entirely new collection is returned.

A reduce operation is used to return a different data structure. It doesn't mean "reduce" in the sense of "make smaller"; the resultant data structure might be "bigger" (for some definition of bigger). Or it might be the same length, but a different type.

An example of returning the same length but different type would be similar to yesterday's example of mapping an array of records to an array of objects:

records = [
    {id=1, mi="whero", en="red"},
    {id=2, mi="kakariki", en="green"},
    {id=3, mi="kikorangi", en="blue"}
objects = => new Colour(, record.mi, record.en))

A more likely scenario in CFML is for the records to be a query. But one still wants to pass an array of objects back from the storage tier to the application, so we use reduce to make the type conversion:

records = queryNew(
        [1, "whero", "red"],
        [2, "kakariki", "green"],
        [3, "kikorangi", "blue"]
objects = records.reduce((objects=[], record) => objects.append(new Colour(, record.mi, record.en)))

Note the way reduce works. The first argument is an "accumulator" that is passed into every iteration, and is ultimately returned to the calling code. One builds the return value iteration at a time into that. Here I'm appending to the array of objects each iteration. Whatever is returned from each iteration is the first argument of the next iteration. So as I iterate over the query, I start with an empty array. I append the first object to it, and that one-element array is then passed into the accumulator of the second call to the callback in the next iteration; and so on for all iterations so ultimately I have an array that I've appended three objects to. Some pseudo-code might make this more clear. Let's consider the iterations as they progress:

1: objects argument=[]; append Red; return value=[Red]
2: objects argument=[Red]; append Green; return value=[Red, Green]
3: objects argument=[Red, Green]; append Blue; return value=[Red, Green, Blue]
result: [Red, Green, Blue]

We start empty, we append red, we append green, we append blue.

After that first argument, the subsequent arguments follow the same pattern as with map: the second argument is a row of the query (passed as a struct). The callback can also receive the current index / key (or currentRow equivalent to a query loop in this case), and the last argument is the entire query. I don't need these here, so do not mention them in the callback's function signature.

The tag version of this is actually round about the same amount of code (109 bytes vs 112 bytes it seems):

<cfset objects = []>
<cfloop query="records">
    <cfset arrayAppend(objects, new Colour(id, mi, en))>

Another case is shown here:

transactions = [
    {id=1, amount=.1},
    {id=2, amount=2.2},
    {id=3, amount=33.3},
    {id=4, amount=44.44}

sum = transactions.reduce((sum=0, transaction) => sum += transaction.amount)

We're summing the transactions. We are reducing the collection to a single value, I guess.

Oh one thing maybe work making very clear: it's complete coincidence that the final variable is called sum, and the accumulator parameter is called sum. They don't need to be, it just makes sense to me to match them up given we're kinda building the end result in that accumulator argument, and accordingly it's going to be the same sort of values, so makes sense it's called the same thing.

The tag-based version for this is simple again:

<cfset sum = 0>
<cfloop array="#transactions#" item="transaction">
    <cfset sum = sum += transaction.amount>

Another more complicated example of script-vs-tags when reducing is in yesterday's article "CFML: tag-based versions of some script-based code". There I am reducing a query to a struct, then reducing that struct into another query. Both CFScript and tag versions of the code are in that.

One thing to not use reduce for is to actually reduce the size of a collection by removing records from it, eg:

numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
evens = numbers.reduce((evens=[], number) => number MOD 2 ? evens : evens.append(number))

One would not use reduce for that. One would use filter. I guess I'll get to that tomorrow.



CFML higher-order functions compared to tag-based code: map function


As I mentioned yesterday ("CFML: tag-based versions of some script-based code") I've been asked by a couple of people to show the tag-based version of the script-based CFML code. This has ben particularly in reference to my typical approach of using higher-order functions to perform data transformation operations on iterable objects (eg: arrays, structs, lists, etc). Here I will briefly do that for some examples of using mapping functions. The process is the same each time, so I'll not dwell on it too much.

I have already written about the nuts and bolts of mapping higher-order functions in CFML back in 2014 in "ColdFusion 11: .map() and .reduce()". I also looked at how to implement arrayMap in older versions of CFML: "arrayMap(): a reverse CFML history".

