Showing posts with label Design Patterns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Design Patterns. Show all posts

Saturday 23 January 2016

Dependency injection strategy discussion

Our dev department is spread across two campuses: at our head office in Dublin, and the one I'm based at in London.

Yesterday (Friday) the London bods had our weekly Dev Team catch-up, to discuss various issues that cropped up during the week which need more concerted discussion than an "ad hoc make a decision and get on with it" situation might resolve.

One of the chief discussion points is our dependency injection strategy, and the question was raised if we're doing it right, as it seems there were a few code smells creeping in in places.

As coincidence would have it... when we got out of the meeting a few of us had an email in our inbox from one of our mates in Dublin who was amidst much the same dilemma in some code he was working on.

This resulted in a further discussion between the London people, rounding out the afternoon. I think we clarified a few things really well, re-formalised our DI strategy in our heads, and identified some code we need to look at to work out what the actual cause of the smell is. What was really good is at the end of it we all agreed with where we got to, and the direction to take. As we have a few people who like holding fair strong opinions in the team ([raises his hand gingerly]), this is encouraging.

The gist of the conversation is worth repeating I reckon, and I hope the relevant parties don't mind. And I reckon it shows our team in pretty good light so I reckon the bosses won't mind either. I'm sure I'll find out if not!

OK, so - as you probably know - we're a PHP shop. For the main project I work on ( - we have just finished retiring the old ColdFusion-based site ("The end of ColdFusion"), replacing it with a PHP one running on the Silex micro-framework. Silex is built around Pimple, Sensio's DI Container. I've written a bit about Silex and Pimple if you want to get the gist of it.

Very quickly, Pimple implements DI via the notion of service providers, one of which might look like this (this is sample code from an earlier blog article: it's not code from our own app, nor is any code in this article):

namespace \dac\silexdemo\providers;

class ServiceProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface {

    use Silex\ServiceProviderInterface;
    use Silex\Application;
    use \dac\silexdemo\beans;

    public function register(Application $app){
        $app["services.user"] = $app->share(function($app) {
            return new services\User($app["factories.user"], $app["services.guzzle.client"]);

        $app["services.guzzle.client"] = function() {
            return new Client();
    public function boot(Application $app){
        // no booting requirements

There's a register() method within which one defines all the objects and their dependencies, and a boot() method for calling code on a a defined object to be run before it's used. As all of these are defined using closures, no objects are actually created until they need to be used. Cool.

In this example I'm defining some services, but we define everything via service providers: services, controllers, repositories, factories, helpers etc.

We're defining the user service object there, and you can see from that that its constructor expects a coupla dependencies:

function __construct($userFactory, $guzzleClient){
    $this->userFactory = $userFactory;
    $this->guzzleClient = $guzzleClient;

From there, all the code in UserService can use the dependency to help out with its logic. Fairly standard stuff.

The chief conceit here is that we definitely use configuration over convention, and we configure our objects explicitly with the dependencies they need. UserService needs a UserFactory and it needs a GuzzleClient, so we specifically pass those in.

Aside: a word on configuration over convention

I really dislike the "convention" approach to pretty much anything like this... DI config... routing config etc. The reason being that the framework should simply busy itself with frameworking stuff, it should not be dictating to me how I write my code. That is not the job of the framework (be it a DI one or an MVC one). Also conventions are very opinionated, and we all know what is said about opinions. Frameworks that implement convention over configuration position the code as if the framework is the central element to the application, wherein it really ought to simply be some code that sits off to one side, and just gets on with it. My application is what is central to the application.

People will claim that it's easier to use convention of configuration, but I don't believe "easier" should be a primary consideration when designing one's app. Especially when it's "easier to use the framework", rather than "intrinsically good design".

But I digress.

This is fine, and there's no alarm bells ringing there.

Well one slight alarm might that say the object we're defining might have some actual OO type properties. This is a really contrived example (not to mention wrong) example, but this illustrates it: