Showing posts with label PHP8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PHP8. Show all posts

Thursday 2 February 2023

PHP 8: a quick look at enums


Whilst working on my recent code implemneting a postcode look-up web service, I stumbled across Monolog/Level:

enum Level: int
    // …

I was unaware of PHP having enums, and it turns out it's a recent addition: arriving in PHP 8.1 (I had moved on from PHP when 7.2 was brand new). See PHP: Enumerations for the docs.

My usage of it was I wanted to get the string "CRITICAL" back from the log level I was testing a log entry for:

public function assertLogEntryIsCorrect(
    TestHandler $testHandler,
    Level $expectedLogLevel,
    int $statusCode,
    string $expectedMessage
): void {
    $logRecords = $testHandler->getRecords();
    $this->assertCount(1, $logRecords);
    $this->assertEquals($expectedLogLevel->getName(), $logRecords[0]["level_name"]);

Monolog/Logger has this:

public const CRITICAL = 500;

But nothing associating that const to the string "CRITICAL", yet in the log entry the level is "CRITICAL". Yeah I could have just used strtoupper, but I had suspected there was a better way, so had a look at how Monolog actually writes the log entry. I traced this back to here:

public static function getLevelName(int|Level $level): string
    return self::toMonologLevel($level)->getName();

And from there found the Level enum

I wanted to see what enums in PHP can do, so I worked through the docs, and wrote myself an example of each. I did this via TDD, so I have some tests describing the functionality (see the @testdox annotations for the descriptions):

namespace adamcameron\php8\tests\Unit\System;

use adamcameron\php8\tests\Unit\System\Fixtures\MaoriNumbers as MI;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

/** @testdox Testing enums */
class EnumTest extends TestCase

    /** @testdox It can have static methods */
    public function testStaticMethods()
        $this->assertEquals("one", MI::asEnglish(1));

The underlying method in the enum is:

public static function asEnglish(int $i) : string
    return self::EN[$i - 1];
    /** @testdox It can have instance methods */
    public function testInstanceMethods()
        $this->assertEquals("two", MI::RUA->toEnglish());

The underlying method in the enum is:

public function toEnglish() : string
    return self::EN[$this->value - 1];
    /** @testdox Its name can be returned */
    public function testGetName()
        $this->assertEquals("TORU", MI::TORU->name);

    /** @testdox Its value can be returned */
    public function testGetValue()
        $this->assertEquals(4, MI::WHĀ->value);

I purposedly used the correct accented unicode charactcer in WHÄ€ to check if PHP supported non-ASCII charatcers there. Yes.

    /** @testdox It encodes to JSON OK */
    public function testJsonEncode()
        $this->assertEquals('{"rima":5}', json_encode(["rima" => MI::RIMA]));

    /** @testdox It cannot be type-coerced */
    public function testTypeCoercion()
        $this->expectError(); // NB: not an exception; an error
        $this->expectErrorMessageMatches("/.*MaoriNumbers could not be converted to int.*/");
        $this->assertEquals(sprintf("ono: %d", MI::ONO), "ono: 6");

    /** @testdox It has a from method */
    public function testFrom()
        $this->assertEquals(MI::from(7), MI::WHITU);

    /** @testdox It has a from method that throws an exception */
    public function testFromException()
        $this->expectError(\ValueError ::class);

I like how IntelliJ warns me I'm going wrong trying to use 0 there:

    /** @testdox It has a tryFrom method */
    public function testTryFrom()
        $this->assertEquals(MI::tryFrom(8), MI::WARU);

    /** @testdox It has a tryFrom method that returns null */
    public function testTryFromNull()

    /** @testdox It will type-coerce the argument for from and tryFrom */
    public function testTryFromTypeCoercion()
        $this->assertEquals(MI::from("9"), MI::IWA);
        $this->assertEquals(MI::tryFrom(10.0), MI::TEKAU);

    /** @testdox It can be used in a match expression */
    public function testMatch()
        $this->assertEquals("odd", MI::TAHI->getParity());
        $this->assertEquals("even", MI::RUA->getParity());

The underlying method in the enum is:

public function getParity() : string
    return match($this) {
        self::TAHI, self::TORU, self::RIMA, self::WHITU, self::IWA => "odd",
        self::RUA, self::WHĀ, self::ONO, self::WARU, self::TEKAU => "even"

Match expressions are new to PHP 8.0, and are an expression version of switch statements. I might need to look at these some more later on too.

    /** @testdox It can have consts, and supply the values for same */
    public function testConsts()
        $this->assertEquals(MI::THREE, MI::TORU);

    /** @testdox It can use traits */
    public function testTraits()
        $this->assertEquals(MI::FOUR, MI::WHĀ);

    /** @testdox It is an object and has a class const */
    public function testClassConst()
        $this->assertEquals(get_class(MI::RIMA), MI::CLASS);

    /** @testdox It supports the __invoke magic method */
    public function testInvoke()
        $this->assertEquals("six", (MI::ONO)());

The underlying method in the enum is:

public function __invoke() : string
    return $this->toEnglish();

    /** @testdox It has a cases method which returns a listing */
    public function testCases()
        $someCases = array_slice(MI::cases(), 6, 4);
            [MI::WHITU, MI::WARU, MI::IWA, MI::TEKAU],


    /** @testdox It can be serialised */
    public function testSerialize()
            sprintf('/^E:\d+:"%s:%s";$/', preg_quote(MI::TAHI::CLASS), MI::TAHI->name ),

