Friday 16 November 2012

Slashes are not more important than people

First things first

CFHour is asking people to donate money for the relief of victims of Hurricane Sandy.

To encourage people to donate, they are running a competition to win a copy of ColdFusion Builder.  Details are on their site, but I've repeated them below to get the message across as quickly as possible (guys, please let me know if I don't have this exactly right, I'll update it).

Donate some money to a charity that is targeting the relief of victims of Hurricane Sandy. Take a photo of the receipt and post it somewhere on the 'net that can be viewed (obscure any sensitive personal info!), then tweet the URL along with a hash-tag of #CFHourCares.

I've just got home from work, having listened to the latest CFHour podcast whilst on the train / walking. As always, it was a good listen and I recommend it. Even if I got slightly pilloried this week (not on the whole unjustly... But I shall be following that up... ;-).

However the guys pointed out something that rather pisses me off.

They observed that that dumb article I wrote about trailing slashes garnered 20-odd comments (34 as I type), and is rapidly becoming my most-browsed-to article, whereas they've only had on person enter their competition to help people who have been victims of Hurricane Sandy.

That's a bit rubbish.

I know I solicited the attention by writing a divisive article, but come on... It's sh!t that trailing slashes get more attention than hurricane victims. Yeah, it's a banal analysis, but it's poignant if nothing else.

So here's a request: if you were a commenter on that article, please go donate some money and enter the CFHour competition.

I'd already donated separately, but I'm gonna donate again (if I can trick the US Red Cross website into taking a donation from the UK, which I could not do before).

Here are the competition details again:

Donate some money to a charity that is targeting the relief of victims of Hurricane Sandy.  Take a photo of the receipt and post it somewhere on the 'net that can be viewed (obscure any sensitive personal info!), then tweet the URL along with a hash-tag of #CFHourCares.

Even if you didn't comment on the article: go donate some money and enter the competition.


Do it.