In short, these collection-iteration higher order functions work on the premise that most looping operations exist solely to perform data transformation, and it makes sense to encapsulate that into a function, rather than having to hand-crank it. Obviously every data transformation is specific to its circumstance, so the collection-iteration functions take a callback as an argument (thus making them higher-order functions), where the callback defines the data transformation operation. Taking this approach makes the code clearer as to what the intent of the transformation is, and also encapsuates the implementation in its own functions, so its variables are all well encapsulated and don't impact the rest of the calling code. It's just a tider way of doing data transformation.

A mapping operation takes one collection and remaps the values for each key into a different value. The keys and the overall size and order (if it has a sense of order) of the collection is preserved. Also the original collection is not altered; an entirely new collection is returned.

That's enough of an explanation. This article is about comparing code styles. Here goes.

keys = ["ONE", "TWO", "THREE", "FOUR"]

translationLookup = {
    "ONE" = {mi = "tahi", jp = "一"},
    "TWO" = {mi = "rua", jp = "二"},
    "THREE" = {mi = "toru", jp = "三"},
    "FOUR" = {mi = "wha", jp = "å››"}

maori = => translationLookup[key].mi)


Here we have a one-liner that takes an array of translation keys and maps them to their actual translations.

Equivalent tag-based code is a bit more effort. We need to hand-crank our array construction:

<cfset japanese = []>
<cfloop array="#keys#" item="key">
    <cfset arrayAppend(japanese, translationLookup[key].jp)>
<cfdump var="#japanese#">

In the next example I am being less literal about the "key mapping" idea, in case one got a sense that that sort of thing is inate to a mapping operation. I'm doubling each element in the array:

values = [1, 22, 333, 4444]
doubled = => n*2)

And the tags version (although here I'm halvig the values, for the hell of it). Same as the previous exercise really: just a wee bit clunkier than using the dedicated mapping function:

<cfset halved = []>
<cfloop array="#values#" item="value">
    <cfset arrayAppend(halved, value / 2)>
<cfdump var="#halved#">

A more real-world example would be when yer getting an array of raw data values back from some sort of data-retrieval operation, and you want to properly model those as objects before returning them to your business logic:

records = [
    {id=1, mi="whero", en="red"},
    {id=2, mi="kakariki", en="green"},
    {id=3, mi="kikorangi", en="blue"}
objects = => new Colour(, record.mi, record.en))


<cfset objects = []>
<cfloop array="#records#" item="record">
    <cfset arrayAppend(objects, new Colour(, record.mi, record.en))>
<cfdump var="#objects#">

You get the idea.

To show how strings can be remapped too, I knocked-together a quick example of, but then remembered Lucee does not support yet, so needed to use a list instead:

s = "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog"

a = asc("a")
z = asc("z")

rot13 = s.listToArray("").map((c) => {
    var checkCode = asc(lcase(c))

    if (checkCode < a || checkCode > z) {
        return c
    var offset = (checkCode + 13) <= z ? 13 : -13

    return chr(asc(c) + offset)

And I tested this by feeding the result back into a tag-based version of the operation, to make sure it returned to the original string:

<cfset a = asc("a")>
<cfset z = asc("z")>

<cfset s2 = "">
<cfloop array="#listToArray(rot13, "")#" item="c">
    <cfset checkCode = asc(lcase(c))>

    <cfif checkCode LT a OR checkCode GT z>
        <cfset s2 &= c>
    <cfset offset = 13>
    <cfif checkCode + 13 GT z>
        <cfset offset = -13>
    <cfset s2 &= chr(asc(c) + offset)>

All in all using the specific iteration function is slightly clearer as to what sort of transformation is taking place, plus it saves you from having to write the looping and assignment scaffolding that a tags-based / hand-cranked version might. Often remappings are one-liners, and it's just more readable to do it as a simple assignment epression than having to hand-crank the boilerplate looping code.

The code for this article is all munged together in public/nonWheelsTests/higherOrderFunctionsDemonstration.

I'll have a look at how reduce operations work, tomorrow.



Sunday 27 June 2021

CFML: tag-based versions of some script-based code


OMFG the things I do for my CFML community colleagues.

I've been asked by a couple of people to show the tag-based version of the script-based CFML code I have been showing as examples when helping people recently. This is so people who are less familiar with CFScript can compare the two, and perhaps get a better handle on the script code.