And the whole enum:

namespace adamcameron\php8\tests\Unit\System\Fixtures;

enum MaoriNumbers : int {
    case TAHI = 1;
    case RUA = 2;
    case TORU = 3;
    case WHĀ = 4;
    case RIMA = 5;
    case ONO = 6;
    case WHITU = 7;
    case WARU = 8;
    case IWA = 9;
    case TEKAU = 10;

    use MaoriNumbersConstsTrait;

    private CONST EN = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten"];

    public function toEnglish() : string
        return self::EN[$this->value - 1];

    public static function asEnglish(int $i) : string
        return self::EN[$i - 1];

    public function getParity() : string
        return match($this) {
            self::TAHI, self::TORU, self::RIMA, self::WHITU, self::IWA => "odd",
            self::RUA, self::WHĀ, self::ONO, self::WARU, self::TEKAU => "even"

    public function __invoke() : string
        return $this->toEnglish();

This also uses a trait:

namespace adamcameron\php8\tests\Unit\System\Fixtures;

use adamcameron\php8\tests\Unit\System\Fixtures\MaoriNumbers as MI;

trait MaoriNumbersConstsTrait {
    public const ONE = MI::TAHI;
    public const TWO = MI::RUA;
    public const THREE = MI::TORU;
    public const FOUR = MI::WHĀ;
    public const FIVE = MI::RIMA;
    public const SIX = MI::ONO;
    public const SEVEN = MI::WHITU;
    public const EIGHT = MI::WARU;
    public const NINE = MI::IWA;
    public const TEN = MI::TEKAU;

I would not normally use a trait (in pretty much any situation), but I created this for the purposes of the testing.

That's it. I just wanted to share my code of my investigations into a language feature I was previously unaware of. I find this a helpful way of learning new stuff: putting it through its paces and formally observing the results.



Sunday 22 January 2023

Docker: adding a MariaDB container to my PHP & Nginx ones


I'm pretty much just noting down how I've progressed my PHP8 test app in this one (see PHP: returning to PHP and setting up a PHP8 dev environment and other articles around this date tagged with the PHP8 label, around this date). I need a DB added to the PHP8 and Nginx containers I already have, for the next bit of stuff I want to look at.


I've added a mariadb service, and set some environment variables in the PHP8 service as well:

version: "3"
  	# […]

      context: php
      dockerfile: Dockerfile


    stdin_open: true
    tty: true

      - ..:/var/www

      context: mariadb
      dockerfile: Dockerfile


      - "3382:3306"

    stdin_open: true
    tty: true

      - mariaDbData:/var/lib/mariadb


Those env vars are ones the MariaDB image docs on Dockerhub mandate. I'm also passing them into the PHP container so that it doeesn't need them recorded anywhere.




# the following are to be provided to `docker-compose up`

The only notable thing here is that - because this file is going into source control - I am not specifying the passwords; I'm just signifiying they need to exist.


FROM mariadb:latest

COPY ./docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

CMD ["mysqld"]


And in ./docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ I have these:

# docker/mariadb/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/1.createAndPopulateTestTable.sql

USE db1;

    id INT NOT NULL,
    value VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id)

INSERT INTO test (id, value)
    (101, 'Test row 1'),
    (102, 'Test row 2')

ALTER TABLE test MODIFY COLUMN id INT auto_increment;
# docker/mariadb/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/2.createAndPopulateNumbersTable.sql
USE db1;

CREATE TABLE numbers (
    id INT NOT NULL,
    en VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
    mi VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (id)

INSERT INTO numbers (id, en, mi)
    (1, 'one', 'tahi'),
    (2, 'two', 'rua'),
    (3, 'three', 'toru'),
    (4, 'four', 'wha'),
    (5, 'five', 'rima'),
    (6, 'rima', 'ono')

ALTER TABLE numbers MODIFY COLUMN id INT auto_increment;

I'm seeding the DB with some test data. Any files dropped into that /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ directory in the image will be picked up by the MariaDB process when it first creates the DB (see the docs for the image again: Docker hub › MariaDB › Initializing a fresh instance).

Shell scripts

Because this rig requires one to pass passwords to docker-compose up, I've created a coupla shell scripts to remind me to do it right:

# docker/bin/

# usage
# cd to directory containing docker-compose.yml
# bin/ [DB root password] [DB user password]
# EG:
# cd ~/src/php8/docker
# bin/ 123 1234

clear; printf "\033[3J"
docker-compose down --remove-orphans --volumes
docker-compose build --no-cache
MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=$1 MARIADB_PASSWORD=$2 docker-compose up --force-recreate --detach
# docker/bin/

# usage
# cd to directory containing docker-compose.yml
# bin/ [DB root password] [DB user password]
# use same passwords as when initially calling

# EG:
# cd ~/src/php8/docker
# bin/ 123 1234

clear; printf "\033[3J"
docker-compose stop
docker-compose up --detach nginx
MARIADB_PASSWORD=$2 docker-compose up --detach php
MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=$1 MARIADB_PASSWORD=$2 docker-compose up --detach mariadb

This just saves some typing. In all honesty I am using 123 and 1234 for the respective passwords, but it doesn't matter. It's a good practice to not have passwords anywhere in source code, and this seems a reasonable way to me to make sure the values end up being where they need to be.

I'll spare you the content here (the heading there is linked to the file), all I did to that was update my installation instructions to use the docker/bin/ script instead of individual statements, and added a section about docker/bin/


Where would I be without a test. I've thrown a quick one together to test that the test data is there. And I will run this in conjunction with the rest of the tests, to make sure I have not caused any regressions.

// test/integration/DbTest.php

namespace adamcameron\php8\test\integration;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use \stdClass;

/** @testdox Tests the stub DB */
class DbTest extends TestCase

    /** @testdox it can fetch records from the test table */
    public function testFetchRecords()
        $expectedRecords = [
            ["id" => 101, "value" => "Test row 1"],
            ["id" => 102, "value" => "Test row 2"]

        $connection = $this->getDbalConnection();
        $result = $connection->executeQuery("SELECT id, value FROM test ORDER BY id");

        $actualRecords = $result->fetchAllAssociative();

        $this->assertEquals($expectedRecords, $actualRecords);

    private function getDbalConnection() : Connection
        $parameters = $this->getConnectionParameters();
        return DriverManager::getConnection([
            'dbname' => $parameters->database,
            'user' => $parameters->username,
            'password' => $parameters->password,
            'host' => $parameters->host,
            'port' => $parameters->port,
            'driver' => 'pdo_mysql'

    private function getConnectionParameters() : stdClass
        return (object) [
            "host" => "mariadb",
            "port" => "3306",
            "database" => getenv("MARIADB_DATABASE"),
            "username" => getenv("MARIADB_USER"),
            "password" => getenv("MARIADB_PASSWORD")

All pretty straight forward. Note how I'm reading the DB info from the environment variables in getConnectionParameters. Take my word for it for now on the DB-handling code. I'll get to that in a different article.

That's it. Nothing insightful. I'm just documenting what I've done and why.



Saturday 21 January 2023

PHP: looking at ways of making HTTP requests


I'm reacquainting myself with PHP, and part of this process is chucking some tests together to demonstrate to myself how bits and pieces of it works. This has the added bonus of being able to put the code in front of my team, to help provide learning info for them. This article is pretty much just showing sample code, and it's for the reader to compare and contrast. There's likely not gonna be too much exposition from me once we get to the code. I'm sure I can pad things out by a few hundred words before we get there though. I am me after all.

This time, I've decided to revisit how to make HTTP requests.

I've got four candidate solutions to look at:

I am aware of PHP's curl extension always being available, but its API is a bit of a mess (it's been part of PHP since the bad old days).

I've also used Guzzle in the past, with mixed success. It started out being simple and handy, and I liked it. But then between a major version bump (I can't remember which versions this occurred between), the old API was basically dumped in favour of a new, non-backwards-compatible, and largely (and pointlessly IMO) overly complex promise-based approach. To provide asynchronicity in HTTP requests. Which was something I never needed and seemed like an odd addition to an HTTP library. I suspect the author had started to look at Node.jS with all its async HTTP shiz, and went "I know… I'll ruin something perfectly useful by adding this crap into it as well". Ugh. However I note Guzzle is still around, so - armed with an open mind - I'll look at that too.

During my googling I have also spied that Symfony has an HTTP client too. It probably always did, but in my last gig we went the Guzzle route, so I had not looked further afield.

Also during my googling (and reading the Guzzle docs), I discovered PHP's own streams extension can be used to make HTTP requests. That sounds interesting, so have decided to give that a go too.

My approach is to create a test class, and add a test for each of those four platforms, to do each of a GET and a POST. They are not complicated tests, it's just a case of getting the thing to do something simple that I can expect results from.

I will also concede that I used Copilot to do probably 80% of the work here, with my polishing that last 20%.


  • curl needs ext-curl installed. It ships with the Docker image, so I didn't have to do anything for this.
  • Installing Guzzle is a matter of adding it as a dependency in composer.json: "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^7.5.0" at time of writing.
  • Similarly with Symfony's HTTP client: "symfony/http-client": "^6.2.2"
  • And PHP's streams lib is native to PHP. No installation necessary.


/** @testdox it can make a GET request */
public function testGet()
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt_array($ch, [
        CURLOPT_URL => '',
        CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $this->getUserAgentForCurl(),
    $response = curl_exec($ch);

    $this->assertEquals(200, curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE));

It also uses these two helper methods:

private function getUserAgentForCurl(): string
    return sprintf("curl/%s", curl_version()['version']);
protected function assertGitInfoIsCorrect(string $response): void
    $myGitMetadata = json_decode($response);
    $this->assertEquals('adamcameron', $myGitMetadata->login);
    $this->assertEquals('Adam Cameron', $myGitMetadata->name);

(A bunch of the other tests below also use that one above).

The GET test in each case will be to get my own GitHub profile and to superficially check it's been fetched properly. BTW I needed that getUserAgentForCurl carry-on because curl by itself does notsent a user agent, and Github says "nuh-uh" if it doesn't get one. So I've just contrived a user agent that is the one that the underlying curl implementation would use (eg: ike if one was doing a curl from bash).

The POST test will post to I only discovered when I was doing this exercise, and I wanted a simple (public) way of echoing back a post request. Handy.

/** @testdox it can make a POST request */
public function testPost()
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt_array($ch, [
        CURLOPT_URL => '',
        CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $this->getUserAgentForCurl(),
        CURLOPT_POST => 1,
        CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => ['foo' => 'bar']
    $response = curl_exec($ch);

    $this->assertEquals(200, curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE));
    $httpBinResponse = json_decode($response);

    $this->assertEquals('bar', $httpBinResponse->form->foo);

An example of what returns is:

        "Content-Type":"multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------b0133bb008e6829b",


First up: I'm really pleased how compact and straight-forward Guzzle's code is for these exercises. And also that one is not forced to write async code for a non-async situation.

/** it can make a GET request */
public function testGet()
    $client = new Client();
    $response = $client->request('GET', '');
    $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
/** @testdox it can make a POST request */
public function testPost()
    $client = new Client();
    $response = $client->request(
        ['form_params' => ['foo' => 'bar']]
    $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
    $httpBinResponse = json_decode($response->getBody());
    $this->assertEquals('bar', $httpBinResponse->form->foo);

I also decided to revisit the async side of things:

/** it can make an asynchronous GET request */
public function testAsyncGet()
    $client = new Client();
    $promise = $client->requestAsync('GET', '');
    $response = $promise->wait();
    $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());

Simple. It seems the current implementation is taking the "async-await" approach with these things like JS has these days.

