Well actually: no, it's not "we" who have interrupted any service.
However I'm afraid to say a few small community-oriented services I run are currently down.
Firstly I maintain the @cfbugnotifier alert thingey on Twitter. If you don't know, it just polls the Adobe ColdFusion and ColdFusion Builder bugbases every coupla hours and sends a Twitter status update for each new bug raised since the last time. I find it's quite handy to keep tabs on what bugs people are finding (and, hey, feature requests too!). It's got about 50 followers, so some other people find it handy too, I guess.
I also implemented a slightly more usable UI for searching the Adobe bugbase too. It's a very simple form, but searches for the given string in any/all releases of ColdFusion or CFB in one hit, searching all the text fields against the bugs. This very fundamental functionality is not actually available on the native UI for the bugbase, so this just makes searching for stuff easier. So it's bare-bones but also slightly useful.
Lastly I maintain a coupla bug-related RSS feeds too: one for ColdFusion bugs, one for CFB bugs.
All of these were hosted at cfmldeveloper, which offers a free hosting service for CF dev. It's very handy, and has been a very reliable service in the time I have been using it.
However today all of the above have vanished. They are not down, they are gone.
I suspect this is because I called Russ - who runs cfmldeveloper - for being a bit of a nob yesterday. However this is just a suspicion based on very coincidental timing. I will reserve my opinion of this situation, but I imagine you can guess.
Unfortunately I do not have any spare time between now and until after cf.Objective() to re-home all the code, so all that stuff will need to remain down for a coupla weeks, I'm afraid. Apologies if you find this inconvenient.