Sunday 2 May 2021

How TDD and automated testing helped me solve an Nginx config problem I had created for myself


I have a "website" I'm building on as part of a series of articles I'm writing about Lucee / CFWheels / Docker. I have a Docker container running Nginx which proxies requests for CFML code to a Docker container running Lucee.

Due to the nature of web applications, I have my web-accessible assets - JS, CSS, image and "entry point" index.cfm and Application.cfc files - in a public directory off my app root; and adjacent to that I have a src directory for my code, and vendor directory for third-party code (like stuff I install from ForgeBox via CommandBox).

This /public abstraction needs to be hidden from the end user: they're going to want to be browsing to - for example -, not So this means the proxy from Nginx to Lucee also needs to deal with that. It is imperative that no CFML files are publicly exposed other than the aforementioned index.cfm and Application.cfc

I'm terrible at configuring Nginx, and mak a lot of mistakes. Some mistakes are obvious because Nginx flat-out refuses to start. Others are less obvious, and bleed out as "unexpected behaviour" later in the piece. Knowing this, I approached the exercise in a TDD fashion; identifying what cases need addressing and writing tests for them, and then doing the config work to make each pass. Note: my wording is ambiguous there: I did not write more than one test at a time. I wrote a test, then got the config to make that test pass. Then I wrote the next test and reconfigured to make that pass (whilst also keeping the earlier ones passing too). I've already detailed some of this in my earleir article "Adding TestBox, some tests and CFConfig into my Lucee container".

As a result of these efforts to get Nginx working how I expected it to, I ended up with these green tests:

(Ignore how I'm skipping some of these tests. This is down to a bug in CFWheels that doesn't report 404 situations with an actual 404 status code when in dev mode. This does demonstrate though how I identified a shortcoming in behaviour whilst TDDing the work, that said).

And that's great. At every step as I was configuring more and more of Nginx's handling of requests, I could see that any change I made had a) addressed the new requirement; b) not broken any previous requirement. And it was indeed the reality at times that something I tried fixed one issue, but broke something else.

Back to those tests I'm skipping. This showed to me that I was short some cases: CFWheels handles things differently from how I expect it to in some situations, so I figured I had better have two flavours of test: one set for proxying to non-CFWheel-handled URLs; another set for when the URLs are within CFWheels domain. And I'm glad I did make this call, because it showed-up a bug in my Nginx config:

And when I checked those URLs, I saw the problem:

expectedParamValue = "expectedValue"
// ... rest of test not relevant here
    "Expected query param value: [#expectedParamValue#]",
    "Query parameter value was incorrect (URL: #testUrl#)"

But what I was seeing at that URL was this:

Expected query param value: [expectedValue?testParam=expectedValue]

The query string part (including the ?) was being appended to the URL sent to Lucee twice (same problem for both those failing tests). I was pretty puzzled how my previous non-Wheels test was passing, and it still seemed legit. Bemusing. However I was actively appending the query string in my proxy_pass URL, so that was "clearly wrong":

proxy_pass  http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888/public$fastcgi_script_name$is_args$args;

I got rid of that, and figured "I had better go and check why those other tests are passing after I re-run the tests here, to check that change:

Dammit. Now the CFWheels-specific tests are passing, but the non-Wheels ones are failing. Time for me to RTFM, cos I'm clearly doing something wrong here.

The first thing I'm going wrong is here:

proxy_pass  http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888/public$fastcgi_script_name;

$fastcgi_script_name is a PHP thing, and whilst it coincidentally holds the URI I want, it's the wrong thing to have here. So I put $request_uri back in there.

Right and that broke all the path_info CFWheels tests, so wasn't right. I decided to read more closely. It turns out that request_uri is the whole original URI (including the path_info and query string), and thus is ignoring my rewrites, and it was the reason that the query params were getting doubled up. In my rewrite I had this:

location @rewrite {
    rewrite ^/(.*)? /index.cfm$request_uri last;
    rewrite ^ /index.cfm last;
    return 404;

I just wanted $uri, which is just the document URI part of the requested URI, and it also reflects any changes made to that URI during rewrites and what-have-you. So once I used that in my rewrite and for my proxy_pass URL, the tests now look better:

I've abbreviated how long it took me to work this out, and how many cycles of trial end error it too me. Having those automated tests in place were gold because after each iteration I knew how wrong I was - for all cases - in half a second. I didn't need to manually go "OK, did it work for this?" "did it break this other one?" etc, for 20-odd tests.

It was also a big help to me to take the TDD path here, and stop and think & reason about exactly what my expectations ought to be for each of the cases I had. It also lead me to add more cases, such as the combinations of "it has both path_info and query parameters", as well as realising the path through the Nginx config was different for URLs aimed at Wheels (which are completely rewritten), and the ones directly to files in the public directory. I could easily cover both cases by duplicating the tests and changing the URLs sligthly.

Things seem to be working now, but if I find something else wrong, I will first work out what my expectations of it to be right are, and write a quick test for it. Then I'll fix it (without breaking anything else).

For now though: I'm fed-up with Nginx & CFML & CFWheel and I'm gonna do something els for a while. But I'll be back to it later this afternoon: I'm wll behind wehre I want to be with this stuff, and using the bank-holiday weekend to catch up a bit.

The "final" state of my Nginx site config is (docker/nginx/sites/default.conf):

server {
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;

    #rewrite_log on;

    server_name cfml-in-docker.frontend;
    root /usr/share/nginx/html;
    index index.html index.cfm;


    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite;

    location @rewrite {
        rewrite ^/(.*)? /index.cfm$uri last;
        rewrite ^ /index.cfm last;
        return 404;

    location ~ \.(?:cfm|cfc)\b {
        proxy_http_version  1.1;
        proxy_set_header    Connection "";
        proxy_set_header    Host                $host;
        proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-Host    $host;
        proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-Server  $host;
        proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-For     $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;     ## CGI.REMOTE_ADDR
        proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-Proto   $scheme;                        ## CGI.SERVER_PORT_SECURE
        proxy_set_header    X-Real-IP           $remote_addr;
        expires             epoch;

        proxy_pass  http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888/public$uri$is_args$args;

    location ~ /\.ht {
        deny all;

Righto, where's me shooting game?