That was not much of a test though. This time I am gonna make a bunch of requests (which are artificially slow) and make sure they do seem to run asynchronously. I've slung this in my web directory:

// html/test-fixtures/slow.php
$timeToWait = $_GET['timeToWait'] ?? 0;
echo "waited $timeToWait seconds";

And calling that with varying delays:

/** it can make multiple asynchronous GET requests */
public function testMultipleAsyncGet()
    $client = new Client();
    $requestsToMakeConcurrently = [
    $startTime = microtime(true);
    $responses = Promise\Utils::unwrap($requestsToMakeConcurrently);
    $endTime = microtime(true);

    $totalTime = $endTime - $startTime;
    $this->assertGreaterThan(3, $totalTime);
    $this->assertLessThan(4, $totalTime);

    array_walk($responses, function ($response, $i) {
        $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
        $this->assertEquals(sprintf("waited %d seconds", $i+1), $response->getBody());

The assertions there are a bit woolly. I figured it should def take longer than 3sec cos at least one of the requests will take 3sec. Plus there'll be a wee bit of overhead. That overhead ought not be more than a second, so if the whole lot finishes in less than 4sec, it's a pretty good indicator that all three requests were being made simultaneously. It occurs to me now I could perhaps look @ the Nginx activity logs for when the requests come in. Please hold… - - [21/Jan/2023:18:57:49 +0000] "GET /test-fixtures/slow.php?timeToWait=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 27 "-" "GuzzleHttp/7" - - [21/Jan/2023:18:57:50 +0000] "GET /test-fixtures/slow.php?timeToWait=2 HTTP/1.1" 200 27 "-" "GuzzleHttp/7" - - [21/Jan/2023:18:57:51 +0000] "GET /test-fixtures/slow.php?timeToWait=3 HTTP/1.1" 200 27 "-" "GuzzleHttp/7"

Now Nginx is logging when it responds to the request, not when it receives it, so what we can infer from this is that the requests all arrived at 18:57:48, and the 1sec request finished after 1sec at 18:57:49; the 2sec request finished after 2sec @ 18:57:50, and similarly the third one, 3sec, finished after 3 seconds at 18:57:51.

It's easier to see if I make the requests hang on for different periods of time. Here's an example where they take 1sec, 12sec and 23sec respectively: - - [21/Jan/2023:18:59:07 +0000] "GET /test-fixtures/slow.php?timeToWait=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 27 "-" "GuzzleHttp/7" - - [21/Jan/2023:18:59:18 +0000] "GET /test-fixtures/slow.php?timeToWait=12 HTTP/1.1" 200 28 "-" "GuzzleHttp/7" - - [21/Jan/2023:18:59:29 +0000] "GET /test-fixtures/slow.php?timeToWait=23 HTTP/1.1" 200 28 "-" "GuzzleHttp/7"

We can infer they all arrived at 18:59:06. 1sec later at 18:59:07 the first request completed; 12sec later the second one completed at 18:59:18 (18:59:18 - 18:59:06 is 12sec); and lastly the third request - which will take 23sec to run - indeed finishes at 18:59:29 - 18:59:06 = 23sec later.

Excellent. Working as expected.

For completeness I also tested an async POST request:

/** @testdox it can make an asynchronous POST request */
public function testAsyncPost()
    $client = new Client();
    $promise = $client->requestAsync(
        ['form_params' => ['foo' => 'bar']]
    $response = $promise->wait();
    $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
    $httpBinResponse = json_decode($response->getBody());
    $this->assertEquals('bar', $httpBinResponse->form->foo);

No surprises.


/** @testdox it can make a GET request */
public function testGet()
    $client = HttpClient::create();
    $response = $client->request('GET', '');
    $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());

This is identical to the Guzzle example except Symfony uses a factory method to create the client object compared Guzzle just using new; and Guzzle uses getBody instead of Symfony's getContent.

/** @testdox it can make a POST request */
public function testPost()
    $client = HttpClient::create();
    $response = $client->request(
        ['body' => ['foo' => 'bar']]
    $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
    $httpBinResponse = json_decode($response->getContent());
    $this->assertEquals('bar', $httpBinResponse->form->foo);

It's just occurred to me that knowing Symfony, it can likely do async request collections too. And after some googling: sure enough I've found a way ("Symfony › HTTP Client › Concurrent Requests"):

/** it can make multiple asynchronous GET requests */
public function testMultipleAsyncGet()
    $client = HttpClient::create();
    $requestsToMakeConcurrently = [
        $client->request('GET', 'http://nginx/test-fixtures/slow.php?timeToWait=1'),
        $client->request('GET', 'http://nginx/test-fixtures/slow.php?timeToWait=2'),
        $client->request('GET', 'http://nginx/test-fixtures/slow.php?timeToWait=3')
    $stream = $client->stream($requestsToMakeConcurrently);

    $i = 1;
    $startTime = microtime(true);
    foreach ($stream as $response => $chunk) {
        if ($chunk->isLast()) {
            $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
            $this->assertEquals("waited $i seconds", $response->getContent());
    $endTime = microtime(true);
    $totalTime = $endTime - $startTime;
    $this->assertGreaterThan(3, $totalTime);
    $this->assertLessThan(4, $totalTime);

This is analogous to the Guzzle version. It's implementation is not as nice though IMO.

