Showing posts with label Lucee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lucee. Show all posts

Monday, 19 April 2021

Adding TestBox, some tests and CFConfig into my Lucee container


On Fri/Sat (it's currently Sunday evening, but I'll likely not finish this until Monday now) I started looking at getting some CFML stuff running on Lucee in a Docker container (see earlier/other articles in this series: Lucee/CFWheels/Docker series). If you like you can read about that stuff: "Using Docker to strum up an Nginx website serving CFML via Lucee" and "Repro for Lucee weirdness". This article resumes from where I got to with the former one, so that one might be good for some context.

Full disclosure: I spent all today messing around in a spike: experimenting with stuff, and now am finally happy I have got something to report back on, so I have rolled-back the spike and am going to do the "production" version of it via TDD again. I just say this - and it's not the first time - if yer doing TDD it's OK to spike-out and do a bunch of stuff to work out how to do things without testing every step. Especially if yer like me and start from a position of having NFI what you need to do. However once yer done: revert everything and start again, testing-first as you go. What I've done here is save all my stuff in a branch, and now I'm looking at a diff of that and main, as a reference to what I actually need to do, and what is fluff that represents a dead end, or something I didn't need to do anyhow, or whatever.

It needs to only expose public stuff to the public

As per the article subject line, today I'm gonna install a bit more tooling and get me in a better position to do some dev work. The first thing I noticed is that as things stand, the Nginx wesbite is serving everything in the Lucee application root (/var/www), whereas that directory is going to be a home directory for the application code, test code and third-party apps, so I don't want that browsable. I'm going to shift things around a bit. A notional directory structure would be along these lines:

├── public
│   ├── css
│   ├── images
│   ├── js
│   ├── Application.cfc
│   ├── favicon.ico
│   └── index.cfm
├── src
│   └── Application.cfc
├── test
└── vendor
    ├── cfwheels
    └── testbox

I've taken a fairly Composer / PHP approach there, but I could equally follow a more Java-centric approach to the directory structure:

├── com
│   └── ortussolutions
│       └── testBox
├── me
│   └── adamcameron
│       └── cfmlInDocker
│           ├── src
│           │   └── Application.cfc
│           └── test
├── org
│   └── cfwheels
│       └── cfwheels
└── public
    ├── css
    ├── images
    ├── js
    ├── Application.cfc
    ├── favicon.ico
    └── index.cfm

The point being: the website directory and my code and other people's code should be kept well away from one another. That's just common-sense.

Anyway, back to the point. Whichever way I organise the rest of things, only stuff that is supposed to be browsed-to should be browsable. Everything else should not be. So I'm gonna move the website's docroot, as well as the files that need to be served. This is just a "refactoring" exercise, so no tests should change here. We just want to make sure they still all pass.

This just means some changes to docker-compose.yml:

        context: ./lucee
    	- ../public:/var/www
        - ../public:/var/www/public
        - ../root/src:/var/www/src
        - ../test:/var/www/test
        - ../var/log/tomcat:/usr/local/tomcat/log
        - ../var/log/lucee:/opt/lucee/web/logs
        - ./lucee/root_home:/root

And the website config (docker/nginx/sites/default.conf):

location ~ \.(?:cfm|cfc) {
    # ...

    proxy_pass  http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888$fastcgi_script_name$is_args$args;
    proxy_pass  http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888/public$fastcgi_script_name$is_args$args;

Once a rebuild the containers, I get two failing tests. Oops: I did not expect that. What's going on? Checking the front-end, the public-facing website still behaves the same. So… erm …?

One thing that didn't occur to me when doing this change is that a couple of the tests are hitting the internal Lucee website (reminder: the public-facing website for me is http://cfml-in-docker.frontend/ and the internal Lucee web site is http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888/). And that internal website still points to /var/www/, so where previously I'd access http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888/remoteAddrTest.cfm, now the URL for the backend site is be http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888/public/remoteAddrTest.cfm. This is by design (kinda, just… for now), but I forgot about this when I made the change.

This means to me that my change is not simply a refactoring: therefore I need to start with a failing tests. I roll back my config changes, fix the tests so they hit http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888/public/gdayWorld.cfm and http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888//public/remoteAddrTest.cfm respectively, and watch them fail. Good. Now I roll forward my config changes again and see the tests pass: cool. Job done.

Later when I'm reconfiguring things I might remap it to /var/www/public, if I can work out how to do that without hacking Tomcat config files too much. But remember the test case here: It needs to only expose public stuff to the public. And we've achieved that. Let's not worry about a test case we don't need to address for now. Moving on…

It can run tests with TestBox

Currently I am running my tests via a separate container running PHP and PHPUnit. This has been curling the website to test Nginx and Lucee behaviour. Now that I have Lucee working, I can shift the tests to TestBox, which is - as far as I know - the current state of the art when it comes to testing CFML code. It provides both xUnit and Jasmine-style testing syntax.

The test for this is going to be a "physician heal thyself" kind of affair. I'm going to write a TestBox test. Once I can run it and it doesn't just go splat: job done. The test is simply this:

component extends=testbox.system.BaseSpec {

    function run() {
        describe("Baseline TestBox tests", () => {
            it("can verify that true is, indeed, true", () => {

Testbox seems to be web-based. I'd much prefer just running my tests from the shell like I would any other testing framework I've used in the last 7-8 years, but CFML has much more "it's aimed at websites, so evertything is implemented as a website" mentality (hammers and nails spring to mind here). So be it I guess. I do see that TestBox does have the ability to integrate with Ant, but that seems to be via an HTTP request as well. Hrm. What I know is I can't simply do something like testbox /path/to/my/tests or similar. What I do need to do is write a small runner file (runTests.cfm), which I then browse to:

    testBox = new testbox.system.TestBox(directory="cfmlInDocker.test")
    result =
        reporter = "testbox.system.reports.SimpleReporter"

To use that testbox.system and cfmlInDocker.test paths, I need to define mappings for them at application level (ie: not in the same file that uses it, but a different unrelated file, Application.cfc):

component {
    this.mappings = {
        "/cfmlInDocker/test" = expandPath("/test"),
        "/testbox" = expandPath("/vendor/testbox")

And when I browse to that, I get a predictable error:

Let's call that our "failing test".

OK so right, we install TestBox from ForgeBox (think or And to install stuff from ForgeBox I need CommandBox. And that is pretty straight forward; just a change to my Lucee Dockerfile:

FROM lucee/lucee:5.3

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install vim --yes

COPY ./root_home/.bashrc /root/.bashrc
COPY ./root_home/.vimrc /root/.vimrc

WORKDIR  /var/www

RUN curl -fsSl | apt-key add -
RUN echo "deb /" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/commandbox.list
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install apt-transport-https commandbox --yes
RUN echo exit | box

That last step there is because CommandBox needs to configure itself before it works, so I might as well do that when it's first installed.

Once I rebuild the container with that change, we can get CommandBox to install TestBox for us:

root@b73f0836b708:/var/www# box install id=testbox directory=vendor savedev=true
√ | Installing package [forgebox:testbox]
   | √ | Installing package [forgebox:cbstreams@^1.5.0]
   | √ | Installing package [forgebox:mockdatacfc@^3.3.0+22]

root@b73f0836b708:/var/www# ll vendor/
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Apr 19 09:23 ./
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Apr 19 09:23 ../
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4096 Apr 19 09:23 testbox/

Note that commandbox is glacially slow to do anything, so be patient rather than be like me going "WTH is going on here?" Check this out:

root@b73f0836b708:/var/www# time box help

* CommandBox Help

Here is a list of commands in this namespace:

// help stuff elided…

To get further help on any of the items above, type "help command name".

real    0m48.508s
user    0m10.298s
sys     0m2.448s

48 bloody seconds?!?!. Now… fine. I'm doing this inside a Docker container. But even still. Blimey fellas. This is the equivalent for composer:

root@b21019120bca:/usr/share/cfml-in-docker# time composer --help
  help [options] [--] [<command_name>]

// help stuff elided…

To display the list of available commands, please use the list command.

real    0m0.223s
user    0m0.053s
sys     0m0.035s

That is more what I'd expect. I suspect they are strumming up a CFML server inside the box application to execute CFML code to do the processing. Again: hammer and nails eh? But anyway, it's not such a big deal. The important thing is: did it work?

Yes it bloody did! Cool! Worth the wait, I say.

I still need to find a way to run it from the shell, and I also need to work out how to integrate it into my IDE, but I have a minimum baseline of being able to run tests now, so that is cool.

The installation process also generated a box.json file, which is the equivalent of a composer.json / packages.json file:

root@b73f0836b708:/var/www# cat box.json

It doesn't seem to have the corresponding lock file though, so I'm wondering how deployment works. The .json dictates what could be installed (eg: for testbox it's stating it could be anything above 4.2.1+400 but less than 5.0), but there's nothing controlling what is installed. EG: specifically 4.2.1+400. If I run this process tomorrow, I might get 4.3 instead. It doesn't matter so much with dev dependencies, but for production dependencies, one wants to make sure that whatever version is being used on one box will also be what gets installed on another box. Which is why one needs some lock-file concept. The Composer docs explain this better than I have been (and NPM works the same way). Anyway, it's fine for now.

Now that I have the box.json file, I can simply run box install in my Dockerfile:

# …
WORKDIR  /var/www

RUN curl -fsSl | apt-key add -
RUN echo "deb /" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/commandbox.list
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install apt-transport-https commandbox --yes
RUN echo exit | box

COPY ./box.json /var/www/box.json
RUN mkdir -p /var/www/vendor
RUN box install


It runs all the same tests via TestBox as it does via PHPUnit

I'm not going to do some fancy test that actually tests that my tests match some other tests (I'm not that retentive about TDD!). I'm just going to implement the same tests I've already got on PHPUnit in TestBox. Just as some practise at TestBox really. I've used it in the past, but I've forgotten almost everything I used to know about it.

Actually that was pretty painless. I'm glad I took the time to properly document CFScript syntax a few years ago, as I'd forgotten how Railo/Lucee handled tags-in-script, and the actual Lucee docs weren't revealing this to me very quickly. That was the only hitch I had along the way.

All the tests are variations on the same theme, so I'll just repeat one of the CFCs here (NginxProxyToLuceeTest.cfc):

component extends=testbox.system.BaseSpec {

    function run() {
        describe("Tests Nginx proxies CFML requests to Lucee", () => {
            it("proxies a CFM request to Lucee", () => {
                http url="http://cfml-in-docker.frontend/gdayWorld.cfm" result="response";

                expect(response.status_code).toBe( 200, "HTTP status code incorrect")
                expect(response.fileContent.trim()).toBe( "G'day world!", "Response body incorrect")

            it("passes query values to Lucee", () => {
                http url="http://cfml-in-docker.frontend/queryTest.cfm?testParam=expectedValue" result="response";

                expect(response.status_code).toBe( 200, "HTTP status code incorrect")
                expect(response.fileContent.trim()).toBe( "expectedValue", "Query parameter value was incorrect")

            it("passes the upstream remote address to Lucee", () => {
                http url="http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888/public/remoteAddrTest.cfm" result="response";
                expectedRemoteAddr = response.fileContent

                http url="http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888/public/remoteAddrTest.cfm" result="testResponse";
                actualRemoteAddr = testResponse.fileContent

                expect(actualRemoteAddr).toBe(expectedRemoteAddr, "Remote address was incorrect")

The syntax for making an http request uses that weirdo syntax that is neither fish nor fowl (and accordingly confuses Lucee itself as to what's a statement and what isn't, hence needing the semi-colon), but other than that it's all quite tidy.

And evidence of them all running:

I can get rid of the PHP container now!

It uses CFConfig to make some Lucee config tweaks

An observant CFMLer will notice that I did not var my variables in the code above. To non-CFMLers: one generally needs to actively declare a variable as local to the function its in (var myLocalVariable = "something"), otherwise without that var keyword it's global to the object it's in. This was an historically poor design decision by Macromedia, but we're stuck with it now. Kinda. Lucee has a setting such that the var is optional. And I've switched this setting on for this code.

Traditionally settings like this need to be managed through the Lucee Administrator GUI, but I don't wanna have to horse around with that: it's a daft way of setting config. There's no easy out-of-the-box way of making config changes like this outside the GUI, but there's a tool CFConfig that let's me do it with "code". Aside: why is this not called ConfigBox?

Before I do the implementation, I can actually test for this:

component extends=testbox.system.BaseSpec {

    function run() {
        describe("Tests Lucee's config has been tweaked'", () => {
            it("has 'Local scope mode' set to 'modern'", () => {
                testVariable = "value"

                expect(variables).notToHaveKey("testVariable", "testVariable should not be set in variables scope")
                expect(local).toHaveKey("testVariable", "testVariable should be set in local scope")

Out of the box that first expectation will fail. Let's fix that.

Installing CFConfig is done via CommandBox/Forgebox, and I can do that within the Dockerfile:

RUN box install commandbox-cfconfig

Then I can make that setting change, thus:

RUN box cfconfig set localScopeMode=modern to=/opt/lucee/web

I'm going to do one more tweak whilst I'm here. The Admin UI requires a coupla passwords to be set, and by default one needs to do the initial setting via putting it in a file on the server and importing it. Dunno what that's all about, but I'm not having a bar of it. We can sort this out with the Dockerfile and CFConfig too:

FROM lucee/lucee:5.3


# a bunch of stuff elided for brevity…

RUN box install commandbox-cfconfig
RUN box cfconfig set localScopeMode=modern to=/opt/lucee/web
RUN box cfconfig set adminPassword=${LUCEE_PASSWORD} to=/opt/lucee/web # for web admin
RUN echo ${LUCEE_PASSWORD} > /opt/lucee/server/lucee-server/context/password.txt # for server admin (actually seems to deal with both, now that I check)


That argument is passed by docker-compose, via docker-compose.yml:

        context: ./lucee

And that in turn is passed-in via the shell when the containers are built:

adam@DESKTOP-QV1A45U:/mnt/c/src/cfml-in-docker/docker$ LUCEE_PASSWORD=12345678 docker-compose up --build --detach --force-recreate

I'd rather use CFConfig for both the passwords, but I could not find a setting to set the server admin one. I'll ask the CFConfig bods. I did find a setting to just disable the login completely (adminLoginRequired), but I suspect that setting is only for ColdFusion, not Lucee. It didn't work for me on Lucee anyhow.

It has written enough for today

I was gonna try to tackle getting CFWheels installed and running in this exercise too, but this article is already long enough and this seems like a good place to pause. Plus I've just spotted someone being wrong on the internet, and I need to go interject there first.



Saturday, 17 April 2021

Using Docker to strum up an Nginx website serving CFML via Lucee


OK so this is not the blog article I expected to be writing, had you asked me two weeks ago. But here we are. I'll go into the reason why I'm doing this a bit later.

This will be a CFML-oriented version of the "VueJs/Symfony/Docker/TDD series", and has its own tag: "Lucee/CFWheels/Docker series":

  • Nginx website.
  • Proxying for Lucee as the CFML-processing application layer.
  • Running inside Docker containers.
  • TDD the whole enterprise.

If I have time (and any will-to-live remaining), I will add this lot into the mix:

  • Work out how Forgebox works, which seems to be CFML's equivalent of Composer / NPM
  • Use that to install Testbox (CFML-based Jasmine-ish testing framework)
  • And also install CFWheels, a CFML-based framework akin to Ruby on Rails.

I'll also be returning to SublimeText for the first time in seven-or-so years. Apparently it's still a reasonable text editor to use for CFML code.

For those few of you that have started paying attention to me more recently: CFML is not new to me. I spent over a decade as a CFML developer (2001-2013). I shifted to PHP because my erstwhile employer (HostelBookers, CFML shop), was bought by Hostelworld (PHP shop) back then. I've been doing PHP since. That said, I am very rusty with CFML, and - well, hopefully - they CFML landscape has moved on since then too. So whilst I'm not a newbie with CFML stuff, getting Lucee running in a container, Forgebox and CFWheels is entirely new to me.

I'm still gonna be using PHP to do the initial testing of things, because I won't have Testbox running for the first while. So I'll need a PHP container too. I'll refactor this out once I get Testbox in.

It needs a PHP container for running tests

There's nothing new here, and what I've done is largely irrelevant to this exercise, so I'll just list the files and link through to that current state of the files in source control:

adam@DESKTOP-QV1A45U:/mnt/c/src/cfml-in-docker$ tree -a --dirsfirst -I "vendor|.git|.idea"
├── docker
│   ├── php-cli
│   │   ├── root_home
│   │   │   ├── .bash_history
│   │   │   ├── .bashrc
│   │   │   ├── .gitignore
│   │   │   └── .vimrc
│   │   └── Dockerfile
│   ├── .env
│   └── docker-compose.yml
├── test
│   └── php
│       └── SelfTest.php
├── .gitignore
├── composer.json
├── composer.lock
└── phpunit.xml.dist

5 directories, 14 files

The test this just this:

/** @testdox Tests PHPUnit install */
class SelfTest extends TestCase
    /** @testdox it self-tests PHPUnit */
    public function testSelf()

And it passes:

root@18c5eabeb9f2:/usr/share/cfml-in-docker# composer test
> vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox
PHPUnit 9.5.4 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Tests PHPUnit install
it self-tests PHPUnit

Time: 00:00.002, Memory: 6.00 MB

OK (1 test, 1 assertion)

In this instance I could not actually run the test before I implemented the work, for what should seem obvious reasons. However I followed the TDD mindset of just doing the least amount of work possible to make the test pass. I also monkeyed around with the test itself to see it fail if I had an assertion that was no good (I changed the argument to that assertion to false, basically).

The TDD lesson here is: I've set myself a case - "It needs a PHP container for running tests" - and only resolved that case before pausing and assessing the situation. I also didn't move any further forward than I needed to to address that case.

It returns a 200-OK from requests to /gdayWorld.html

Next I need an Nginx container running, and serving a test file. Well: I need the test for that.

/** @testdox Tests Nginx is serving html */
class NginxTest extends TestCase
    /** @testdox It serves gdayWorld.html as 200-OK */
    public function testReturns200OK()
        $client = new Client(['base_uri' => 'http://cfml-in-docker.backend/']);

        $response = $client->get('gdayWorld.html');

        $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
        $content = $response->getBody()->getContents();
        $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression("/^\\s*G'day world!\\s*$/", $content);

Once again, I'll largely just list the added files here, and link through to source control:

adam@DESKTOP-QV1A45U:/mnt/c/src/cfml-in-docker$ tree -a --dirsfirst -I "vendor|.git|.idea"
├── docker
│   ├── nginx
│   │   ├── root_home
│   │   │   ├── .gitignore
│   │   │   ├── .profile
│   │   │   └── .vimrc
│   │   ├── sites
│   │   │   └── default.conf
│   │   ├── Dockerfile
│   │   └── nginx.conf
│   └── [...]
├── public
│   └── gdayWorld.html
├── test
│   └── php
│       ├── NginxTest.php
│       └── [...]
├── var
│   └── log
│       └── nginx
│           ├── .gitkeep
│           ├── access.log
│           └── error.log
└── [...]

12 directories, 25 files

The contents of gdayWorld.html should be obvious from the test, but it's just:

G'day world!

OK so that was all stuff I've done a few times before now. Next… Lucee

It has a Lucee container which serves CFML code via its internal web server

I'm kinda guessing at this next case. I'm gonna need to have a Lucee container, this is a cert. And I recollect Adobe's ColdFusion CFML engine ships with an wee stubbed web server for dev use. I can't recall if Lucee does too. I'm assuming it does. You can see how prepared I am for all this: I've not even RTFMed about the Lucee Docker image on DockerHub yet (I did at least make sure there was one though ;-). The idea is that there's a two-step here: getting the Lucee container up and doing "something", and after that, wire it through from Nginx. But that's a separate case.

Right so this is all new to me, so I'll actually list the files I've created. First the test:

/** @testdox Tests Lucee is serving cfml */
class LuceeTest extends TestCase
    /** @testdox It serves gdayWorld.cfm as 200-OK on Lucee's internal web server */
    public function testReturns200OK()
        $client = new Client(['base_uri' => 'http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888/']);

        $response = $client->get('gdayWorld.cfm');

        $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
        $content = $response->getBody()->getContents();
        $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression("/^\\s*G'day world!\\s*$/", $content);

It's the same as the HTML one except I'm hitting a different host, and on port 8888 (I have now done that RTFM I mentioned, and found the port Lucee serves on by default).

The Dockerfile is simple:

FROM lucee/lucee:5.3

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install vim --yes

COPY ./root_home/.bashrc /root/.bashrc
COPY ./root_home/.vimrc /root/.vimrc

WORKDIR  /var/www


It's more complex than it needs to be as I always like vi installed in my containers because I inevitably need it (this is prescient as it turns out: I definitely did need it).

And the relevant bit from docker-compose.yml:

        context: ./lucee
        - ../public:/var/www
        - ../var/log/tomcat:/usr/local/tomcat/log
        - ../var/log/lucee:/opt/lucee/web/logs
        - ./lucee/root_home:/root
        - "8888:8888"
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
                - cfml-in-docker.lucee

That's mostly just me mapping logging directories back to my host for convenience-sake.

Currently my test file - gdayWorld.cfm - is just plonked in the web root, which is not where one would normally put CFML files (except the application entry point file I mean), but it'll do for now:

<cfset message="G'day world!">

And that's it. After rebuilding my containers and running the tests, everything passes now:

root@a034afe670d4:/usr/share/cfml-in-docker# composer test
> vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox
PHPUnit 9.5.4 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Tests Lucee is serving cfml
It serves gdayWorld.cfm as 200-OK on Lucee's internal web server

Tests Nginx is serving html
It serves gdayWorld.html as 200-OK

Tests PHPUnit install
it self-tests PHPUnit

Time: 00:00.028, Memory: 6.00 MB

OK (3 tests, 5 assertions)

It proxies .cfm requests from Nginx to Lucee

OK so Lucee is working. Painless. Now I need to tell Nginx about it. I have NFI how to do that… I hope Google and/or Stack Overflow does.

After some googling, my recollection that some sort of connector was needed to run between the web server and the application server seems outdated, and all I need to do is use proxy_pass from Nginx to the address Lucee has configured Tomcat to listen on (Lucee runs atop of Tomcat: it's basically a Java Servlet). I can never remember the syntax for this, but fortunately Nando Breiter has documented it in article "Using Nginx With ColdFusion or Lucee". It's also reminded me a few other cases I need to test for, but first the baseline. Well actually first the test:

/** @testdox It proxies a CFM request to Lucee */
public function testCfmReturns200OK()
    $client = new Client(['base_uri' => 'http://cfml-in-docker.frontend/']);

    $response = $client->get('gdayWorld.cfm');

    $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
    $content = $response->getBody()->getContents();
    $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression("/^\\s*G'day world!\\s*$/", $content);

This is the same as the previous one except I'm using the Nginx website's host, and on port 80. Also note I've changed the name of the host to be cfml-in-docker.frontend not cfml-in-docker.backend. This is cosmetic, and just to distinguish between references to stuff happening on the network within the containers (called backend), and addresses browsed from the public-facing websites.

