Adam Cameron's Dev Blog
"Adam Cameron - what is this guy's deal?" - DJgrassyknoll
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Tuesday 28 November 2017
quandary implemented in other languages
G'day: A coupla days ago I bleated about array_map [having] a dumb implementation . I had what I thought was an obvious application fo...
Saturday 30 January 2016
CFML (or probably LuceeLang) and what constitutes "The Truth"
G'day: This all stems from a Jira ticket for Lucee: " Redefining truthy and falsey values (LDEV-449) ". The way the ticket is...
Friday 22 January 2016
Groovy: making and using a jar file
G'day: First up: there's nothing clever in any of this, and I'm approaching it as a newbie. I just had to work out how to do th...
Tuesday 19 January 2016
Floating point arithmetic with decimals
G'day: As a human... what is the value of z , after you process this pseudocode with your wetware: x = 17.76 y = 100 z = x * y Hope...
Saturday 7 December 2013
CFML weirdness with chr(0)
G'day: I was trying to help someone on Stack Overflow y/day with their question " How to pad a string with null/zero-bytes in Cold...
Groovy: G'day World
G'day: I'm investigating some ColdFusion stupidity (more on that after this article), and as part of my comparison of the behaviour...
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