PHP Streams

/** @testdox it can make a GET request */
public function testGet()
    $context = stream_context_create([
        'http' => [
            'method' => 'GET',
            'header' => ['User-Agent: ' . $this->getUserAgentForCurl()]
    $response = file_get_contents('', false, $context);
/** @testdox it can make a POST request */
public function testPost()
    $context = stream_context_create([
        'http' => [
            'method' => 'POST',
            'header' => [
                'User-Agent: ' . $this->getUserAgentForCurl(),
                'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
            'content' => http_build_query(['foo' => 'bar'])
    $response = file_get_contents('', false, $context);
    $httpBinResponse = json_decode($response);
    $this->assertEquals('bar', $httpBinResponse->form->foo);

OK. It's poss just me being pedantic, but I get a bit itchy looking at file_get_contents on a URL. I mean I know an HTTP request is fetching a file - so semantically that's fine - but it still seems odd.


For these superficial test cases, I prefer Guzzle. Doubtless there more one can do with Symfony's HTTP client, because there's always more one can do with Symfony's stuff; but the same will apply with Guzzle too no doubt. I did not know about PHP's streams before, and whilst this might not be a good use of it, there'll likely be other situations to use them.

I'm mostly pleased that Guzzle seems easy to use again, and for both sync and async stuff. Cool.

All the code shown in here is @ /test/integration/http on Github.



PHP: returning to PHP and setting up a PHP8 dev environment


I need to do some PHP work, and for that I need to have a PHP dev environment. I'm very rusty when it comes to PHP - I've not touched it for 2-3 years or so and my old brain doesn't hold on to things very well - and since that time I have shifted to using Docker for my environments anyhow. I've never used PHP in Docker before. So there's a challenge. And what's this? PHP is now up to version 8.2, with 8.3 being tested. The last time I touched PHP 7.2 was the new thing (we were still mostly on 5.5 at that time, that said).

Therefore I have a mini project ahead of me:

  • Get PHP8.2 running in a Docker container.
  • Get Nginx running in a different container, proxying requests to the PHP one.
  • Have Composer up and running.
  • So I can install PHPUnit.
  • And run some basic tests of the installation.
  • With code-coverage reporting on the tests (code coverage requires a debug module to be installed and running too).
  • Also get PHPMD and PHPCS running too.
  • Bonus: be able to run the tests from my IDE, on my host machine.

Success here will be to be able to view the HTML code coverage report, served by Nginx, showing code being covered by testing.

Full disclosure: I did all this a few nights ago, and I am repeating the exercise now for the purposes of this article.

Application file structure

This shows the file system layout I'm aiming for:

/var/www# tree -L 1
|-- docker
|-- html
|-- src
|-- test
`-- vendor

5 directories, 0 files
  • docker.Docker stuff like docker-compose.yml and sub-directories for the various containers' Dockerfiles and other config / assets are in here.
  • html. Files that will be served by Nginx go in here.
  • src. Application code goes here.
  • test. Test code goes here.
  • vendor. The app's Composer dependencies go in here.

This is all standard PHP-app stuff, except my personal decision of how to organise the Docker files.

PHP in a container


The docker-compose.yml service definition is pretty simple:

version: "3"

      context: php
      dockerfile: Dockerfile

    stdin_open: true
    tty: true

      - ..:/var/www

/var/www is the directory the container expected to see PHP stuff in, so I ran with it. It doesn't really matter.


Oh I have a wee .env file too:


Just so the container names are a bit more on-point when they get created.


The Dockerfile, on the other hand, is a bit complicated, and took me ages to google all the crap I needed to get together to make PHP 8.2 work in a container with a real-world set of extensions loaded, etc. Deep breath…

FROM php:8.2.1-fpm

RUN ["apt-get", "update"]
RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "zip", "unzip", "git", "vim"]

COPY php.ini /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini

COPY --from=composer:latest /usr/bin/composer /usr/local/bin/composer

RUN pecl install xdebug && docker-php-ext-enable xdebug
COPY conf.d/xdebug.ini /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-xdebug.ini
COPY conf.d/error_reporting.ini /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/error_reporting.ini

RUN apt-get install -y libicu-dev && docker-php-ext-configure intl && docker-php-ext-install intl

RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "libz-dev", "libzip-dev"]
RUN docker-php-ext-configure zip && docker-php-ext-install zip
RUN docker-php-ext-configure bcmath && docker-php-ext-install bcmath
RUN docker-php-ext-configure pdo_mysql && docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql
RUN docker-php-ext-configure opcache && docker-php-ext-install opcache

RUN curl -1sLf '' | bash
RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "symfony-cli"]

WORKDIR /var/www

I'll go line-by-line, where there is anything noteworthy, or to explain my decisions.

  • php-fpm. I readily concede I have no idea what all the tag variants of PHP images are on Docker Hub. But I have used php-fpm in the past and know it to work. So: running with it. I am specifically not using the Alpine variant as it doesn't come with BASH, and life is too short to negotiate ASH instead. And I am not trying to economise on disk space for this container anyhow.
  • Baseline APT stuff. Composer needs zip, unzip and git (I learned this by trial and error). I need vim.
  • PHP doesn't have a php.ini file by default although needs it. It ships with php.ini-development and php.ini-production, and it's down to the dev to pick which to use. This file is base on php.ini-development, with the following changes (mostly from recommendations from Symfony › Performance › Use the OPcache Byte Code Cache):
    • realpath_cache_size = 4096k
    • realpath_cache_ttl = 600
    • date.timezone = Europe/London
    • opcache.enable=1
    • opcache.memory_consumption=256
    • opcache.max_accelerated_files=20000