The implementation for this case is simply this, in the website config default.conf:

location ~ \.(?:cfm|cfc) {
    proxy_pass  http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888$fastcgi_script_name;

Adding this and restarting Nginx has that test passing, as well as not interfering with any non-CFML requests (ie: the other Nginx tests still pass).

This config has some shortfalls though. Well I say "shortfalls". Basically I mean it doesn't work properly for a real-world situation. More test cases…

It passes query values to Lucee

The test demonstrates this:

/** @testdox It passes query values to Lucee */
public function testCfmReceivesQueryParameters()
    $client = new Client([
        'base_uri' => 'http://cfml-in-docker.frontend/',
        'http_errors' => false

    $response = $client->get('queryTest.cfm?testParam=expectedValue');

    $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
    $content = $response->getBody()->getContents();
    $this->assertSame("expectedValue", trim($content));

and queryTest.cfm is just this:


If I run this test I get a failure because the 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR response from Lucee doesn't match the expected 200. This happens because Lucee can't see that param value. Because Nginx is not passing it. Easily fixed.

location ~ \.(?:cfm|cfc) {
    proxy_pass  http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888$fastcgi_script_name$is_args$args;

It passes the upstream remote address to Lucee

As it currently stands, Lucee will be receiving all requests as it they came from Nginx, rather than from whoever requested them. This is the nature of proxying, but we can work around this. First the test to set expectations:

/** @testdox It passes the upstream remote address to Lucee */
public function testLuceeReceivesCorrectRemoteAddr()
    $directClient = new Client([
        'base_uri' => 'http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888/',
        'http_errors' => false
    $response = $directClient->get('remoteAddrTest.cfm');
    $expectedRemoteAddr = $response->getBody()->getContents();

    $proxiedClient = new Client([
        'base_uri' => 'http://cfml-in-docker.frontend/',
        'http_errors' => false

    $testResponse = $proxiedClient->get('remoteAddrTest.cfm');

    $this->assertEquals(200, $testResponse->getStatusCode());
    $actualRemoteAddr = $testResponse->getBody()->getContents();
    $this->assertSame($expectedRemoteAddr, $actualRemoteAddr);

And remoteAddrTest.cfm is just this:


This is slightly more complicated than the previous tests, but only in that I can't know what the remote address is of the service running the test, because it could be "anything" (in reality inside these Docker containers, if they're brought up in the same order with the default bridging network, then it'll always be the same, but we don't want to break these tests if unrelated config should happen to change). The best way is to just check what the remote address is if we make the call directly to Lucee, and then expect that value if we make the same call via the Nginx proxy. As of now it fails because Lucee correctly sees the request as coming from the PHP container when we hit Lucee directly; but it sees the request as coming from the Nginx container when using Nginx's proxy. No surprise there. Fortunately Nando had the solution to this baked into his blog article already, so I can just copy and paste his work:

location ~ \.(?:cfm|cfc) {
    proxy_http_version  1.1;
    proxy_set_header    Connection "";
    proxy_set_header    Host                $host;
    proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-Host    $host;
    proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-Server  $host;
    proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-For     $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;     ## CGI.REMOTE_ADDR
    proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-Proto   $scheme;                        ## CGI.SERVER_PORT_SECURE
    proxy_set_header    X-Real-IP           $remote_addr;
    expires             epoch;

    proxy_pass  http://cfml-in-docker.lucee:8888$fastcgi_script_name$is_args$args;

And if I restart Nginx: all good. One more issue to deal with…

It passes URL path_info to Lucee correctly

Something too few people know about, is there's an optional part of a URL between the script name and the query: path info. An example is: That path is nothing to do with the script to be executed or where it's located, it's just… some extra pathing information for the script to do something with. It's seldom used, but it's part of the spec (RFC-3875, section 4.1.5). The spec says this:

The PATH_INFO variable specifies a path to be interpreted by the CGI script. It identifies the resource or sub-resource to be returned by the CGI script, and is derived from the portion of the URI path hierarchy following the part that identifies the script itself.

Anyway, from what I could see of what I have in the Nginx config, I suspected that we're not passing that on to Lucee, so its CGI.path_info value would be blank. A test for this is easy, and much the same as the earlier ones:

/** @testdox It passes URL path_info to Lucee correctly */
public function testLuceeReceivesPathInfo()
    $client = new Client([
        'base_uri' => 'http://cfml-in-docker.frontend/',
        'http_errors' => false

    $response = $client->get('pathInfoTest.cfm/additional/path/info/');

    $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
    $content = $response->getBody()->getContents();
    $this->assertSame("/additional/path/info/", trim($content));

And pathInfoTest.cfm is similarly familiar:


And as I predicted (although as we'll see below, not for the reasons I thought!) the test errors:

> vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox '--filter=testLuceeReceivesPathInfo'
PHPUnit 9.5.4 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Tests Nginx proxies CFML requests to Lucee
It passes URL path_info to Lucee correctly
   Failed asserting that 404 matches expected 200.

Time: 00:00.090, Memory: 8.00 MB

Tests: 1, Assertions: 1, Failures: 1.
Script vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox handling the test event returned with error code 1

At this point I disappeared down a rabbit hole of irritation, as detailed in article "Repro for Lucee weirdness". There are two bottom lines to this:

  1. For reasons best known to [someone other than me], Lucee only handles path_info on requests to index.cfm, but not to any other .cfm file! This can be shown by changing that test by renaming pathInfoTest.cfm to index.cfm, and calling that instead.
  2. Actually Nginx already handles it correctly anyhow. In that the value is passed on already, and I don't need to do anything extra to make it work (as far as Nginx is concerned, anyhow).

