Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Part 6: Installing Symfony


These initial boilerplate paragraphs must be getting annoying by now. Sorry. But anyhow, here we go again. Please note that I initially intended this to be a single article, but by the time I had finished the first two sections, it was way too long for a single read, so I've split it into the following sections, each as their own article:

  1. Intro / Nginx
  2. PHP
  3. PHPUnit
  4. Tweaks I made to my Bash environment in my Docker containers
  5. MariaDB
  6. Installing Symfony (this article)
  7. Using Symfony
  8. Testing a simple web page built with Vue.js using Mocha, Chai and Puppeteer
  9. I mess up how I configure my Docker containers
  10. An article about moving files and changing configuration
  11. Setting up a Vue.js project and integrating some existing code into it
  12. Unit testing Vue.js components

As indicated: this is the sixth article in the series, and follows on from Part 5: MariaDB. It's probably best to go have a breeze through the earlier articles first. Also as indicated in earlier articles: I'm a noob with all this stuff so this is basically a log of me working out how to get things working, rather than any sort of informed tutorial on the subject.

For the earlier articles I had mostly tried-out what I was intending to do before I started writing about it. This time I am writing this at the same time as doing the work. To contextualise, all I have done at the moment is open up that article of Martin Pham's I've been following along ("Symfony 5 development with Docker"), and also got the Symfony docs up: "Installing & Setting up the Symfony Framework / Creating Symfony Applications".

First things first I want a failing test for my minimum requirements here, which is that when I GET /greeting/[some name here]/, I receive back a JSON response, along these lines: {"name":"[some name here]","greeting":"G'day [some name here]"}. Here's a test that tests this (tests/functional/SymfonyTest.php):

namespace adamCameron\fullStackExercise\test\functional;

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class SymfonyTest extends TestCase
    /** @coversNothing */
    public function testGreetingsEndPointReturnsPersonalisedGreeting()
        $testName = 'Zachary';
        $expectedGreeting = (object) [
            'name' => $testName,
            'greeting' => "G'day $testName"

        $client = new Client([
            'base_uri' => 'http://webserver.backend/'

        $response = $client->get("greeting/$testName/");
        $this->assertEquals(Response::HTTP_OK, $response->getStatusCode());

        $contentTypes = $response->getHeader('Content-Type');
        $this->assertCount(1, $contentTypes);
        $this->assertSame('application/json', $contentTypes[0]);

        $responseBody = $response->getBody();
        $responseObject = json_decode($responseBody);
        $this->assertEquals($expectedGreeting, $responseObject);

The code is pretty clear, I just perform the GET using "Zachary" as the name, and in return I verify I get a 200 OK response, it's JSON and it has the expected data structure in the body. Simple.

I run the test to check I get a fail with a 404:

root@20ad01609407:/usr/share/fullstackExercise# vendor/bin/phpunit test/functional/SymfonyTest.php
PHPUnit 9.5.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

E                                                                   1 / 1 (100%)

Time: 00:00.670, Memory: 6.00 MB

There was 1 error:

1) adamCameron\fullStackExercise\test\functional\SymfonyTest::testGreetingsEndPointReturnsPersonalisedGreeting
GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Client error: 'GET http://webserver.backend/greetings/Zachary/' resulted in a '404 Not Found' response:
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
<hr><center>nginx/1. (truncated...)

OK what? Why the hell is Guzzle deciding a 404 response - which is completely legitimate - is in some way "exceptional", and warrants an exception being thrown. That's daft. Lemme go RTFM and see if there's a way of me configuring Guzzle to not get ahead of itself and just behave. back in a bit…

… OK, easily solved. There's a config param for the get call that switches that behaviour off. Thanks to the Guzzle docs for making that easy to find ("Request options / http-errors").

$response = $client->get(
    ['http_errors' => false]

And now we get a test that fails as we'd expect it to:

root@20ad01609407:/usr/share/fullstackExercise# vendor/bin/phpunit test/functional/SymfonyTest.php
PHPUnit 9.5.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

F                                                                   1 / 1 (100%)

Time: 00:00.549, Memory: 6.00 MB

There was 1 failure:

1) adamCameron\fullStackExercise\test\functional\SymfonyTest::testGreetingsEndPointReturnsPersonalisedGreeting
Failed asserting that 404 matches expected 200.