    These are all just a matter of "uncommenting the example setting and tweak its value": normal php.ini stuff. No doubt I will further tweak that as I go, but that's a start.
  • Install Composer. It seems odd that Composer doesn't have the ubiquity that there's an APT package for it.
  • Install Xdebug. PHPUnit needs this for code coverage analysis. Plus at some stage I might start coding like a grown-up and use line debugging. Maybe.
  • I was following along the instructions on "Setup Step Debugging in PHP with Xdebug 3 and Docker Compose" to install Xdebug, and it suggested these settings to use. Yeah cool. I do not know any better. See below this list for the file contents.
  • All of this lot are just libraries that the cited PHP extensions need to be able to run.
  • The ultimate object of the exercise (well: the next part of the exercise) is to get Symfony installed in this app. Whilst setting up the PHP extensions I knew I would be wanting, I thought to look-up what Symfony would need too, and its guidance was to install the Symfony CLI and it would tell me (via symfony check:requirements. Hence installing this now. It was Symfony that reminded me to install all the highlighted extensions. handy. It's also handy that the PHP Docker image comes with those docker-php-ext-configure and docker-php-ext-configure utils, as it makes it a lot easier. There's also a bit of dependency-heck (not quite bad enough to use the work "hell" here) going on installing them, cos sometimes - like with libz-dev and libzip-dev - there are upsteam dependencies needed too. I think I got off pretty lightly here, just needing those two.
  • /var/www is where I want to land when I start a shell on the container.
  • I need to set this otherwise Composer complains about installing stuff as root. This'd be an issue in a production container, maybe. But it's not an issue on dev IMO.

Here are those PHP config files I mentioned above in the Xdebug bit:

# docker/php/conf.d/xdebug.ini


  • I added coverage to this, for PHPUnit.
  • The suggested setting for start_with_request was yes for this, but this meant IntelliJ would interrupt PHPUnit every time I ran my tests from the shell, so I've switched it off.
# docker/php/conf.d/error_reporting.ini

Normally I'd set this directly in php.ini, but I actually did this part of the config before I remembered about php.ini needing to be configured, so stuck with it.

After doing that lot I could build the container and bring it up, and run composer install:

/mnt/c/src/containers/php8/docker$ docker-compose build
[+] Building 4.0s (25/25) FINISHED
 => exporting to image                                                                                                                                                                                      0.1s
 => => exporting layers                                                                                                                                                                                     0.0s
 => => writing image sha256:3e9dfd6aca1527f8d0906a0d9f2b2ec2c74ddc0bd9ea9d2b8f0d8b1dce773951                                                                                                                0.0s
 => => naming to                                                                                                                                                                 0.0s

/mnt/c/src/containers/php8/docker$ docker compose up --detach
[+] Running 2/2
 ⠿ Network php8_default  Created                                                                                                                                                                            0.0s
 ⠿ Container php8-php-1  Started                                                                                                                                                                            0.5s

/mnt/c/src/containers/php8/docker$ docker exec -it php8-php-1 /bin/bash

/var/www# composer install
Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
Package operations: 49 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
  - Downloading 
Generating autoload files
41 packages you are using are looking for funding.
Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!
/var/www# composer validate
./composer.json is valid


Speaking of Composer, here's the composer.json file thusfar (don't worry too much about it: I'm including it here for completeness):

    "name" : "adamcameron/php8",
    "description" : "PHP8 containers",
    "type" : "project",
    "license" : "proprietary",
    "require": {
        "php" : "^8.2",
        "ext-iconv": "*",
        "ext-pdo_mysql": "*",
        "ext-mbstring": "*",
        "ext-intl": "*",
        "ext-json": "*",
        "ext-curl": "*",
        "ext-simplexml": "*",
        "ext-zip": "*",
        "ext-pcre": "*",
        "ext-ctype": "*",
        "ext-session": "*",
        "ext-tokenizer": "*",
        "ext-bcmath": "*",
        "ext-zend-opcache": "*",
        "monolog/monolog": "^3.2.0",
        "doctrine/dbal": "^3.5.3"
    "require-dev": {
        "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.5.28",
        "phpmd/phpmd": "^2.13.0",
        "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.7.1"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "adamcameron\\php8\\": "src/"
    "autoload-dev": {
        "psr-4": {
            "adamcameron\\php8\\test\\": "test/"
    "scripts" : {
        "test": "phpunit --testdox test",
        "phpmd": "phpmd src,test text phpmd.xml",
        "phpcs": "phpcs src test",
        "test-all": [

The require section there is not stuff I needed for the install, it's also a bunch of baseline stuff I know I will need for the app I'm heading towards. I don't think there's anything surprising there.

I also already have some PHPUnit, phpmd and phpcs scripts in there. I'll get to those next…

Testing the PHP container

It would not be me if I didn't test stuff. I will admit I did not TDD the bits above, cos that would just be mad. However I wanted to test things worked, so have put a few tests in. Plus part of this is testing the debug module and PHPUnit work together as well.


Here's the phpunit.xml.dist file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <directory suffix=".php">src</directory>
            <html outputDirectory="html/test-coverage-report/" />
        <testsuite name="Integration tests">
        <testsuite name="Unit tests">

All standard stuff, and there's nothing I can say about it that the docs don't already say.


A a few minimal tests, which hopefully are self-explanatory:

// test/integration/PhpTest.php

namespace adamcameron\php8\test\integration;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

/** @testdox Tests of the PHP installation */
class PhpTest extends TestCase
    /** @testdox It has the expected PHP version */
    public function testPhpVersion()
        $expectedPhpVersion = "8.2";
        $actualPhpVersion = phpversion();
            "Expected PHP version to start with $expectedPhpVersion, but got $actualPhpVersion"
// test/integration/ComposerTest.php

namespace adamcameron\php8\test\integration;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

/** @testdox Tests of the Composer installation */
class ComposerTest extends TestCase
    /** @testdox It passes composer validate */
    public function testComposerValidates()
        exec("composer validate 2> /dev/null", $output, $returnCode);
            "Composer validate failed: " . implode("\n", $output)

These two test three things: PHP is running the version I expect; Composer is happy it's configured properly; and PHPUnit itself is running otherwise all this would go splat.

