There's plenty of stuff online about how to do this the old deprecated way, but I couldn't find any example of how to do it the "current" way. So. Here's an example.
NB: the old way is some variant of this sort of thing:
$logger = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\DebugStack();
$config = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration();
$connection = DriverManager::getConnection(
However both DebugStack and setSQLLogger are deprecated. The DebugStack thing is just a logger instance and I didn't want to use that anyhow, but being able to set the logger I did want to use would be nice.
I dug into setSQLLogger, and it says this:
@deprecated Use {@see setMiddlewares()} and {@see \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\Middleware} instead.
OK we'll do that then.
I'll spare you the code, but initially I was trying to set the middlewares (I'm not sure(*) that's the plural of "middleware", guys) on an existing connection object, and that was not working at all. Nothing was being logged. Then I discovered someone else with the same woes as me @ https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/issues/5366, and apparently one cannot actually do this, as the middlewares are only paid-attention-to when the connection is first created, so I needed to pass the config in during connection-creation. This is not well-documented either, but looking at the source code answered that.
Here's what I ended up with in my test:
namespace adamcameron\php8\tests\Functional\Database;
use adamcameron\php8\tests\Integration\Fixtures\Database as DB;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\Middleware;
use Monolog\Handler\TestHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
/** @testdox Tests Database objects */
class DbLoggingTest extends TestCase
/** @testdox It can log SQL traffic */
public function testLogging()
$testLogger = new Logger("test");
$testHandler = new TestHandler();
$middleware = new Middleware($testLogger);
$config = new Configuration();
$connection = DB::getDbalConnection($config);
$result = $connection->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM numbers WHERE id = ?", [5]);
$this->assertEquals([5, 'five', 'rima'], $result->fetchNumeric());
$withSql = array_filter($testHandler->getRecords(), function ($record) {
return in_array('SELECT * FROM numbers WHERE id = ?', $record->context);
$this->assertCount(1, $withSql);
Given Middleware only supports Loggers, I'm not sure this is a great architectural win for DBAL: moving from a clear and on-point description of the functionality to a nebulous, vague, and actually inaccurate term like "Middleware". Oh well.
For the sake of completeness (and an explanation of why I needed to dick around filtering the log to get the one I was looking for, this is what is logged for that call:
array(2) {
[0] =>
class Monolog\LogRecord#363 (7) {
public readonly DateTimeImmutable $datetime =>
class Monolog\DateTimeImmutable#357 (4) {
private $useMicroseconds =>
public $date =>
string(26) "2023-02-02 23:27:14.519171"
public $timezone_type =>
public $timezone =>
string(13) "Europe/London"
public readonly string $channel =>
string(4) "test"
public readonly Monolog\Level $level =>
enum Monolog\Level::Info : int(200);
public readonly string $message =>
string(35) "Connecting with parameters {params}"
public readonly array $context =>
array(1) {
'params' =>
array(6) {
public array $extra =>
array(0) {
public mixed $formatted =>
string(204) "
Connecting with parameters {params}
[1] =>
class Monolog\LogRecord#349 (7) {
public readonly DateTimeImmutable $datetime =>
class Monolog\DateTimeImmutable#348 (4) {
private $useMicroseconds =>
public $date =>
string(26) "2023-02-02 23:27:14.780537"
public $timezone_type =>
public $timezone =>
string(13) "Europe/London"
public readonly string $channel =>
string(4) "test"
public readonly Monolog\Level $level =>
enum Monolog\Level::Debug : int(100);
public readonly string $message =>
string(65) "Executing statement: {sql} (parameters: {params}, types: {types})"
public readonly array $context =>
array(3) {
'sql' =>
string(34) "SELECT * FROM numbers WHERE id = ?"
'params' =>
array(1) {
'types' =>
array(1) {
public array $extra =>
array(0) {
public mixed $formatted =>
string(194) "
Executing statement:
(parameters: {params}, types: {types})
"sql":"SELECT * FROM numbers WHERE id = ?",
(Well that pads the word count…)
I like how it's had the presence of mind to redact the password from the connection params.
Anyway, that's it. I just wanted that code written down somewhere were it can be found.
(*) In fact I've very bloody sure it oughtn't be (and, yesyesyes, I know it's been adopted as such, but this is LCD thinking at work. "-ware" already makes it a mass noun, so… plural).