Tests: 1, Assertions: 1, Failures: 1.

Generating code coverage report in HTML format ... done [00:01.166]

We're now OK to work out how to get Symfony installed and running, and make an end point that behaves as we need it to.

Or are we? I think I might have got a bit ahead of myself here. I'm back looking at Martin's article, and he says

Let's proceed to the Symfony installation:

$ symfony new src

[…] open http://localhost, you will see a Symfony 5 welcome screen.

OK so I think our first test should be that that Symfony 5 welcome screen works. I've got no idea what the screen says, so let me google for expectations. Right according to Creating your First Symfony App and Adding Authentication by Olususi Oluyemi (from a random Google Images search for "symfony 5 welcome screen") it should look like this:

I'm gonna write a quick test to check for that, and bypass that other test for now:

/** @coversNothing */
public function testSymfonyWelcomeScreenDisplays()

    $client = new Client([
        'base_uri' => 'http://webserver.backend/'

    $response = $client->get(
        ['http_errors' => false]
    $this->assertEquals(Response::HTTP_OK, $response->getStatusCode());

    $html = $response->getBody();
    $document = new \DOMDocument();

    $xpathDocument = new \DOMXPath($document);

    $hasTitle = $xpathDocument->query('/html/head/title[text() = "Welcome to Symfony!"]');
    $this->assertCount(1, $hasTitle);

I was scratching my head guessing what the mark-up around the "Welcome to Symfony x.y.z" text in the body is. It could be <h2> and <h3> tags, or it could just be different font-size stylings. Then I noticed the <title> content, and just decided to check for that. If that string is there: we're good. To start with, we want to be not good, so let's run that test:

root@20ad01609407:/usr/share/fullstackExercise# vendor/bin/phpunit test/functional/SymfonyTest.php
PHPUnit 9.5.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

F                                                                   1 / 1 (100%)

Time: 00:00.555, Memory: 6.00 MB

There was 1 failure:

1) adamCameron\fullStackExercise\test\functional\SymfonyTest::testSymfonyWelcomeScreenDisplays
Failed asserting that actual size 0 matches expected size 1.


Tests: 1, Assertions: 2, Failures: 1.

Generating code coverage report in HTML format ... done [00:01.195]

Right so both Martin's article and the Symfony docs say I need to install Symfony (via Composer), and create an application with it, so I'll do this now.

The first hiccup is that the Symfony installer assumes that yer Symfony app is the centre of the world, and it needs to be the one that creates yer project directory for you. Great. Thanks for that. There's probably (?) a way of coercing it to understand that it's just a frickin' framework and I just need to add it to my existing app which is already underway. This is not so far--fetched I think, but after 15min of googling I drew a blank, so I decided to take a different approach. I'm gonna blow away my stuff to allow Symfony to play its silly little game, and then reintegrate my stuff back into the stuff Symfony creates. After all it's just some tests and composer.json config at present really.

/me thinks things through… OK that won't work. I can't shift all the files out of the fullstackExercise directory because all the Docker stuff is in there, and I can't bring my containers up if they're not there. Without the containers up, I don't have PHP or Composer so I can't do the Symfony install. To be blunt here: screw you, Symfony (well it's actually Composer that is bleating about the directory not being empty I guess. So screw Composer). With Silex? Just add an entry to composer.json, add a line to index.php and that's it. This is how a microframework should work.

Plan B is to do things the other way around. I need to shift my fullStackExercise project directory to have a different name (fullStackExercise.bak) temporarily so I can allow Symfony to create its own one. To do this I need to rejig my docker/docker-compose.yml file and the docker/php-fpm/Dockerfile to reference fullstackExercise.bak. Note that docker/nginx/sites/default.conf file also references root /usr/share/fullstackExercise/public, so at this point I decided that for now I'll just bring up the PHP container for this, so stripped the Nginx and MariaDB stuff out of docker-compose.yml completely. So these are the file changes:


version: '3'


      context: ./php-fpm
      - ../..:/usr/share/src # was ..:/usr/share/fullstackExercise
      - ./php-fpm/root_home:/root
    stdin_open: true # docker run -i
    tty: true        # docker run -t
      - backend

    driver: "bridge"

Note that I've shifted the main volume up one level in the host's directory hierarchy. This is because I need to let Symfony recreate that fullStackExercise at that parent level.