I can fix the situation for pathInfoTest.cfm if I hack Lucee's web.xml file (this is down at line 4643):


I could slap a special mapping for it in there. But that's a daft way to deal with this. I'm going to just mark that test as "incomplete", and move on.

Thanks to Pete Freitag, Adam Tuttle, Zac Spitzer and Sean Corfield for putting me on the right direction for working out this particular "WTF, Lucee?" episode.

Speaking of "moving on", I said I'd get the code this far, but only progress onto the more CFML-oriented stuff if I still had will to live. Well Lucee has eroded that for now, so I'll get back to that part later, when I've stopped shaking my fist at the screen.

NB: this has become part of a series of articles, as things get more complicated, and require more effort on my part to achieve my end goal: Lucee/CFWheels/Docker series.



Friday, 16 April 2021

Repro for Lucee weirdness


I'm just having to install Lucee on my machine (see the series of articles labelled with Lucee/CFWheels/Docker series), and have got its Docker version up and running, but I'm seeing some weirdness with it. I was just wondering if someone else could take the time to try a quick experiment for me, and report back.

  1. In a browser-accessible directory, save this code in index.cfm:
    <cfdump var="#{
        script_name = CGI.script_name,
        path_info = CGI.path_info,
        query = url
  2. Browse that file as http://[your test domain, etc]/path/to/that/index.cfm. You should see something like:
  3. Browse that file as http://[your test domain, etc]/path/to/that/index.cfm/extra/path/info?param=value. You should see something like:

    Note how it's correctly extracting the path_info value.

Now repeat the exercise, except instead of index.cfm, call the file testPathInfo.cfm, and browse to that instead.

For me, this works as expected if I'm using index.cfm. But if I use anything else, I just get this error if I have additional path info in the URL:

Note how it's seeing the path_info as part of the script_name, rather than separating it out.

My Lucee install is a fresh one from the the Lucee Docker image on DockerHub. I am only using the built-in web server ATM. However this is stopping me from sorting out the proxy_pass from Nginx… I want to get this ironed out before I move onwards with that.

Also, if anyone fancied running the experiment on CF instead of Lucee, that would be good too. But I'm mostly interested in seeing if this is just me doing something daft (if so: I'm buggered if I know what!), or if there is an issue.

Further investigations after feedback

FWIW I bit the bullet and downloaded and installed ColdFusion. It handles this situation fine:

Also thanks to Sean, Pete and Adam's guidance below; they've identified the issue as being in Lucee's web.xml file:


So the way Lucee works is that only index.cfm (or variant) can have path_info. That's pretty weird.

I've also looked at the servlet spec, and one can only have the single wildcard in the url-pattern, so it's not possible to solve this as *.cfm/* etc. I find it odd that the servlet spec includes the path_info in the "URL" it checks for the pattern. It should only be the script_name as far as I can tell, but they do specifically use everything after the context (the first part of the URL, omitted for Lucee), up to but not including the query part of the URL. If I was a betting person, I'd say the intent here is that the pattern should be an entire subdirectory (so widgets/*), or a file type, based on extension (so *.myServlet). And the people writing the servlet spec didn't think that the file extension is not necessarily the last thing before the ? or the end of the URL.

Still: the spec is clear in how it works, and what Lucee is trying to do with it doesn't work. I suspect they have decided path_info is only for old-skooly human-friendly URLs like this: (as opposed to just I've not seen someone use URLs like that since the early 2000s, and they should not be encouraged anyhow.

Am gonna have a quick look at what ColdFusion does with those mappings…

How ColdFusion handles it

Adobe have cheated and seemed to have patched the URL matcher so it accepts two wildcards, so in web.xml it's got this sort of thing (for each file extension variant):

<servlet-mapping id="coldfusion_mapping_6">

Gets the job done.

Cheers and I appreciate the help.



Saturday, 29 April 2017

CFML: Lucee 13 v 414 v 6 ColdFusion. We have a "winner"

Argh. CFML again. I'm doing this because I was a bit of a meanie to Brad on the CFML Slack Channel, and promised I'd try to play nice with one of our current exercises set out by Ryan:

Todays challenge: post something you can do in CFML that you don’t think the majority of people know. Maybe its a little-known function, or some java integration, or a technique from another language that isn’t common in CFML - or even just something that you’ve learned from this slack group - if you didn’t know it before someone else probably doesn’t know it now. Doesn’t even have to be a good idea or something you’ve ever actually used but bonus points for useful stuff. Can apply to ACF [ed: Adobe ColdFusion, or could just  be ColdFusion or CF. Dunno why ppl say "ACF"] or Lucee but bonus points for something universal.
This is a great idea. And whilst I am trying to not use CFML any more due to it not being a good use of my time, I still try to help other people with it on the Slack channel, and CFML does do some good stuff.

I couldn't think of anything interesting that no-one else would know about, but I figured I'd show people a different approach to something. Just as food for thought.

In CFML, when hitting the DB one receives the data back not as an array of objects or an array of structs, but as a single "Query Object", which internally contains the data, and exposes access to said data by various functions, methods, and statements. This is fine which restricted to CFML code, but increasingly code these days needs to interchange with other systems, and sometimes it's a bit of a pain converting from a Query object to something more interchangeable like... an array of objects (or structs in CFML). There's no native method to do this, but it's easy enough to do with a reduction:

// fake a DB call
numbers = queryNew("id,en,mi", "integer,varchar,varchar", [

numbersAsArray = numbers.reduce(function(elements, row){
    return elements.append(row);
}, []);


(run this yerself on

Here I'm faking the DB hit, but that can be chained together too:

numbersAsArray = queryExecute("SELECT * FROM numbers")
    .reduce(function(rows, row){
        return rows.append(row);
    }, []);

All good, and nice and compact. Not very inspiring though.