For the code coverage testing I need some source code to test:

// src/Greeter.php

namespace adamcameron\php8;

class Greeter
    public const FORMAL = 1;
    public const INFORMAL = 2;

    public static function greet(string $name, int $style = self::FORMAL): string
        if ($style === self::FORMAL) {
            return "Hello, $name";
        return "Hi, $name";

And a test:

// test/unit/GreeterTest.php

namespace adamcameron\php8\test\unit;

use adamcameron\php8\Greeter;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

/** @testdox Tests of the Greeter class */
class GreeterTest extends TestCase
    /** @testdox It greets formally */
    public function testFormalGreeting()
        $name = "Zachary";
        $expectedGreeting = "Hello, $name";
        $actualGreeting = Greeter::greet($name, Greeter::FORMAL);
            "Expected greeting to be $expectedGreeting, but got $actualGreeting"

    /** @testdox It greets informally */
    public function testInformalGreeting()
        $this->markTestSkipped("skipping this so the coverage report is more interesting");
        $name = "Zachary";
        $expectedGreeting = "Hey, $name";
        $actualGreeting = Greeter::greet($name, Greeter::INFORMAL);
            "Expected greeting to be $expectedGreeting, but got $actualGreeting"

Note how I am skipping one of the tests. This is so code coverage is not 100%.

Running the tests

root@e8896f5d5bd6:/var/www# composer test
> phpunit --testdox test
PHPUnit 9.5.28 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Tests of the Composer installation
  It passes composer validate

Tests of the PHP installation
  It has the expected PHP version

Tests of the Greeter class
  It greets formally
  It greets informally

Time: 00:05.675, Memory: 10.00 MB

Summary of non-successful tests:

Tests of the Greeter class
  It greets informally
OK, but incomplete, skipped, or risky tests!
Tests: 4, Assertions: 3, Skipped: 1.

Generating code coverage report in HTML format ... done [00:01.492]

Cool! It all worked. Let's have a look at the code coverage report. Because I don't have Nginx installed yet I can't browse to it, but I can just open the file in a browser:

I've drilled down the report slightly to show the file I was testing. It's correctly showing that I have only tested one path in the logic. Excellent. This proves that the Xdebug extension is running.

phpmd and phpcs

I've installed these too, and have used a fairly stock config file for each (see: phpmd.xml and phpcs.xml). Running them is dead boring as there's hardly any code, and IntelliJ makes sure it's formatted well:

/var/www# composer phpmd
> phpmd src,test text phpmd.xml
/var/www# composer phpcs
> phpcs src test

FILE: /var/www/src/Greeter.php
 18 | ERROR | [x] The closing brace for the class must go on the next line after the body

Time: 2.51 secs; Memory: 6MB

Script phpcs src test handling the phpcs event returned with error code 2

Ha! I didn't actually expect that. I clearly didn't run this before I did my final commit. If you scroll up to the Greeter.php file, it's complaining that there's an empty line between the last method closing brace and the class's closing brace:

That breaks one of PRS-12's rules. Fair cop. And hey: a good test that it's working!

Nginx in a container


The relevant bit is this:

    context: nginx
    dockerfile: Dockerfile

    - "8008:80"

  stdin_open: true
  tty: true

    - ../html:/usr/share/nginx/html/

Nothing interesting there.


FROM nginx:alpine
WORKDIR /usr/share/nginx/
COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
COPY ./sites/ /etc/nginx/sites-available/
COPY ./conf.d/ /etc/nginx/conf.d/
CMD ["nginx"]

Also nothing noteworthy here. Everything is in the config files.

Nginx config files

I freely admin to pretty much lifting these from other projects I already had. I don't really know what I'm doing with Nginx. I learn enough to achieve some goal, then I forget it all within about 5min.

// docker/nginx/nginx.conf
user  nginx;
worker_processes  4;
daemon off;

error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log debug;
pid        /var/run/;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    include       /etc/nginx/mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;
    access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log;
    sendfile        on;
    keepalive_timeout  65;

    include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
    include /etc/nginx/sites-available/*.conf;
// docker/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
upstream php-upstream {
    server php:9000;
// docker/nginx/sites/default.conf
server {
    listen 80 default_server;
    listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;

    server_name localhost;
    root /usr/share/nginx/html;
    index index.html index.php;

    location / {
        autoindex on;
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;

    location ~ \.php$ {
        try_files $uri /index.php =404;
        fastcgi_pass php-upstream;
        fastcgi_index index.php;
        fastcgi_buffers 16 16k;
        fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /var/www/html/$fastcgi_script_name;
        fastcgi_read_timeout 600;
        include fastcgi_params;

    location ~ /\.ht {
        deny all;

I hope it doesn't seem dismissive or that I'm tired of writing in that I add nothing here. I literally don't know what most of that stuff does, other than where it's obvious.

A test PHP file to browse to

I need to be able to test that Nginx is passing stuff to PHP:

// html/test.php

Having done all that, I rebuild the containers (and note I now have an Nginx one as well), and bring them up.

If I browse to http://localhost:8008/test.php, I get this:

And if I run the PHPUnit tests again, I can now browse to the report via http://localhost:8008/test-coverage-report/. Cool.


