Friday 25 November 2016

PHP: decorating async GuzzleHttp calls - more methods

Here's yet another article about decorating an async GuzzleHttp adapter. So far in the series I've got this lot:
To date my adapter has only had the one method to decorate: the get method. I also need to add more methods like post and put, which have their own considerations when doing decoration. Let's have a look.

Firstly I need some end points to test against. I decided I'd better shuffle-on from those CFML based ones I had, and use PHP instead. So I've rejigged them all as follows:


class Person{
    public $id;
    public $firstName;
    public $lastName;

    function __construct($id, $firstName, $lastName){
        $this->id = $id;
        $this->firstName = $firstName;
        $this->lastName = $lastName;

$people = [
    new Person(1, "Donald", "Duck"),
    new Person(2, "Donald", "Cameron"),
    new Person(3, "Donald", "Trump"),
    new Person(4, "Donald", "Wearsyatroosas")


$id = $_GET["id"];

require __DIR__ . "/data.php";

$filteredPeople = array_filter($people, function($person) use ($id) {
    return $person->id == $id;
$person = array_shift($filteredPeople);

$result = (array) $person;

$result["retrieved"] = (new DateTime())->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");

echo json_encode($result);


require __DIR__ . "/data.php";

$newPerson = new Person(

$result = (array) $newPerson;

$result["retrieved"] = (new DateTime())->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");

echo json_encode($result);


$id = $_GET["id"];

require __DIR__ . "/data.php";

$filteredPeople = array_filter($people, function($person) use ($id) {
    return $person->id == $id;

if (empty($filteredPeople)){
    throw new InvalidArgumentException("No Person with ID $id found");

$person = array_shift($filteredPeople);

$newPerson = new Person(

$result = [
    'before' => (array) $person,
    'after' => (array) $newPerson,
    'updated' => (new DateTime())->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")

echo json_encode($result);

That lot is all pretty perfunctory. There was a coupla PHP things I didn't know about before hand, namely:
  • how to extract the body for a put request. I was initially expecting them to be in the $_POST array for some reason, but that makes no sense.
  • how to set the HTTP status. I'd never had to do that before with PHP (we use Silex / Symfony, and we just use API methods to do same).

(readers need to remember I'm fairly new to PHP ;-)

The next update is to the Adapter interface:

namespace me\adamcameron\testApp\adapter;

use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise;

interface Adapter {
    public function get($url, $parameters) : Promise;
    public function post($url, $body) : Promise;
    public function put($url, $body, $parameters) : Promise;

I've added the two new methods there. This now breaks all my Adapter implementations.

First I need to add the actual method implementations to the base adapter: the ones that actually makes the calls:

namespace me\adamcameron\testApp\adapter;

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise;

class GuzzleAdapter implements Adapter {

    private $client;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->client = new Client();

    public function get($url, $parameters) : Promise {
        $fullUrl = sprintf("%s?%s", $url, http_build_query($parameters));

        $response = $this->client->requestAsync("get", $fullUrl);

        return $response;

    public function post($url, $body) : Promise {
        $options = ['form_params' => $body];

        $response = $this->client->requestAsync("post", $url, $options);

        return $response;

    public function put($url, $body, $parameters) : Promise {
        $fullUrl = sprintf("%s?%s", $url, http_build_query($parameters));
        $options = ['form_params' => $body];

        $response = $this->client->requestAsync("put", $fullUrl, $options);

        return $response;

Nothing surprising there. Note that each of the new methods have different argument requirements. This becomes relevant later.

Now I need to add equivalent methods to the decorators. I'll start with the caching one as that's easy: we have no caching requirements for POST or PUT requests, so the methods just pass through to the underlying adapter:

public function post($url, $body) : Promise {
    return $this->adapter->post($url, $body);

public function put($url, $body, $parameters) : Promise {
    return $this->adapter->put($url, $body, $parameters);

See: easy.

The logging adapter was more of a challenge. The first pass of the implementation looked like this sort of thing:

public function get($url, $parameters) : Promise {
    $encodedParameters = json_encode($parameters);
    $this->logger->logMessage(sprintf("%s: Requesting for %s", $this->thisFile, $encodedParameters));

    $response = $this->adapter->get($url, $parameters);

    $response->then(function($response) use ($encodedParameters) {
        $body = $response->getBody();
        $this->logger->logMessage(sprintf("%s: Response for %s: %s", $this->thisFile, $encodedParameters, $body));

    return $response;

public function post($url, $body) : Promise {
    $logDetails = json_encode($body);
    $this->logger->logMessage(sprintf("%s: Requesting for %s", $this->thisFile, $logDetails));