FROM php:8.0-fpm
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install git --yes
RUN apt-get install net-tools iputils-ping --yes
RUN apt-get install zip unzip --yes
RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql
RUN pecl install xdebug-3.0.1 && docker-php-ext-enable xdebug
COPY --from=composer /usr/bin/composer /usr/bin/composer
#WORKDIR  /usr/share/fullstackExercise.bak/
WORKDIR  /usr/share/src/
CMD composer install ; php-fpm

I've made the same change to the WORKDIR here too, to match docker-compose.yml. I've also added in a line to install zip and unzip into the container, because when I was testing this, Composer was bleating about them not being present.

Now in theory if I drop my containers and bring them back up again, I should be able to bash into the PHP container and do the Symfony install:

adam@DESKTOP-QV1A45U:~$ cd /mnt/c/src/fullstackExercise.bak/docker
adam@DESKTOP-QV1A45U:/mnt/c/src/fullstackExercise.bak/docker$ docker-compose down --remove-orphans
Removing network docker_backend
WARNING: Network docker_backend not found.
adam@DESKTOP-QV1A45U:/mnt/c/src/fullstackExercise.bak/docker$ # OK I forgot I had already brought them down

adam@DESKTOP-QV1A45U:/mnt/c/src/fullstackExercise.bak/docker$ docker-compose up --build --detach
Creating network "docker_backend" with driver "bridge"
Building php-fpm
Successfully built 4b8851fefd22
Successfully tagged docker_php-fpm:latest
Creating docker_php-fpm_1 ... done

adam@DESKTOP-QV1A45U:/mnt/c/src/fullstackExercise.bak/docker$ docker exec --interactive --tty docker_php-fpm_1 /bin/bash
root@87420db3da90:/usr/share/src# ll
total 4
drwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000  512 Jan  1 16:16 ./
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Jan  1 16:40 ../
drwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000  512 Dec 20 12:58 fullstackExercise.bak/
root@87420db3da90:/usr/share/src# # so far so good
root@87420db3da90:/usr/share/src# composer create-project symfony/skeleton fullstackExercise
Creating a "symfony/skeleton" project at "./fullstackExercise"
Installing symfony/skeleton (v5.2.99)

Some files may have been created or updated to configure your new packages.
Please review, edit and commit them: these files are yours.

What's next?

  * Run your application:
    1. Go to the project directory
    2. Create your code repository with the git init command
    3. Download the Symfony CLI at to install a development web server

  * Read the documentation at


So far so good. now I just need to move a bunch of stuff back from my app into this one. I'll go ahead and do it, and report back when done, and list what I needed to do…

  • .git/, .idea/ (this is PHPStorm's project config), docker/, log/ directories could just be copied straight across.
  • As could LICENSE, phpcs.xml, phpmd.xml, phpunit.xml,
  • And src/MyClass.php, public/gdayWorld.html and public/gdayWorld.php.
  • The only overlap in .gitignore was the vendor/ directory, otherwise I could just move my bits back in.
  • composer.json was fairly straight forward, but I raised an eyebrow that Symfony seems to suggest using App as a top-level namespace:
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "App\\": "src/",

    To me, using a namespace "App" is like calling a variable something like indexVariable, or totalVariable or something, or naming a class AnimalClass. Ugh. It gets even worse with the testing namespace: App\\Tests\\. For now I'm just adding my own namespacing in as well. Hopefully I don't have to use Symfony's approach here.
  • Symfony uses tests as its test directory; I've always used test, but I'm ambivalent about this so am sticking with Symfony's lead here: I'll change my directory to tests. This will require me changing the namespaces in the test source code files too.
  • Because I've changed composer.json by hand, I'll need get rid of composer.lock and vendor/ and do a composer install again.
  • Lastly I've reverted the Docker files I'd changed above back to how they were before: removing the references to fullstackExercise.bak, and bringing back the Ngxin and MariaDB containers.