I have not written new tag-based code in CFML in probably 15 years, other than when it's been absolutely unavoidable like back before queryExecute existed, so we still needed to use <cfquery> (and similar stuff like <cfhttp>, and what-have-you). I have maintained old tag-based code, but I've been lucky in that I've always been in the position to implement new code using modern practices.

Some CFML History

Since ColdFusion 9 was released in 2009 (that's over a decade ago, yeah?), it's been largely unnecessary to write any business logic in tag-based code, as script-based CFCs were added to the language. The only real relics of tag-only functionality were stuff like the afore-mentioned DB and external system access functionality that was all tags still. But that stuff should be hidden away in adapter CFCs anyhow, so any necessary tag-based code should be well isolated.

It has not been necessary to write CFML in tags at all since 2014 (over seven years ago), when - in ColdFusion 11 - the last bits of tag-only functionality were ported to CFScript.

The only place any tags ought to have been used since then are in views. And really these days your views should probably be being handled by a client-side framework anyhow, so - in my opinion - no new tag-based CFML code should be being written in 2021, and shouldn't have been for over half a decade now. All new CFML code should be written in CFScript. All CFML developers must be fluent in CFScript.

Reality for a lot of people

That's all good in theory, but in practice there is a lot of legacy code out there. We don't all get to choose what codebases we work on daily, and I know some CFML devs don't get to work with modern code much, so: tags it is. And this also means some devs don't get exposed to CFScript as much as they could be, so it could all seem a bit foreign to them. Fair enough.

The code

A week or so ago, I did an exercise "CFML: emulating query-of-query group-by with higher-order functions". The final version of the code for this was (tagsVsScriptDemonstrations/groupByViaCfml/ScriptVersion.cfc):

component {

    public query function groupByYearAndMonth(required query ungroupedRecords) {
        return ungroupedRecords.reduce((grouped={}, row) => {
            var y = row.settlementDate.year()
            var m = row.settlementDate.month()
            var key = "#y#-#m#"
            grouped[key] = grouped[key] ?: {stgl = 0, ltgl = 0}
            grouped[key].stgl = grouped[key].stgl + row.ShortTermGainLoss
            grouped[key].ltgl = grouped[key].ltgl + row.LongTermGainLoss

            return grouped
            (records, key, values) => {
                    month = key.listLast("-"),
                    year = key.listFirst("-"),
                    ltgl = values.ltgl,
                    stgl = values.stgl
                return records
            queryNew("month,year,ltgl,stgl", "Integer,Integer,Double,Double")
        ).sort((r1, r2) => {
            var yearDiff = r1.year - r2.year
            if (yearDiff != 0) {
                return yearDiff
            return r1.month - r2.month

I think a direct analogue of this in tags would be (tagsVsScriptDemonstrations/groupByViaCfml/TagsVersion.cfc)

<cfcomponent output="false">

    <cffunction name="groupByYearAndMonth" returntype="query" access="public">
        <cfargument name="ungroupedRecords" type="query" required="true">

        <cfset grouped = structNew()>
        <cfloop query="ungroupedRecords">
            <cfset var y = year(settlementDate)>
            <cfset var m = month(settlementDate)>
            <cfset var key = "#y#-#m#">

            <cfif not structKeyExists(grouped, key)>
                <cfset grouped[key] = structNew()>
                <cfset grouped[key].stgl = 0>
                <cfset grouped[key].ltgl = 0>
            <cfset grouped[key].stgl = grouped[key].stgl + ShortTermGainLoss>
            <cfset grouped[key].ltgl = grouped[key].ltgl + LongTermGainLoss>

        <cfset var records = queryNew("month,year,ltgl,stgl", "Integer,Integer,Double,Double")>
        <cfloop collection="#grouped#" item="local.key">
            <cfset queryAddRow(records)>
            <cfset querySetCell(records, "month", listLast(key, "-"))>
            <cfset querySetCell(records, "year", listFirst(key, "-"))>
            <cfset querySetCell(records, "ltgl", grouped[key].ltgl)>
            <cfset querySetCell(records, "stgl", grouped[key].stgl)>
        <cfset querySort(records, sorter)>

        <cfreturn records>

    <cffunction name="sorter" returntype="numeric" access="private">
        <cfargument name="r1" required="true">
        <cfargument name="r2" required="true">

        <cfset var yearDiff = r1.year - r2.year>
        <cfif yearDiff NEQ 0>
            <cfreturn yearDiff>

        <cfreturn r1.month - r2.month>


I'm not going to go through and cross-annotate anything, but I've used analogous variable names, and kept the logic in the exact order where I could. I've also tried to keep the same level of verboseness (or lack thereof) in both examples, so that it's as true to a like-for-like as I can muster. BTW I'm also not using any member functions or other newer CFML constructs / features in these examples.

