Wednesday 30 March 2016

PHPUnit: I question the merits of my work

We take our TDD very seriously on our London-based team: all (PHP) code is developed using TDD, which means we spend a lot of time working with PHPUnit. And given the nature of testing, the test code can get pretty bloody repetitive at times. We also leverage dependency injection for all our dependencies, and as we take a Clean Code approach, we sometimes end up with a whole bunch of dependency methods to mock-out when we're testing the class depending on the... ah... dependency (I'll submit that one for "Clumsiest Sentence of the Day").

Furthermore, it seemed to me that our test classes were getting cluttered with a very high percentage of PHPUnit boiler plate code facilitating the mocking. It seemed to me that PHPUnit's fluent interface is just a mechanism for clutter.

Consider this contrived situation:

namespace me\adamcameron\someApp\service;

use \me\adamcameron\someApp\repository\SomeRepository;

class SomeService {

    private $someRepository;

    public function __construct(SomeRepository $someRepository){
        $this->someRepository = $someRepository;

    public function getTheThing($idOfTheThing){
        return $this->someRepository->getTheThing($idOfTheThing);

    public function setTheThing($idOfTheThing, $valueOfTheThing){
        return $this->someRepository->setTheThing($idOfTheThing, $valueOfTheThing);

    public function doesTheThingExist($idOfTheThing){
        return $this->someRepository->doesTheThingExist($idOfTheThing);


This is all very contrived (in case you had not noticed from the class / method naming), but here we have SomeService which has three methods which depend on a repository to handle the actual data read/writes. When testing SomeService, we want to mock SomeRepository out completely as it's not being tested. It's the getMockedSomeRepository() method which is my focus here. Every method needs the same boilerplate code to mock it out: how many times it's called, what its name is:

namespace me\adamcameron\someApp\test\service;

use \me\adamcameron\someApp\service\SomeService;

class SomeServiceTest {
public function setup(){
        $mockedSomeRepository = getMockedSomeRepository();
        $this->someService = new SomeService($mockedSomeRepository);

 public function testGetTheThing(){
        $result = $this->someService->getTheThing($this->testId);

        $this->assertEquals($this->mockedGetTheThingResult, $result);

 public function testSetTheThing(){
        $this->someService->setTheThing($this->testId, $this->testThing);

 public function testDoesTheThingExist(){
        $result = $this->someService->doesTheThingExist($this->testId);
        $this->assertEquals($this->mockedDoesTheThingExistResult, $result);

 private function getMockedSomeRepository(){
  $mockedSomeRepository = $this
   ->setMethods(["getTheThing", "setTheThing", "doesTheThingExist"])


   ->with($this->testId, $this->testThing);


  return mockedSomeRepository;


As an aside, don't ask why PHPUnit does it in that order, but that's the recommendation. I guess it's a metaphor for "expect the foo method to be called with these arguments and it will return this value". That reads OK when it's English, but when looking at the code, it's a bit like Yoda wrote it. Still: shrug.

Also there's the same set of variations on mocking the class itself: one either disables the constructor or passes it some arguments, and it needs to have the methods specified at this point (as well as individually when mocking the methods).

Back to considering the method mocking: I've demonstrated that it's not always the same set of expectations being set: on the mock for setTheThing() I do not check the return value, cos it doesn't have one. Similarly sometimes one doesn't want to test how many times a method is called (no expects()) or what arguments it receives (no with()); or sometimes willReturn might actually need to be a will() call (which allows for more complicated results, like using a callback which contrives the result from the arguments, and other good stuff).

But it's always the same variation on the same theme. And I did not like having to type ->expects($something), ->with($somethingElse) over and over. The "sensible" approach seemed to be abstract out the boilerplate code, and just pass the values into some helper which then had the boilerplate once.

With a bit of horsing around, I came up with this sort of thing:

class MockHelper extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

    function mockObject($class, $methods=null, $constructorArgs=null){
        $mockObjectBuilder = $this->getMockBuilder($class);

        if (is_null($constructorArgs)){

        if (!is_null($methods)){
        $mockedObject = $mockObjectBuilder->getMock();

        if (is_null($methods)){
            return $mockedObject;

        foreach ($methods as $method=>$mock){
            if (array_key_exists("expects", $mock)){
                $methodMocker = $mockedObject->expects($mock["expects"]);
                $methodMocker = $mockedObject;
            $mockedMethod = $methodMocker->method($method);

            if (array_key_exists("with", $mock)){
                call_user_func_array([$mockedMethod, 'with'], $mock["with"]);

            if (array_key_exists("will", $mock)){

            if (array_key_exists("willReturn", $mock)){
        return $mockedObject;