So as a next step I decided to add some more method calls in there. Let's say I only wanted numbers greater than 5, I wanted the keys in the structs to be different from the ones in the DB, and I wanted it sorted in reverse order. Obviously this is all easily done in the DB:

numbers = queryExecute("
    SELECT id AS value, en AS english, mi AS maori
    FROM numbers
    WHERE id > 5

But sometimes we have to play the hand we've been dealt, and we cannot change the recordset we're getting back.

Of course we could also do this with a query-of-query too, but CFML's internal SQL implementation offers... "challenges" of its own, so let's forget about that.

Anyway, I ended up with this:

numbersAsArray = queryExecute("SELECT * FROM numbers")
        return > 5;
        return {, english=row.en, maori=row.mi};
    }, queryNew("value,english,maori"))
    .reduce(function(rows=[], row){
        return rows.append(row);
        return e2.value - e1.value;

That's all straight forward. We retain only the rows we want with filter, we change the column names with map, and again convert the result to be an array of structs with reduce, then finally we re-order them with sort.

That's cool. And the result is...


Huh? I mean literally... the value of numbersAsArray was "YES". Groan. For the uninitiated, the string "YES" is a boolean truthy value in CFML (CFML also has true and false, but it favours "YES" and "NO" for some common-sense-defying reason). And indeed some old-school CFML functions which should have been void functions instead return "YES". But the method versions should not: methods - where sensible - should return a result so they can be chained to the next method call. Like I'm trying to do here: the end of the chain should be the answer.

I could see how this would continue, so I decided to start keeping score of the bugs I found whilst undertaking this exercise.

ColdFusion: 1.

I pared my code back to get rid of any irrelevant bits for the sake of a SSCCE, and ran it on Lucee for comparison. I just got an error, but not one I expected.

I have an Application.cfc set up her to define my datasource, and I had this:

component { = getCurrentTemplatePath().hash();
    this.datasource = "scratch_mysql";

Now I didn't need the DSN for this SSCCE, but the Application.cfc was still running obviously. And it seems Lucee does not implement the hash method:

Lucee Error (expression)
MessageNo matching Method/Function for String.hash() found

Lucee joins the scoring:

ColdFusion 1 - 1 Lucee

I use the hash function instead of the method to name my application, and at least now Lucee gets to the code I want to run.

numbers = queryNew("id,en,mi", "integer,varchar,varchar", [

reversed = numbers.sort(function(n1,n2){
    return -;


And the result:

Execution Time: 0 ms
Record Count: 4
Cached: No
Lazy: No 
Execution Time: 0 ms
Record Count: 4
Cached: No
Lazy: No 

Hang on. Lucee's changed the initial query as well. If it's returning the result, then it should not also be changing the initial value. But I'm gonna say this is due to a sort of sideways compatibility with ColdFusion:


As it doesn't return the value from the method, it makes sense to act on the initial value itself.

But if Lucee's gonna copy ColdFusion (which it should be) then it should be copying it properly.

ColdFusion 1 - 2 Lucee

To mitigate this, I decide to duplicate the initial query first:

reversed = numbers.duplicate();
    return -;

This works fine on ColdFusion:


But breaks on Lucee:

No matching Method/Function for Query.duplicate() found on line 9

Hmmm. Well I s'pose the duplicate method doesn't seem to be documented, but it was added in CF2016. This is getting in my way, so I'm still chalking it up to an incompat in Lucee:

ColdFusion 1 - 3 Lucee

(I probably should add a documentation bug with ColdFusion too, but that's a separate matter).

Anyway, that's mostly an aside. In my example what I am sorting is an intermediary value anyhow, so it doesn't matter that it gets sorted as well as being returned. For my purposes I am not using ColdFusion any more, just Lucee, as I'm specifically showing the method chaining thing, and we already know ColdFusion messes this up with how sort works.

So here we go, all done:

numbers = queryExecute("SELECT * FROM numbers")
        return {, english=row.en, maori=row.mi};
    }, queryNew("value,english,maori"))
        return row.value > 5;
        return e2.value - e1.value;
    .reduce(function(rows, row){
        return rows.append(row);
    }, [])


And the output:


OK, now WTF is going on? Lucee hasn't remapped the columns properly. it's added the new ones, but it's also included the old ones. It ain't supposed to do that. Contrast ColdFusion & Lucee with some more simple code:

numbers = queryNew("id,en,mi", "integer,varchar,varchar", [
remapTemplate = queryNew("value,english,maori"); 

reMapped ={
    return {, english=row.en, maori=row.mi};
}, remapTemplate);





Execution Time: 0 ms
Record Count: 4
Cached: No
Lazy: No 

Sigh. What's supposed to be returned by a map operation on a query is a new query with only the columns from that remapTemplate query. That's what it's for.

ColdFusion 1 - 4 Lucee

On a whim I decided to check what Lucee did to the remapTemplate:

Execution Time: 0 ms
Record Count: 4
Cached: No
Lazy: No 

ColdFusion 1 - 5 Lucee

This situation is slightly contrived as I don't care about that query anyhow. But what if I was using an extant query which had important data in it?

remapTemplate = queryNew("value,english,maori", "integer,varchar,varchar", [
    [5, "five", "rima"]

So here I have a query with some data in it, and for whatever reason I want to remap the numbers query to have the same columns as this one. But obviously I don't want it otherwise messed with. Lucee mungs it though:

Execution Time: 0 ms
Record Count: 5
Cached: No
Lazy: No 

Not cool.