John Whish gave me a good exercise to do this morning which I'll also reproduce here. In this example we're taking an array, and deriving the two-element combinations of all the elements. For example if we start with this: ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"], the expected result would be this: ["AB", "AC", "AD", "AE", "BC", "BD", "BE", "CD", "CE", "DE"]

In CFScript it's this (tagsVsScriptDemonstrations/combinations/ScriptVersion.cfc):

component {

    public array function getCombinations(required array array) {
        var working = duplicate(array)
        return array.reduce((combinations=[], prefix) => {
            return combinations.append( => "#prefix##element#"), true)

And the tag version (tagsVsScriptDemonstrations/combinations/TagsVersion.cfc):

<cfcomponent output="false">

    <cffunction name="getCombinations" returntype="array" access="public" output="false">
        <cfargument name="array" type="array" required="true">

        <cfset var working = duplicate(array)>
        <cfset var combinations = arrayNew(1)>
        <cfloop array="#array#" item="local.prefix">
            <cfset arrayDeleteAt(working, 1)>
            <cfset var subCombinations = arrayNew(1)>
            <cfloop array="#working#" item="local.element">
                <cfset arrayAppend(subCombinations, "#prefix##element#")>
            <cfset arrayAppend(combinations, subCombinations, true)>
        <cfreturn combinations>


As a last example, I decided to see if I could port the actual test class for the combinations exercise to tags. And - yes - I could. It's really clumsy, but it works. First here's the original script version (tagsVsScriptDemonstrations/combinations/CombinationsTest.cfc):

import testbox.system.BaseSpec
import cfmlInDocker.miscellaneous.tagsVsScriptDemonstrations.combinations.ScriptVersion
import cfmlInDocker.miscellaneous.tagsVsScriptDemonstrations.combinations.TagsVersion

component extends=BaseSpec {

    function beforeAll() {
        variables.testArray = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]
        variables.expectedCombinations = [
            "AB", "AC", "AD", "AE",
            "BC", "BD", "BE",
            "CD", "CE",

    function run() {
        describe("Testing script version", () => {
            it("returns the expected combinations", () => {
                var sut = new ScriptVersion()
                var result = sut.getCombinations(variables.testArray)

        describe("Testing tags version", () => {
            it("returns the expected combinations", () => {
                var sut = new TagsVersion()
                var result = sut.getCombinations(variables.testArray)


And the tags version (tagsVsScriptDemonstrations/combinations/CombinationsTestUsingTags.cfc):

<cfimport path="testbox.system.BaseSpec">
<cfimport path="cfmlInDocker.miscellaneous.tagsVsScriptDemonstrations.combinations.ScriptVersion">
<cfimport path="cfmlInDocker.miscellaneous.tagsVsScriptDemonstrations.combinations.TagsVersion">

<cfcomponent extends="BaseSpec" output="false">

    <cffunction name="beforeAll">
        <cfset variables.testArray = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]>
        <cfset variables.expectedCombinations = [
            "AB", "AC", "AD", "AE",
            "BC", "BD", "BE",
            "CD", "CE",

    <cffunction name="run">
        <cfset describe("Testing script version", testingScriptVersionHandler)>
        <cfset describe("Testing tags version", testingTagsVersionHandler)>

    <cffunction name="testingScriptVersionHandler">
        <cfset it("returns the expected combinations", returnsTheExpectedCombinationsScriptVersionHandler)>

    <cffunction name="returnsTheExpectedCombinationsScriptVersionHandler">
        <cfset var sut = new ScriptVersion()>
        <cfset var result = sut.getCombinations(variables.testArray)>

        <cfset expect(result).toBe(variables.expectedCombinations)>

    <cffunction name="testingTagsVersionHandler">
        <cfset it("returns the expected combinations", returnsTheExpectedCombinationsTagsVersionHandler)>

    <cffunction name="returnsTheExpectedCombinationsTagsVersionHandler">
        <cfset var sut = new TagsVersion()>
        <cfset var result = sut.getCombinations(variables.testArray)>

        <cfset expect(result).toBe(variables.expectedCombinations)>



And indeed "yikes" was my reaction to each of those examples. The tag-based code is just full of unnecessary and obstructive bloat, and just a mess to read. And a bit clunky to implement.