    $response = $this->adapter->post($url, $body);

    $response->then(function($response) use ($logDetails) {
        $body = $response->getBody();
        $this->logger->logMessage(sprintf("%s: Response for %s: %s", $this->thisFile, $logDetails, $body));

    return $response;

public function post($url, $body, $parameters) : Promise {
    $logDetails = json_encode([
        'parameters' => $parameters,
        'body' => $body
    $this->logger->logMessage(sprintf("%s: Requesting for %s", $this->thisFile, $logDetails));

    $response = $this->adapter->put($url, $body, $parameters);

    $response->then(function($response) use ($logDetails) {
        $body = $response->getBody();
        $this->logger->logMessage(sprintf("%s: Response for %s: %s", $this->thisFile, $logDetails, $body));

    return $response;

That's fine, but look at how much similarity there is in there:
  • We log some stuff
  • We peform a request to a method
  • We have a resolution handler
What we log is different for all three methods, but the handling after that is the same. So I figured there was a refactoring opportunity there. One slight challenge is that which I mentioned above: each method passes different arguments. That'll be tricky to refactor into one method. Well so I thought. Enter PHP's variadic functions. These allow me to specify a method signature that has a concrete argument list, then one last argument that captures any other arguments passed into the function when it's called.

This way I have three congruent parts:
  • capture some stuff to log. The composition of what to log is method-specific, but that's fine
  • call a method
  • with some arguments

I was able to factor-out this commonality into a helper method:

private function performLoggedRequest($method, $logDetails, ...$requestArgs) : Promise {
    $this->logger->logMessage(sprintf("%s: Requesting for %s", $this->thisFile,  $logDetails));

    $response = call_user_func_array([$this->adapter, $method], $requestArgs);

    $response->then(function($response) use ($logDetails) {
        $body = $response->getBody();
        $this->logger->logMessage(sprintf("%s: Response for %s: %s", $this->thisFile, $logDetails, $body));

    return $response;

From there, it's just a matter of refactoring all three public methods to call this helper method:

public function get($url, $parameters) : Promise {
    $logDetails = json_encode($parameters);

    return $this->performLoggedRequest(__FUNCTION__, $logDetails, $url, $parameters);

public function post($url, $body) : Promise {
    $logDetails = json_encode($body);

    return $this->performLoggedRequest(__FUNCTION__, $logDetails, $url, $body);

public function put($url, $body, $parameters) : Promise {
    $logDetails = json_encode([
        'parameters' => $parameters,
        'body' => $body

    return $this->performLoggedRequest(__FUNCTION__, $logDetails, $url, $body, $parameters);

For each call to performLoggedRequest, all the passed-in arguments after $logDetails end up in a single array, as $requestArgs All because of the ... in the method signature. Cool.

This enables use to call call_user_func_array. with both a dynamic method name, and a dynamic number of arguments in that array.

I then needed to do much the same with the StatusToExceptionAdapter:

public function get($url, $parameters) : Promise {
    return $this->request(__FUNCTION__, $url, $parameters);

public function post($url, $body) : Promise {
    return $this->request(__FUNCTION__, $url, $body);

public function put($url, $parameters, $body) : Promise {
    return $this->request(__FUNCTION__, $url, $parameters, $body);

private function request($method, ...$args) : Promise {
    return call_user_func_array([$this->adapter, $method], $args)
        ->then(function (Response $response) {
            return $this->handleThen($response);
        ->otherwise(function ($exception) {


Finally a test. I used the same basic test rig as last time, so I'll just focus on the individual tests here. I also ran the equivalent test of getById as before: no change there so I'll not bother reproducing it.

The test for post was as follows:

function testCreate(PersonRepository $personRepository, LoggingService $loggingService) {
    $personDetails = [
        'firstName' => 'Donald',
        'lastName' => 'McLean'

    $loggingService->logMessage(sprintf("Test: calling create(%s)", json_encode($personDetails)));

    $response = $personRepository->create($personDetails);
    $body = (string) $response->wait()->getBody();

    $loggingService->logMessage(sprintf("Test: called create(): [%s]", $body));

That's all obvious. The log output for this was:

[2016-11-24 20:04:11] testPost.INFO: Test: calling create({"firstName":"Donald","lastName":"McLean"}) [] []
[2016-11-24 20:04:11] testPost.INFO: LoggingAdapter: Requesting for {"firstName":"Donald","lastName":"McLean"} [] []
[2016-11-24 20:04:11] testPost.INFO: LoggingAdapter: Response for {"firstName":"Donald","lastName":"McLean"}: {"id":"583747bb1a6d9","firstName":"Donald","lastName":"McLean","retrieved":"2016-11-24 20:04:11"} [] []
[2016-11-24 20:04:11] testPost.INFO: StatusToExceptionAdapter: non-exception status encountered: 200 [] []
[2016-11-24 20:04:11] testPost.INFO: Test: called create(): [{"id":"583747bb1a6d9","firstName":"Donald","lastName":"McLean","retrieved":"2016-11-24 20:04:11"}] [] []

We can see no caching was called (good), but the approrpiate logging and StatusToException checks were made. And we got a new record ID back after the insert. Excellent.