An example call of this might be:

private function getMockedSomeRepository()
    $mockHelper = new MockHelper();
    $mockedSomeRepository = $mockHelper->mockObject(
            "getTheThing" => [
                "with" => [$this->testId],
                "willReturn" => $this->mockedGetTheThingResult
            "setTheThing" => [
                "with" => [$this->testId, $this->testThing]
            "doesTheThingExist" => [
                "with" => [$this->testId],
                "willReturn" => $this->mockedDoesTheThingExistResult

    return $mockedSomeRepository;

The conceit is that - as I mentioned above - the data defines the behaviour here, not a bunch of repetitive boilerplate code. I just state the class I want to mock, and - in one fell swoop - a data structure of the methods I want to mock and their mocked behaviour. I don't need to worry about how the mocking takes place, this is all done within mockObject(). Lovely. And meself and me colleague started to use this on our team's work.

Come the Friday PHP Team meeting, I mentioned it in passing to the rest of the bods on the broader PHP team (we were only using this in one of our sub-teams), and they were appropriately hesitant of code they didn't have a hand in, but seemed to agree with the pain of repeated boilerplate needing a solution, but seemed ambivalent about this particular solution. Then after some reflection our team lead made a couple of very salient points (my paraphrasing of his original sentiment):

  1. If we hire a new dev, there's a chance they might already know PHPUnit, but what they definitely won't know is how to use this approach. Is this a good thing?
  2. Where's the actual gain here? Is it actually less code? Have you solved the problem you were trying to solve?

Point 1 is relevant, but in reality in my experience bugger-all devs know the first thing about unit testing, so it's slightly optimistic to think this will be an issue. In reaction to point 2 I was like "well of course it is! It must be!". Then I checked.

Let's look at the two approaches side by side:

Using PHPUnit's mock builder:

private function getMockedSomeRepository()
    $mockedSomeRepository = $this
        ->setMethods(["getTheThing", "setTheThing", "doesTheThingExist"])


        ->with($this->testId, $this->testThing);


    return $mockedSomeRepository;

Using this mock helper:

private function getMockedSomeRepository()
    $mockHelper = new MockHelper();
    $mockedSomeRepository = $mockHelper->mockObject(
            "getTheThing" => [
                "with" => [$this->testId],
                "willReturn" => $this->mockedGetTheThingResult
            "setTheThing" => [
                "with" => [$this->testId, $this->testThing]
            "doesTheThingExist" => [
                "with" => [$this->testId],
                "willReturn" => $this->mockedDoesTheThingExistResult

    return $mockedSomeRepository;

The former is 24 lines of code, and the latter 22. Not exactly a win there. If we were pedantic and went down to byte level, it's 756 vs 702. Until one thinks that one needs to import the class that the helper is in, so adding in that - in my instance, with my namespace - brings the helper version to 752 bytes.

Now I'm not interested in the number of bytes... that's daft. But I am interested in how many lines of code we're saving... and I'm sorry but 22 vs 24 doesn't cut it for me. It might be 8% or so, but... this is not the sort of code that's ever gonna be reflective of hundreds or even dozens of lines of code saved in a test class file. Over all it might save hundreds of lines of code in our code base, but it doesn't matter when it's spread through hundreds of files. It only really matters when looking at the one method in front of one at that point in time.

In the end I am rather disappointed that I don't think this solution is a good one, and I have reverted to using PHPUnit's mock builder approach.

Another of my colleagues pointed out another flaw - and this was a flaw in my approach to using PHPUnit's mock builder in general - one doesn't necessarily want to mock the object and the methods in one fell swoop anyhow. One might - and probably does - want to mock the dependency object itself in setup(), but then it's on a test-by-test basis that one needs to provide the method-mocking details. It's annoying that one needs to call the initial setMethods() at object level, and can't simply have that inferred from calling something like mockMethod() on the mocked object, but that's generally OK.

From a personal perspective: one thing I am taking away from all this is that my work - which I was quite pleased with - was challenged, and I didn't get all defensive about it, which is an easy trap to fall into. I went "hmmm... yeah, best I look at that...", and... I turned out to be wrong. And it actually felt good to find out I was wrong (disappointing, but good). Also: in the discovery process I now know a bit more about how PHPUnit works, and I am a better dev for it. Also it gave me a good topic to write about.