Ugh. However if there's any other code I've done recently that you'd find helpful to read as tag-based code, let me know, and I'll see if I can do a port. But the quid pro quo is that if yer currently still writing CFML in tags, and have it within your control to stop doing that and join the direction CFML has been taking since mid-last-decade… please try to move on.

PS: also I'm intending to do another article that takes a more focused look on understanding how CFML's collection-iteration higher-order functions (you know;, Struct.reduce, Query.filter etc) work, and comparing back to tag-based implementations.


<cfadam />

Sunday 20 June 2021

Making the code from the previous article work on both ColdFusion and Lucee


A quick one today. I showed just a ColdFusion-only solution to some code in my previous article the other day: "CFML: emulating query-of-query group-by with higher-order functions". I figured when coming up with the completed code in a runnable example, I should make it work on both platforms. Here it is.

function getUngroupedRecords(required numeric rows) {
    createRows = (number) => repeatString(",", rows).listToArray(",", true)
    date = () => now().add("d", randRange(-365, 365))
    amount = () => randRange(1,10000) / 100

    fakedDbData = queryNew(
        createRows(rows).map((_) => [date(), amount(), amount()])
    return fakedDbData
ungroupedRecords = getUngroupedRecords(20)

groupedRecords = ungroupedRecords.reduce((grouped={}, row) => {
    y = row.settlementDate.year()
    m = row.settlementDate.month()
    key = "#y#-#m#"
    grouped[key] = grouped[key] ?: {stgl = 0, ltgl = 0}
    grouped[key].stgl = grouped[key].stgl + row.ShortTermGainLoss
    grouped[key].ltgl = grouped[key].ltgl + row.LongTermGainLoss

    return grouped
    (records, key, values) => {
            month = key.listLast("-"),
            year = key.listFirst("-"),
            ltgl = values.ltgl,
            stgl = values.stgl
        return records
    queryNew("month,year,ltgl,stgl", "Integer,Integer,Double,Double")
).sort((r1, r2) => {
    yearDiff = r1.year - r2.year
    if (yearDiff != 0) {
        return yearDiff
    return r1.month - r2.month


Some notes on that:

  • I was using ColdFusion-only syntax for arrow functions with only one parameter: CF - correctly - does not require parentheses for the function signature here. Lucee however does, so I added them.
  • As previously-mentioned, Lucee didn't like arrayNew(1).resize(number) here, so I've changed it to being a bit shit, but at least it works on Lucee.
  • Lucee still doesn't return the updated query from Query.addRow, it returns the number of rows added (as per queryAddRow). ColdFusion changed this back in CF2018, so Lucee has some catch-up to do here. Anyway I needed to split this into two statements to make it work on Lucee.
  • Originally I had the sort callback as one expression to demonstrate a "trick" with variable assignment expressions, but whilst this worked in Lucee, ColdFusion choked on it. The callback was: (r1, r2) => (yearDiff = r1.year - r2.year) ? yearDiff : r1.month - r2.month. This pushed well past the bounds of what is clearly understandable, and I think the long-hand version I used is better code. But it was a bug in ColdFusion that the short version didn't work.

Anyway… this version of the code works on both ColdFusion and Lucee.



Friday 18 June 2021

CFML: emulating query-of-query group-by with higher-order functions


A week or so ago this question came up on the CFML slack channel:

Does QoQ support month() and year() such as in the following?

      SELECT MONTH(settlementdate) AS month, year(settlementdate) AS year,
      SUM(LongTermGainLoss) AS ltgl, SUM(ShortTermGainLoss) AS stgl
      FROM data
      group by MONTH(settlementdate), year(settlementdate) 
      dbtype: 'query'

The answer to the question is: Lucee supports MONTH and YEAR SQL functions in their QoQ SQL implementation, but ColdFusion does not. Here's a quick repro:

dates = queryNew(
        [createDate(2011, 3, 24)],
        [createDate(2016, 8, 17)]

dateParts = queryExecute(
    "SELECT MONTH(date) AS month, YEAR(date) AS year FROM dates",


This works as expected on Lucee, but on ColdFusion errors with "Encountered "MONTH. Incorrect Select List, Incorrect select column".