But wait. We're not done yet. Let's go back to some of my original code I was only running on ColdFusion:

numbersAsArray = queryExecute("SELECT id,mi FROM numbers LIMIT 4")
    .reduce(function(rows=[], row){
        return rows.append(row);

This was part of the first example, I've just ditched the filter, map and sort: focusing on the reduce. On ColdFusion I get what I'd expect:


On Lucee I get this:

Lucee Error (expression)
Messagecan't call method [append] on object, object is null
StacktraceThe Error Occurred in
queryReduceSimple.cfm: line 4 
2: numbersAsArray = queryExecute("SELECT id,mi FROM numbers LIMIT 4")
3: .reduce(function(rows=[], row){
4: return rows.append(row);
5: })
6: ;

Hmmm. What's wrong now? Oh. It's this:

reduce(function(rows=[], row)

Notice how I am giving a default value to the first argument there. This doesn't work in Lucee.

ColdFusion 1 - 6 Lucee

This is easy to work around, because reduce functions take an optional last argument which is the initial value for that first argument to the callback, so I can just re-adjust the code like this:

.reduce(function(rows , row){
    return rows.append(row);
}, [])

OK, at this point I give up. Neither implementation of CFML here - either ColdFusion's or Lucee's - is good enough to do what I want to do. Oddly: Lucee is far worse on this occasion than ColdFusion is. That's disappointing.

So currently the score is 1-6 to Lucee. How did I get to 4-13?

I decided to write some test cases with TestBox to demonstrate what ought to be happening. And with the case of duplicate, I tested all native data-types I can think of:

  • struct
  • array
  • query
  • string
  • double (I guess "numeric" in CFML)
  • datetime
  • boolean
  • XML

Lucee failed the whole lot, and ColdFusion failed on numerics and booleans. As this is undocumented behaviour this might seem a bit harsh, but I'm not counting documentation errors against ColdFusion in this case. Also there's no way I'd actually expect numerics and booleans to have a duplicate method... except for the fact that strings do. Now this isn't a method bubbling through from java.lang.String, nor is it some Java method of ColdFusion's string implementation (they're just java.lang.Strings). This is an actively-created CFML member function. So it seems to me that - I guess for the sake of completeness - they implemented for "every" data type... I mean it doesn't make a great deal of sense on a datetime either, really, does it? So the omission of it from numerics and booleans is a bug to me.

This leaves the score:

ColdFusion 3 - 13 Lucee

The last ColdFusion point was cos despite the fact that with the sort operation it makes sense to alter the initial object if the method doesn't return the sorted one... it just doesn't make sense that the sort method has been implemented that way. It should leave the original object alone and return a new sorted object.

ColdFusion 4 - 13 Lucee

My test cases are too long to reproduce here, but you can see 'em on Github: Tests.cfc.

Right so...


... I was about to say "right, so that's that: not a great experience coming up with something cool to show to the CFMLers about CFML. Cos shit just didn't work. I found 17 bugs instead".

But I just had a thought about how sort methods work in ColdFusion, trying to find examples of where sort methods return the sorted object, rather than doing an inline support. And I I've found more bugs with both ColdFusion and Lucee.

Here are the cases:

component extends="testbox.system.BaseSpec" {
    function run() {
        describe("Other sort tests", function(){
            it("is a baseline showing using BIFs as a callback", function(){
                var testString = "AbCd";
                var applyTo = function(object, operation){
                    return operation(object);

                var result = applyTo(testString, ucase);
            describe("using arrays", function(){
                it("can use a function expression calling compareNoCase as a string comparator when sorting", function(){
                    var arrayToSort = ["d","C","b","A"];
                        return compareNoCase(e1, e2);
                it("can use the compareNoCase BIF as a string comparator when sorting", function(){
                    var arrayToSort = ["d","C","b","A"];
            describe("using lists", function(){
                it("can use a function expression calling compareNoCase as a string comparator when sorting", function(){
                    var listToSort = "d,C,b,A";
                    var sortedList = listToSort.listSort(function(e1,e2){
                        return compareNoCase(e1, e2);
                it("can use the compareNoCase BIF as a string comparator when sorting", function(){
                    var listToSort = "d,C,b,A";
                    var sortedList = listToSort.listSort(compareNoCase);

What I'm doing here is using CFML built-in functions as the callbacks for a sort operation. This should work, because the sort operation needs a comparator function which works exactly like compare / compareNoCase: returns <0, 0, >0 depending on whether the first argument is "less than", "equal to" or "greater than" the second object according to the sort rules. As far as strings go, the built-in functions compare and compareNoCase do this. So they should be usable as callbacks. Since I think CF2016 built-in-functions have been first-class functions, so should be usable wherever something expects a function as an argument.

The first test demonstrates this in action. I have a very contrived situation where I have a function applyTo, which takes an object and a function to apply to it. In the test I pass-in the built-in function ucase as the operation. This test passes fine on ColdFusion; fails on Lucee.

ColdFusion 4 - 14 Lucee

So after I've demonstrated the technique should work, I try to use compareNoCase as the comparator for an array sort. it just doesn't work: it does nothing on ColdFusion, and on Lucee it still just errors (not gonna count that against Lucee, as it's the same bug as in the baseline test).

ColdFusion 5 - 14 Lucee

Next I try to use it on a listSort. This time ColdFusion errors as well. So this is a different bug than the doesn't-do-anything one for arrays.

ColdFusion 6 - 14 Lucee

Here are the results for just this latter tranche of test cases:



Fuck me, I've giving up.

This has been the most shit experience I've ever had trying to get CFML to do something. I don't think any of this code is edge-case stuff. Those higher-order functions are perhaps not as commonly used as they ought to be by the CFMLers out there, but I'm just... trying to use them.

So... sorry Brad & Ryan... I tried to come up with something worth showing to the mob that's useful in CFML, but I've failed. And my gut reaction to this exercise is that CFML can go fuck itself, basically.