The test of the update had two things to do: doing an update of an existing record (happy path) then trying to update a non-existent record (which should yield an exception):

function testUpdate(PersonRepository $personRepository, LoggingService $loggingService) {
    testUpdateByPhase("Valid ID", 3, $personRepository, $loggingService);
    testUpdateByPhase("Invalid ID", -1, $personRepository, $loggingService);

function testUpdateByPhase($phase, $id, PersonRepository $personRepository, LoggingService $loggingService) {
    $personDetails = [
        'firstName' => 'Donald',
        'lastName' => 'Corleone'

    $logDetails = [
        'id' => $id,
        'details' => $personDetails

    $loggingService->logMessage(sprintf("Test (phase: %s): calling update(%s)", $phase, json_encode($logDetails)));

    $response = $personRepository->update($id, $personDetails);
    try {
        $body = (string) $response->wait()->getBody();
        $loggingService->logMessage(sprintf("Test (phase %s): called update(): [%s]", $phase, $body));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $previous = $e->getPrevious();
                "Test (phase %s): call to update failed: "
                . "Class: %s; "
                . "Code: %s; "
                . "Message: %s"
                . "Previous class: %s"
                . "Previous message: %s"
                , $phase, get_class($e), $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()
                , get_class($previous), $previous->getMessage()
    } finally {
        $loggingService->logMessage(sprintf("Test (phase %s): complete", $phase));

That's more code, but most of it is error handling, and there's nothing noteworthy. The log shows the outcome. First the valid update:

[2016-11-24 20:04:11] testPost.INFO: Test (phase: Valid ID): calling update({"id":3,"details":{"firstName":"Donald","lastName":"Corleone"}}) [] []
[2016-11-24 20:04:11] testPost.INFO: LoggingAdapter: Requesting for {"parameters":{"id":3},"body":{"firstName":"Donald","lastName":"Corleone"}} [] []
[2016-11-24 20:04:11] testPost.INFO: LoggingAdapter: Response for {"parameters":{"id":3},"body":{"firstName":"Donald","lastName":"Corleone"}}: {"before":{"id":3,"firstName":"Donald","lastName":"Trump"},"after":{"id":3,"firstName":"Donald","lastName":"Corleone"},"updated":"2016-11-24 20:04:11"} [] []
[2016-11-24 20:04:11] testPost.INFO: StatusToExceptionAdapter: non-exception status encountered: 200 [] []
[2016-11-24 20:04:11] testPost.INFO: Test (phase Valid ID): called update(): [{"before":{"id":3,"firstName":"Donald","lastName":"Trump"},"after":{"id":3,"firstName":"Donald","lastName":"Corleone"},"updated":"2016-11-24 20:04:11"}] [] []
[2016-11-24 20:04:11] testPost.INFO: Test (phase Valid ID): complete [] []


And the invalid ID:

[2016-11-24 20:04:11] testPost.INFO: LoggingAdapter: Requesting for {"parameters":{"id":-1},"body":{"firstName":"Donald","lastName":"Corleone"}} [] []
[2016-11-24 20:04:11] testPost.INFO: StatusToExceptionAdapter: remapped status encountered: 400 [] []
[2016-11-24 20:04:11] testPost.INFO: Test (phase Invalid ID): call to update failed: Class: me\adamcameron\testApp\exception\BadRequestException; Code: 400; Message: A response of 400 was received from the service Previous class: GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientExceptionPrevious message: Client error: `PUT http://php.local:8070/experiment/guzzle/update.php?id=-1` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response: <br /> <font size='1'><table class='xdebug-error xe-uncaught-exception' dir='ltr' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding (truncated...)  [] []
[2016-11-24 20:04:11] testPost.INFO: Test (phase Invalid ID): complete [] []

That worked as expected too. Although I now note I should have returned a 404 there, not a 400. Oops. But it's doing what I told it to do, anyhow. And pleasingly, the StatusToExceptionAdapter did its job.

And that's about it. I learned a few new things whilst investigating this one, which is good.

That's the end of my foray into decorating GuzzleHttp adapters. I'll get onto something different next.

