If you follow @CfmlNotifier on Twitter (and if yer a CF developer, you should be!), you'll note I've started another feed to it, reporting along the lines of:
2014-04-05 14:36 Untriaged ColdFusion 10 bug count: 61. List: http://t.co/XGoReqPrfq
— CfmlNotifier (@CfmlNotifier) April 5, 2014
I'm doing a status update on that every
Hopefully you find this at least mildly informative.
And don't forget to vote for bugs that affect you, or if you need to give Adobe further information (like "why did you close this ticket saying 'never fix'? It's a right sball-ache for me!"). They do listen.
FYI, the count was over 100 a coupla days ago, so they do seem to be doing some triage at the moment. So that's good news. And it's certainly an improvement from when I wrote this: "212 untriaged ColdFusion 10 bugs" (back in May). Good work Adobe, but... hey... there's still quite a way to go, eh? All this stuff should be triaged already. They don't need to be fixed, but they should be triaged as soon as they're raised. Not months / years later.
Oh, and I know I've been a bit quiet this week (on the blog, anyhow). Work's been busy, and I've been a bit crook with a cold, so just watching telly in the evenings. I've got a coupla articles on the go, I just need the code sorted out.