OK having done all that, and now will rebuild my containers. Before starting this paragraph I had done all this and had started to fight with an issue I thought I was having with PHPUnit, so I didn't capture the screen showing it all working. It's all just Docker bumpf, then some Composer bumpf, none of which was very surprising, so I'll spare you the detail. Back to the unit test run:

root@51b5afdff6ea:/usr/share/fullstackExercise# vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUnit 9.5.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

F....                                                               5 / 5 (100%)

Time: 00:02.896, Memory: 14.00 MB

There was 1 failure:

1) adamCameron\fullStackExercise\tests\functional\SymfonyTest::testSymfonyWelcomeScreenDisplays
Failed asserting that 404 matches expected 200.


Tests: 5, Assertions: 10, Failures: 1.

Generating code coverage report in HTML format ... done [00:01.152]


Things get weirder cos I hit the site on my host browser:

And that seems fine. First troubleshooting step: factor-out all the code I'm running, and manually curl it from PHP:

root@51b5afdff6ea:/usr/share/fullstackExercise# php -a
Interactive shell

php > $ch = curl_init();
php > curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "webserver.backend");
php > curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
php > $output = curl_exec($ch);
php > curl_close($ch);
php > echo $output;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow,noarchive,nosnippet,noodp,notranslate,noimageindex" />
    <title>Welcome to Symfony!</title>

So there's all the content. Fine.

Next I want to check just Guzzle by itself, to demonstrate to myself it is working fine. I hand-cranked some Guzzle calls from outside of my test code:

root@51b5afdff6ea:/usr/share/fullstackExercise# php -a
Interactive shell

php > require 'vendor/autoload.php';
php > $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri' => 'http://webserver.backend']);
php > $response = $client->get("/");

Warning: Uncaught GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Client error: `GET http://webserver.backend/` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex, (truncated...)

It's still frickin' 404ing.

I scratched my head a lot and googled why guzzle might 404 on something that everything else 200s on. Then I saw it.

That mark-up that is spewing out in the Guzzle error is not generic 404 response. What it is is the content from the Welcome to Symfony! page. I checked something else in my browser…

That "welcome" page? It has a 404 status. Now I can see what they're doing here, and they even warn about it if one pays attn:

However to me a welcome page - that actually has welcome content on it, therefore is precisely what one would be expecting on that URL- is not a 404 situation. Ah well.

So my test is reporting correctly! (Yay for tests!) It's just that the expectations I gave the test were wrong. I need to expect a 404, not a 200. I'll make that change, and now the tests all pass:

root@51b5afdff6ea:/usr/share/fullstackExercise# vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUnit 9.5.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

.....                                                               5 / 5 (100%)

Time: 00:07.614, Memory: 14.00 MB

OK (5 tests, 11 assertions)

Generating code coverage report in HTML format ... done [00:01.173]

Phew. BTW I had to change my test a bit more than I expected:

/** @coversNothing */
public function testSymfonyWelcomeScreenDisplays()

    $client = new Client([
        'base_uri' => 'http://webserver.backend'

    $response = $client->get(
        ['http_errors' => false]
    // unexpectedly perhaps: the welcome page returns a 404. This is "by design"
    $this->assertEquals(Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND, $response->getStatusCode());

    $html = $response->getBody();
    $document = $this->loadHtmlWithoutHtml5ErrorReporting($html);

    $xpathDocument = new \DOMXPath($document);

    $hasTitle = $xpathDocument->query('/html/head/title[text() = "Welcome to Symfony!"]');
    $this->assertCount(1, $hasTitle);

private function loadHtmlWithoutHtml5ErrorReporting($html) : \DOMDocument
    $document = new \DOMDocument();

    return $document;

There's a bug in PHP's HTML loading that makes it barf on HTML5 tags (see "PHP DOMDocument errors/warnings on html5-tags", so I needed to put some mitigation in for that. It's not a great solution, but it works.

Now to try to work out how to implement my /greetings/Zachary route…

But not for now. I've just checked the length of this, and not counting all the code and telemetry, this is already close to 1800 words (it'll be over by the time I finish this outro). I think this exercise of getting the Symfony framework code into my project and up and running is sufficient for a stand-alone article. I'll do a separate article for the "and now let's get it to do something except return a confusing (to me. Cringe) 404 response". I'll crack on with that tomorrow, over here: "Part 7: Using Symfony".