The question intrigued me, and I thought… I reckon one could do something interesting with higher order functions to do what John needed here.

Firstly I needed some test data, so I banged out a quick function to do so:

function getUngroupedRecords(required numeric rows) {
    createRows = number => arrayNew(1).resize(number) // doesn't work in Lucee
    date = () => now().add("d", randRange(-365, 365))
    amount = () => randRange(1,10000) / 100

    fakedDbData = queryNew(
        createRows(rows).map(_ => [date(), amount(), amount()])
    return fakedDbData
ungroupedRecords = getUngroupedRecords(20)

NB: Lucee requires parentheses around even a single parameter in an arrow function, which is shouldn't so this breaks where indicated. This is a ColdFusion-only exercise here, so I'm running with a ColdFusion-only solution as the code is a bit nicer than if I make it work with Lucee too.

I thought there must be some better way of creating an array of a specific length just natively in CFML but I couldn't think of one, hence the arrayNew(1).resize(number) hack. It doesn't matter what's in the array, I just need that number of elements to re-map with my data.

Right so I have some data that possibly resembles the sort of thing John had.

From that I reduce that query to a struct keyed on "#year#-#month#", and for each row of the query I accumulate the gain/loss figures into their appropriate struct key entry:

ungroupedRecords.reduce((grouped={}, row) => {
    y = row.settlementDate.year()
    m = row.settlementDate.month()
    key = "#y#-#m#"
    grouped[key] = grouped[key] ?: {stgl = 0, ltgl = 0}
    grouped[key].stgl = grouped[key].stgl + row.ShortTermGainLoss
    grouped[key].ltgl = grouped[key].ltgl + row.LongTermGainLoss

    return grouped

At this point we have a "grouped-by" struct, but we need a query. So we reduce the struct back the other way now, to a query with the rows John spec'ed out in his original question:

.reduce( // breaks in Lucee
    (records, key, values) => records.addRow({
        month = key.listLast("-"),
        year = key.listFirst("-"),
        ltgl = values.ltgl,
        stgl = values.stgl
    queryNew("month,year,ltgl,stgl", "Integer,Integer,Double,Double")

The only complexity there is we need to expand-out the struct key to be individual values again, cos they year and month have their own columns in the query.

Oh and as mentioned Lucee breaks on this. It has a bug in that when an array entry is null, it skips it when performing reduce (or map, etc) operation. So the end result is that it considers the result of the first reduce to be null, so this second one breaks cos one cannot reduce null.

Finally for good measure I sort the results by date:

.sort((r1, r2) => {
    yearDiff = r1.year - r2.year
    if (yearDiff != 0) {
        return yearDiff
    return r1.month - r2.month

Initially I tried to be a smart-arse and do all that in one expression:

.sort((r1, r2) => (yearDiff = r1.year - r2.year) ? yearDiff : r1.month - r2.month)

And whilst Lucee was OK with that, ColdFusion could not make sense of the inline assignment expression there. I was just doing that so I only wanted r1.year - r2.year evaluated once, but I needed it in two places.

All of that is just the one expression in the end, when taken together:

groupedRecords = ungroupedRecords.reduce((grouped={}, row) => {
    y = row.settlementDate.year()
    m = row.settlementDate.month()
    key = "#y#-#m#"
    grouped[key] = grouped[key] ?: {stgl = 0, ltgl = 0}
    grouped[key].stgl = grouped[key].stgl + row.ShortTermGainLoss
    grouped[key].ltgl = grouped[key].ltgl + row.LongTermGainLoss

    return grouped
}).reduce( // breaks in Lucee
    (records, key, values) => records.addRow({
        month = key.listLast("-"),
        year = key.listFirst("-"),
        ltgl = values.ltgl,
        stgl = values.stgl
    queryNew("month,year,ltgl,stgl", "Integer,Integer,Double,Double")
).sort((r1, r2) => {
    yearDiff = r1.year - r2.year
    if (yearDiff != 0) {
        return yearDiff
    return r1.month - r2.month

The final output is along these lines:

I have to admit I did not TDD this work as I just wrote it in, so I can't use TestBox, and can only write scripts on that anyhow. I did benchcheck the results by hand, and they're correct as far as I can tell.

I'm not sure how useful it is to have gone through this experience, but it was kinda fun I guess.

