Adam Cameron's Dev Blog
"Adam Cameron - what is this guy's deal?" - DJgrassyknoll
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Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Random PHP (7) bits: improvements to generators
G'day: I was gonna have a look at output buffering in PHP today, but my attention has been hijacked by PHP 7. So instead I'm gonna ...
Saturday, 11 October 2014
CFML: emulating generators with closure
G'day: Half way through my other article this morning (" PHP: Inspired by Duncan: palindromes via generators "), I was thinki...
PHP: Inspired by Duncan: palindromes via generators
G'day: My mate Dunc is making a habit of being my muse @ the moment. I guess it's cos we're both learning PHP at the same time,...
Friday, 26 September 2014
PHP: another generator example: primes
G'day: Duncan has mused me again. He's reworking his Project Euler exercises that he'd previously done in CFML, and is now impl...
Saturday, 20 September 2014
PHP: generators
G'day: Duncan's my muse today. Like me, my mate Duncan has recently moved from our defunct CFML team to the PHP team. And like me, ...
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