OK so I'm gonna consider that a victory. I did some tinkering around in IntelliJ and I can run the unit tests from in there as well, all via drilling into the Docker container and running it from in there, and presenting the results in IntelliJ:

However that took more dicking around than I can be arsed with re-doing right now. I needed a coupla extensions installed, and set the PHP interpreter to be locatable via the config in docker-compose.yml. It's handy anyhow. I need my team to set all this up, so I'll get the first one of them I dump all this on to work it out and write it down, and I'll report back.

I've linked to all the individual files as I reference them, but you could also clone the repo, checkout the 1.0 tag, and you should be able to set this up locally and have a look if you so choose. There are full instructions in the file. I have had one of my team test the instructions out on their own PC, and they seemed to have worked.



Friday 20 January 2023

PHP: PrimaryReadReplicaConnection - configuration / usage example


I've been dusting off my out-of-date PHP skills (such as they are), and I had a right arse of a time finding any documentation for PrimaryReadReplicaConnections via Google, so I'm adding something here for the next time I need to find it. Because knowing me I won't remember.

Back when I was last doing PHP for a living, DBAL had a MasterSlaveConnection class. This was used to create a single composite connnection object that comprising one primary connection - likely to a read/write DB user - and an array of secondary connections - likely to read-replicas of the same. The way it works is that for read-only operations (SELECTs basically). The reasoning being that this would ease up traffic on the primary DB for queries that don't need to be done on it, using the read replicas instead. But for writes, it uses the primary. It's a good idea.

I'm returning to PHP and I need to mentor my team, so I've been writing some code examples to show them how things work in PHP. I googled "MasterSlaveConnection" to RTFM, and found this issue on Github: "RFC: Rename MasterSlaveConnection". OK so MasterSlaveConnection connection has been renamed to PrimaryReadReplicaConnection. Makes sense. So I googled that instead. Frickin nothing. Nothing useful anyhow. Some stuff on setting up a connection in a Doctrine YAML file, and some other references, but I can't find actual docs with an actual useful example of "do it like this".

Before I start, here's a vanilla DBAL connection example for context:

private function getDbalConnection() : Connection
    $parameters = $this->getConnectionParameters();
    return DriverManager::getConnection([
        'dbname' => $parameters->database,
        'user' => $parameters->username,
        'password' => $parameters->password,
        'host' => $parameters->host,
        'port' => $parameters->port,
        'driver' => 'pdo_mysql'

And here's the equivalent for a PrimaryReadReplicaConnection:

private function getPrimaryReadReplicaConnection() : PrimaryReadReplicaConnection
    $parameters = $this->getConnectionParameters();
    return DriverManager::getConnection([
        'wrapperClass' => PrimaryReadReplicaConnection::class,
        'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
        'primary' => [
            'host' => $parameters->host,
            'port' => $parameters->port,
            'user' => $parameters->username,
            'password' => $parameters->password,
            'dbname' => $parameters->database
        'replica' => [[
            'host' => $parameters->readOnlyHost,
            'port' => $parameters->port,
            'user' => $parameters->username,
            'password' => $parameters->password,
            'dbname' => $parameters->database

It's pretty basic really. As with a normal DBAL connection one still uses the DriverManager::getConnection factory method to create a connection.

The difference is with the PrimaryReadReplicaConnection case is one needs to pass the deets of the primary and all the replicas instead of just the one set of connection config:

  • wrapperClass: the class name of the PrimaryReadReplicaConnection class.
  • driver: which DB I'm using.
  • primary; an associative array of the usual connection params for the connection to the primary (read/write) DB connection.
  • replica; an indexed array of associative arrays of connection params to the read replicas. One can pass as many of these as one likes, and I believe the connection wrapper controls how to pick one to sue for a given query. I'm only using one here because I only have one read replica.

I think that replica key should be plural, right? Oh well: can't always get it right I guess.

Here are some tests describing its operations / behaviour:

/** @testdox it will use a read-only connection if it can */
public function testPrimaryReadReplicaConnectionReadOnlyConnection()
    $connection = $this->getPrimaryReadReplicaConnection();

    $result = $connection->executeQuery("SELECT @@VERSION");


false because it's not connected to the primary: it's connected to a replica because it's only doing reading.

/** @testdox a connection will start on a replica then change to the primary and stay there after a write operation */
public function testPrimaryReadReplicaConnectionSwitchToPrimary()
    $testName = "TEST_NAME_" . uniqid();

    $connection = $this->getPrimaryReadReplicaConnection();

    $this->assertFalse($connection->isConnectedToPrimary(), "Should start on a replica");
    try {
        $this->assertTrue($connection->isConnectedToPrimary(), "Should be on the primary in a transaction");
            "INSERT INTO features (name,value) VALUES (:name, :value)", [
            "name" => $testName,
            "value" => "TEST_VALUE",

        $newRow = $connection->executeQuery("SELECT value FROM features WHERE name = ?", [$testName]);
        $this->assertEquals("TEST_VALUE", $newRow->fetchOne());
        $this->assertTrue($connection->isConnectedToPrimary(), "Should still be on the primary after a read following a write");
    } finally {
    $this->assertTrue($connection->isConnectedToPrimary(), "Should still be on the primary after a rollback");

    $connection = $this->getPrimaryReadReplicaConnection();
    $this->assertFalse($connection->isConnectedToPrimary(), "A new connection should start on a replica");

This second one shows something important. A given connection might start on a read replica, but once there's been a first write operation (in this case the transaction singles some writing about to happen, intrinsically) - so the connection switches to the primary writeable connection - it stays on that primary connection. This is for the sake of data reliability: if one writes some data to primary and then tries to read it back later (for whatever reason), there'd be no guarantee the read replica(s) will have received the updates themselves yet, so it's safer to stay on the primary. Good thinking.

And a new connection within the same code will start afresh using a replica if it can.

OK, that's it. I just wanted this noted down some place.

